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发表于 2008-4-11 19:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2008-4-12 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
这个很好, 学习了,从历史的层面看西藏和中国, 从客观积极的层面谈新中国给西藏带来的变化.
发表于 2008-4-23 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-24 14:37 | 显示全部楼层


Tibet: The Truth (A Political History)

My name is Chris Nebe. I am the creator of theMysterious China series—it is a collection of award-winningdocumentaries which showcase the epic cultural heritage of China. Giventhe recent events of March 2008, I believe it is important to clarifythe political history of Tibet.

Tibet is about half the size ofEurope, with a population of only 3 million. As far back as from the13th century, Tibet was officially listed as part of the Middle Kingdomin the maps of the Yuan Dynasty, one of the most progressive Chinesedynasties. Buddhism, a religion that originated in India, wasintroduced to Tibet in the 7th century. Tibetan Lamaism is a form ofBuddhism, intermingled with Bön—the ancient indigenous religion ofTibet. Lamaism made every effort to suppress Bön for the centuries tofollow. With the introduction of Buddhism from India came the Indiancaste system in all its demeaning form. Rigid laws divided Tibetans inthree Castes, each Caste compromised three ranks. The first Casteincluded the living Buddha, upper-senior class monks and thearistocracy. Their lives are valued in pure gold, equal to their bodyweight. The second Caste included lower ranking monks, officials andmerchants. The third Caste was for manual labourers, women, butchers,blacksmiths, hunters, herdsmen and entertainers. Their lives werevalued equal to a rope of straw. The first Caste made up less than 5%of the Tibetans, but they were the ruling class. They owned all theland, pastures, forests, mountains, rivers and lakes, as well as thebulk of the livestock. 95% of the Tibetans were slaves or serfs. Thefirst Cast enjoyed the right to enslave, and to buy and sell slaves andserfs. In the eyes of their masters, they were no more than beasts ofburden. For centuries, ordinary Tibetans suffered barbaric exploitationand subjugation all in the name of a Feudal Theocracy.

Whendiscussing Tibet, it is important to realise that for much of China'sepic 5,000 years of civilisation, they were far more advanced thanWestern cultures. The Chinese were the first to invent paper, papermoney, printed books, gun powder, porcelain, cast iron and the magneticcompass. During the last 2 centuries, however, China's relationshipwith the rest has been tragic, because of the oppressive, colonialwestern powers and imperial Japan. Subsequently, for protection, Chinaisolated itself from the outside world. The result is that today Chinais still a developing nation facing many problems, but it is rapidlysolving them with ingenuity and diligence. In recent years, officialdocuments have come to light which exposed that many plots, hatched byforeign interests, to carve off a piece of Tibet or split the entirewestern region from China. In the history of the world it is arguablethat no greater injustice has been recorded than the racist, criminaland barbaric treatment of China by the colonial, imperialistic powersled by Great Britain in the so-called Opium Wars in the 19th century.The population of China decreased by over 60 million in the period ofthese conflicts and attacks from foreign powers. China's population atthat time was only around 400 million. In the ceaseless efforts to takeadvantage of China, the British, while ruling India, created apolitical incident in the early part of last century: an annexed andsemi-tropical region south of the Himalayas. This area had been part ofChina since ancient times, when this was a holly place for theworshipers of the indigenous Tibetan religion known as Bön. Afterdeclaring independence a few years later, the Indian governmentincorporated the new annexed area into the new India. To this day, thisborder dispute remains unsolved and continues to taint Indo-Chineserelations. With British support and encouragement, Tibet declaredindependence from China in 1913. This claim of independence was neveracknowledged by China as it had much more pressing problems to dealwith: the Qing Dynasty had fallen, and the new central government inBeijing faced many problems trying to consolidate the rest of China,all the while fighting warlords backed by foreign powers.

It wasin 1950, after ending the Chinese civil war and defeating the imperialJapanese army, that the central government firmly asserted its presencein Tibet. In 1959, backed by British interests, a war broke out inTibet. The central government quickly quelled the rebellion of the richand ruling Theocratic elite, sending the Dalai Lama and his entourageof senior monks and nobles to India where they have remained eversince. During those centuries, the Chinese central government had notinvolved themselves in the internal affairs of the disported, FeudalTheocracy of Tibet. After 1959, however, the central governmentabolished all privileges of the Tibetan Theocracy once and for all. Anextensive land reform was enacted, providing former slaves theirhomeland to till. Livestock breading and herding was encouraged and neweconomy built. For the first time in history, the majority of theTibetans wave to take on tour their lives and decide their own destiny.Tibet has been catapulted in the 21st century by far-reaching reformsand the creation of a state of the art infrastructure withsuperhighways, user-friendly airports and the famous Tibetan Express,which connects Tibet with the highly industrialised east of China andultimately the world. The Tibetan economy has flourished and createdfor the mental, socio-economic changes in this once impoverished,inaccessible and remote western region of China. The harmoniouscoexistence of modern Tibet's daily life with a deep religious devotionof the Tibetans is a remarkable result of the central government'spolicies.

It is very sad that once again, outside powers aretrying to discredit and embarrass China. Especially in the year of the2008 Beijing Olympics, we should refrain from passing unfair and unjustjudgement. The Chinese are joyfully preparing for the Olympic Games inpeace and harmony. We must not muddy the Olympic Games with politicalintrigue. We should honour the wisdom of Confucius: don't do to otherswhat you do not want them to do to you. Study history, not the media.The truth is not to be found in a television broadcast.



我名字是基斯.纳贝, 是《神秘中国》的创造人。那是一套获奖无数展现中国文化承传史诗的纪录片集。鉴于2008三月一连串事件, 我相信有厘清西藏政治历史的必要。

西藏面积大概是欧洲的一半, 人口不足300万。远溯13世纪时, 西藏已在当时中国最前进的王朝之一的元朝的许多地图里被正式列入《中国》版图。佛教是源于印度的宗教, 在7世纪时传到西藏。西藏的喇嘛教(注: 又名藏传佛教)是混合了西藏古老原始宗教《本教》(注: Bon, or Bonpo, 是藏传佛教五大宗派之一)的佛教一支。喇嘛教在其后数世纪千方百计压制本教的发展。随着佛教由印度传入, 同时也全盘引入极为不平等的印度种姓阶级社会制度。严厉的规定把西藏人划分为三个阶级, 代表三个等别。第一等包括所有活佛, 高等长老喇嘛及贵族。他们生命的价值是以等同他们体重的纯金来计算的。第二等包括低层喇嘛, 官员和商人。第三等是那些劳工, 女人, 屠夫, 铁匠, 猎人, 牧民和艺人, 他们性命的价值只是一根草绳。第一等人约占西藏人的5%, 但他们却是统治阶层。他们拥有所有土地, 草原, 森林, 山岭, 河流和湖泊, 以及所有牲畜。95%的西藏人是奴隶和农奴。第一等人享有奴役权与买卖奴隶农奴的权利。在奴隶主眼里, 奴隶农奴跟禽兽没有分别。恒古以来, 一般西藏人在封建神权名义下被受野蛮的长期剥削与压迫。

讨论西藏时, 很重要一点是要了解以中国悠长五千年历史文化, 在许多方面是胜过西方文化的。中国人率先发明纸张, 纸币, 印刷, 火药, 瓷器, 铸铁, 和指南针。但在最近两世纪内, 由于横霸的殖民西方强权和帝国日本, 中国与西方的交往是悲哀的。其后, 出于自卫, 中国把自己与世界隔绝锁国。结果是中国目前仍然是一个面对许多问题的发展中, 可是它以创意与努力迅速解决难题。近年来, 次第曝光的官方文件显示外国势力多次策划阴谋要把西藏甚至是整个西部自中国分裂出去。

在世界历史里, 以英国为首在19世纪的所谓鸦片战争, 殖民帝国主义列强对中国做出的种族歧视, 罪行, 野蛮行为的纪录, 是可质疑是旷古未有的不公的。在与外国列强冲突和被侵略期间, 中国人口下降了6,000万。当时中国人口大概只有4亿。在这些无止境鱼肉中国的尝试中, 英国趁自己统治印度, 在上世纪初时制造政治事端, 强占了喜马拉亚南面一块亚热带的地域。这地方从远古就是西藏古老宗教名为本教的信众崇拜的圣地, 是中国的一部份。数年后, 印度宣布独立而把这强占的土地收入新印度。时至今日, 这边界纷争仍未决而一直成中印关系的污点。在英国支持耸动下, 西藏于1913年宣布脱离中国独立。但这独立诉求一直没有被中国承认, 因为它有太多迫切问题有待处理。清朝被推翻, 新的中央政府面临许多困难力图全国统一, 一直跟外国列强撑腰的军阀战斗。直至1950年中国内战结束, 打败了日本帝国入侵军队后, 中央政府才能毅然维护进驻西藏的主权。 在英国势力支持下, 1959年西藏发生暴乱。中央政府很快镇压了富豪和神权精英的叛, 使dl喇嘛和他周围的长老喇嘛及贵族流亡到印度, 逗留至今。

数世纪以来, 中国中央政府都不涉入西藏封建神权的内政游戏。可是1959年后, 中央政府永远废除了西藏神权的一切特权, 同时立法推行大规模的土地改革, 使之前的奴隶都有自己土地耕作, 也鼓励畜牧, 建立了新的经济。有史以来, 大多数西藏人终于能掌控自己的生活, 决定自己命运。21世纪的西藏透过深广的改革及匠心独运的基础建设而快速发展, 有超级公路, 方便的机场, 还有著名的青藏铁路把西藏跟高度工业化的中国东部连接, 延伸至世界。西藏经济已发展起来, 而且为这曾经一度是贫穷偏僻难及的中国西陲创造了思想上. 社会经济上的改变。现代化西藏日常生活与藏人对宗教无比的虔诚协调并存, 皆因中央政府政策所致。

特别在2008北京奥运之际, 外界势力企图贬抑中国, 使之尴尬是很遗憾的事。我们应自律发表不公平, 不公正的评论。中国人民正在兴高彩烈的筹办一个和平协调的奥运。我们不能以政治阴谋使奥运蒙污。我们应借鉴孔子的智慧:“己所不欲, 勿施于人”。细阅历史而不是传媒。事实不是在电视广播里能找得到的。

发表于 2008-4-24 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
我是事先徵求Chris Nebe先生同意, 作這次翻譯的.
他回覆的email 我會保存起來.

如可以的話, 是否能有製作高手, 把翻譯製成字幕, 跟短片一起同步

我有一個疑慮是, Chris Nebe 有數個鏡頭是明顯持稿在唸
所以現在有些聲音是說, 他是受僱中國政府或人來拍製的.
從旁述文字, 是有點支持中央政策的文字, 但似乎語氣還是有一點點不一樣.
发表于 2008-4-26 06:41 | 显示全部楼层

因收到Mr. Nebe公司正式文稿, 故修正原,譯稿

Tibet: The Truth (A Political History)

Myname is Chris Nebe. I am the creator of the MYSTERIOUS CHINA SERIES, acollection of award-winning feature length documentaries, which showcase theepic cultural heritage of China.Given the recent events of March 2008, I believe it is important to clarify thepolitical history of Tibet.

Tibet is about half the size of Europe with a population of only 3 million.
Asfar back as the 13th Century Tibetwas officially listed as part of the Middle Kingdom in the maps of the YuanDynasty, one of the most progressive Chinese Dynasties.

Buddhism,a religion that
originated in India was introduced to Tibet in the7th Century.

TibetanLamaism is a form of Buddhism intermingled with BON, the ancient indigenousreligion of Tibet.Lamaism made every effort to suppress BON for the centuries to follow.
Withthe introduction of Buddhism from India came the Indian caste systemin all its demeaning form. Rigid laws divided Tibetans in three castes. Eachcaste comprised three ranks.

TheFirst Caste included the Living Buddha, upper senior class monks and thearistocracy.
Theirlives were valued in pure gold equal to their body weight.
TheSecond Caste included lower ranking monks, officials and merchants.
TheThird Caste was for manual laborers, women, butchers, blacksmiths, hunters,herdsmen and entertainers.  

Their lifewas valued equal to a rope of straw.

TheFirst Caste made up less than Five (5%) Percent of the Tibetans, but they werethe ruling class.
Theyowned all the land, pastures, forests, mountains, rivers and lakes, as well asthe bulk of the live stock.
NinetyFive (95%) Percent of the Tibetans were slaves or serfs.
Thefirst Caste enjoyed the right to enslave and to buy and sell slaves and serfs.In the eyes of their masters they were no better than beasts of burden.
ForCenturies ordinary Tibetans suffered barbaric exploitation and subjugation allin the name of a feudal theocracy.

Whendiscussing Tibet it isimportant to realize that for much of China's epic 5000 years ofcivilization, they were far more advanced than Western cultures.
TheChinese were the first to invent paper, paper money, printed books, gunpowder,porcelain, cast iron and the magnetic compass.

Duringthe last two Centuries however, China'srelationship with the West has been tragic, because of the oppressive ColonialWestern Powers and Imperial Japan. Subsequently, for protection, China isolateditself from the outside world. The result is that today China is stilla developing nation, facing many problems, but it is rapidly solving them withingenuity and diligence.

Inrecent years official documents have come to light, which expose the manyplots, hatched by foreign interests, to carve off a piece of Tibet or split theentire Western Region from China.

Inthe history of the world it is arguable that no greater injustice has beenrecorded than the racist, criminal and barbaric treatment of China by thecolonial imperialistic powers, led by Great Britain in the so called Opium Warsin the 19th Century.The population of China decreased by over 60 million in theperiod of these conflicts and attacks from foreign powers. China'spopulation at that time was only around 400 million.

Intheir ceaseless efforts to take advantage of China, the British while rulingIndia, created a political incident in the early part of the last Century andannexed a semi-tropical region south of the Himalayas, which had been part ofChina since ancient times, when this was a holy place for the worshippers ofthe indigenous Tibetan religion known as BON.
Afterdeclaring independence, a few years later, the Indian Government incorporatedthe annexed area into the new India.
Tothis day, this border dispute remains unsolved and continues to taintIndo-Chinese relations.

WithBritish support and encouragement, Tibetdeclared independence from Chinain 1913.
Thisclaim of independence was never acknowledged by China, as it had much more pressingproblems to deal with.
TheQing Dynasty had fallen and
the newCentral Government in Beijing faced manyproblems trying to consolidate the rest of China, all the while fightingwarlords backed by foreign powers.

Itwas in 1950 after ending the Chinese Civil war and defeating the ImperialJapanese Army that the Central Government firmly asserted its presence in Tibet.

In1959, backed again by British interests a revolt broke out in Tibet.
TheCentral Government quickly quelled the rebellion of the rich and rulingtheocratic elite.
Sendingthe Dalai Lama and his entourage of senior monks and nobles
to India, where they have remainedever since.

Duringthose Centuries, the Chinese Central Government had not involved themselves inthe internal affairs of the despotic feudal theocracy of Tibet.
After1959 however, the Central Government abolished all privileges of theTibetantheocracy once and for all.
Anextensive land reform was enacted, providing former slaves their own land totill.

Livestockbreeding and herding was encouraged; a new economy built.
Forthe first time in history the majority of Tibetans were able to take control oftheir lives and decide their own destiny.

Tibet has been catapulted intothe 21st Century by far reaching reforms and the creation of a state of the artinfrastructure, with super highways, user-friendly aiports and the famousTibetan Express, which connects Tibetwith the highly industrialized East of China and ultimately the world.

TheTibetan enconomy has flourished and created fundamental socio-economic changesin this once impoverished and inaccessible remote Western Region of China. Theharmonious coexistence of modern Tibet'sdaily life with the deep religious devotion of the Tibetans is a remarkableresult of the Central Goverment's policies.

Itis very sad, that once again outside powers are trying to discredit andembarrass China.
Especiallyin the year of the 2008 Beijing Olympics we should refrain from passing unfairand unjust judgement.
TheChinese are joyfully preparing for the Olympics in the spirit of peace andharmony.
Wemust not muddy the time honored Olympic games with political intrigue.
Weshould honor the wisdom of Confucius: Don't do to others, what you do not wantthem to do to you!
Pleasestudy history, not the media. Truth is not to be found in a television broadcast.



我名字是基斯.倪贝, 是《神秘中国》系列的创作人。那是一套获奖无数展现中国文化承传史诗的纪录片集。鉴于2008三月一连串事件, 我相信有厘清西藏政治历史的必要。

西藏面积大概是欧洲的一半, 人口不足300万。远溯13世纪时, 西藏已在当时中国最前取的王朝之一的元朝的许多地图里被正式列入《中国》版图。佛教是源于印度的宗教, 在7世纪时传到西藏。西藏的喇嘛教(注: 又名藏传佛教)是混合了西藏古老原始宗教《本教》(注: Bon, or Bonpo, 是藏传佛教五大宗派之一)的佛教一支。喇嘛教在其后数世纪千方百计压制本教的发展。随着佛教由印度传入, 同时也全盘引入极为不平等的印度种姓阶级社会制度。严厉的规定把西藏人划分为三个种姓, 每一种姓包含三个等别。第一等包括活佛, 高级长老喇嘛及贵族。他们生命的价值是以等同他们体重的纯金来计算的。第二等包括低层喇嘛, 官员和商人。第三等是那些劳工, 妇女, 屠夫, 铁匠, 猎人, 牧民和艺人, 他们性命的价值只是一根草绳。第一等人约占西藏人的5%, 但他们却是统治阶层。他们拥有所有土地, 草原, 森林, 山岭, 河流和湖泊, 以及大多数牲畜。95%的西藏人是奴隶和农奴。第一等人享有奴役权与买卖奴隶农奴的权利。在奴隶主眼里, 奴隶农奴跟驮负的牲畜没有分别。恒古以来, 一般西藏人完全在封建神权名义下被野蛮的剥削与压迫。

讨论西藏时, 很重要一点是要了解以中国悠长五千年历史文明, 在许多方面是胜过西方文化的。中国人率先发明纸张, 纸币, 印刷, 火药, 瓷器, 铸铁, 和指南针。但在最近两世纪内, 由于横霸的殖民西方强权和帝国日本, 中国与西方的交往是悲哀的。其后, 自我保护, 中国把自己与世界隔绝锁国。结果是中国目前仍是一个面对许多问题的发展中国家, 可是它以创意与努力迅速解决难题。近年来, 次第曝光的官方文件显示外国势力多次策划阴谋要把西藏甚至是整个西部自中国分裂出去。

在世界历史里, 以英国为首在19世纪的所谓鸦片战争, 殖民帝国主义列强对中国做出的种族歧视, 罪行, 野蛮行为的纪录, 可谓前所未有的不公。在与外国列强冲突和被侵略期间, 中国人口下降了6,000万。当时中国人口大概只有4亿。在他们没了期诈求中国的作为里, 英国趁自己统治印度, 在上世纪初时制造政治事端, 强占了喜马拉亚南面一块亚热带的地域。这地方从远古就是名为《本教》的西藏古老宗教的信众崇拜的圣地, 是中国的一部份。数年后, 印度宣布独立而把这强占的土地并吞入新印度。时至今日, 这边界纷争仍未决而一直成中印关系的污点。在英国支持耸动下, 西藏于1913年宣布脱离中国独立。但这独立诉求一直没有被中国承认, 因为它有太多迫切问题有待处理。清朝被推翻, 新的中央政府面临许多困难力图全国统一, 一直跟外国列强撑腰的军阀战斗。直至1950年中国内战结束, 打败了日本帝国入侵军队后, 中央政府才能果毅明确其在西藏的主权。 在英国势力支持下, 1959年西藏发生暴乱。中央政府很快镇压了富豪和神权精英的叛变, 使dl喇嘛和他身边的长老喇嘛及贵族流亡到印度, 逗留至今。

数世纪以来, 中国中央政府都不涉入西藏暴虐封建神权的内政。可是1959年后, 中央政府永远废除了西藏神权的一切特权。同时立法推行大规模的土地改革, 使之前的奴隶都有自己土地耕作。鼓励畜牧, 建立了新的经济。有史以来, 大多数西藏人终于能掌控自己的生活, 决定自己命运。21世纪的西藏透过深广的改革及匠心独运的基础建设而快速发展, 有超级公路, 方便的机场, 还有著名的青藏铁路把西藏跟高度工业化的中国东部连接, 延伸至世界。西藏经济已发展起来, 而且为这曾经一度是贫穷偏僻隔阂的中国西陲创造了思想上. 社会经济上的改变。西藏现代化日常生活与藏人对宗教无比的虔诚和谐并存, 皆因中央政府政策所致。

很遗憾, 外在势力又一再企图贬抑中国, 让中国尴尬。特别值2008北京奥运之际, 我们应避免发表不公平, 不公正的评论。中国人民正在兴高彩烈的本着和平祥谐的精神筹办奥运。我们不能以政治阴谋使奥运蒙污。我们应记取孔子的智慧:“己所不欲, 勿施于人”。请细读历史而不是传媒。事实不是能在电视广播里能找得到的。

转载请注明出处   http://bbs.m4.cn
发表于 2008-5-4 20:43 | 显示全部楼层



我已用 window movie maker把譯文加為中文字幕了,
但製成的檔卻大得厲害, 如果壓縮處理, 畫面跟聲帶效果又太差,
不知一般理想的壓縮比例是多少 %??

現在檔案是大概 68000+ KB左右, 請高手指點一下, 謝謝
发表于 2008-5-13 10:47 | 显示全部楼层

Monarex 已將有中文字幕的短片登出


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