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[15/12/08 美联社]中国工业产值增长进一步放缓

发表于 2008-12-15 18:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China's factory outputslows further                       中国工业产值进一步放缓


BEIJING (AP) — Growth in China'sfactory output fell to its lowest level in nearly seven years astrade plunged, data showed Monday, adding to the threat of heavy joblosses that could fuel unrest.
Industrial output rose 5.4 percentin November from a year earlier, down from October's 8.2 percentgrowth, the National Bureau of Statistics reported. An employee ofthe bureau who refused to give his name said it was the smallestmonthly expansion since February 2002, when factory output grew by2.7 percent.
The industrial weakness could befelt around the world as Chinese factories stop buying foreign rawmaterials. Manufacturing makes up 40 percent of China's economy andemploys tens of millions of people. The loss of paychecks couldundermine government efforts to shield it from the global downturn.
Demand has fallen so fast thatfactory output may already have started to shrink in December,according to Moody's Economy.com economist Sherman Chan.
Moody's Economy.com的经济学家ShermanChan表示,需求下降的太快,12月工业总值可能就已经开始畏缩。
"More and more job cuts in themanufacturing sector — which will curb consumer demand — willhave wide ramifications in the domestic economy," Chan said in areport. "Beijing will need to do all they can to revivesentiment and prevent social unrest."
Communist leaders have warned ofrising instability due to job losses and are pressing employers tominimize layoffs as Beijing rolls out measures to insulate China fromthe global economic slowdown.
Factory layoffs are rising incoastal regions that depend on exports, and the malaise is spreadinginland as domestic demand for steel, autos and other goods weakens.Labor protests have occurred in Guangdong province in the southeast,a hub for export-driven manufacturing.
Exports fell unexpectedly inNovember for the first time in seven years. Auto sales in Novemberwere down 16 percent from a year earlier, according to the industryminister. He said last week the country has yet to see the bottom ofits economic decline.
The economy is expected to expand byabout 9 percent this year — down from 11.9 percent in 2007 — butanalysts have repeatedly cut growth forecasts for next year.
The World Bank has slashed its 2009growth forecast from 9.2 percent to 7.5 percent. Last week, GoldmanSachs cut its forecast from 7.5 percent to 6 percent. On Monday,Merrill Lynch cut its growth outlook from 8.6 percent to 8 percent.
Such growth would be the fastest forany major economy. But such a sharp decline is ominous for communistleaders who must create jobs for millions of new workers each yearand satisfy a Chinese public that expects steadily rising incomes.
Over the weekend, the Cabinetannounced it will increase China's money supply, or the amount ofmoney circulating through the economy, by 17 percent next year toboost consumer spending and insulate the country from the globaldownturn.
That came on top of a 4 trillionyuan ($586 billion) stimulus package announced in November that ismeant to create jobs and spur economic growth through higher spendingon construction and other projects.
The drop in industrial activitycould be especially painful for China's Asian neighbors and economiesas far away as Australia and Brazil that supply industrialcomponents, iron ore and other raw materials.
Half of China's nearly $1 trillionin imports last year was industrial components used in goods thatwere re-exported. Other foreign materials were used in steel andother goods for which domestic Chinese demand also has dropped.

[ 本帖最后由 woodorw 于 2008-12-15 19:00 编辑 ]




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