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发表于 2008-4-11 20:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
HRES 1077 IH


2d Session

H. RES. 1077

Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown in Tibet and enter into a substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to find a negotiated solution that respects the distinctive language, culture, religious identity, and fundamental freedoms of all Tibetans, and for other purposes.


April 3, 2008
Ms. PELOSI (for herself, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. INSLEE, Ms. SOLIS, Ms. NORTON, and Mr. HOLT) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs



Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown in Tibet and enter into a substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to find a negotiated solution that respects the distinctive language, culture, religious identity, and fundamental freedoms of all Tibetans, and for other purposes.
Whereas March 10, 2008, marked the 49th anniversary of a historic uprising against Chinese rule over the Tibetan people, which forced His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to escape into exile in India;
Whereas Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns in and around Lhasa were blocked by Chinese authorities from staging peaceful demonstrations on this anniversary date and were met with excessive force by the Chinese authorities;
Whereas protests by Tibetans spread inside the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas of China;
Whereas the accumulated grievances of almost six decades of cultural, religious, economic, and linguistic repression of the Tibetan people by the Government of the People's Republic of China has resulted in resentments which are at the root of the Tibetan protests;
Whereas resentment of the Chinese Government by the Tibetan people has increased sharply since 2005 as a result of Chinese policies, laws, and regulations that have reduced economic opportunity for Tibetans and severely eroded the ability of Tibetans to preserve their distinctive language, culture, and religious identity;
Whereas the response by the Chinese Government to the Tibetan protests was disproportionate and extreme, reportedly resulting in the deaths of hundreds and the detention of thousands of Tibetans;
Whereas there have been reports that some Tibetans engaged in rioting that may have resulted in the destruction of government and private property, as well as the deaths of civilians;
Whereas His Holiness the Dalai Lama has used his leadership to promote democracy, freedom, and peace for the Tibetan people through a negotiated settlement of the Tibet issue, based on autonomy within the context of China;
Whereas six rounds of dialogue between representatives of the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials have not resulted in meaningful progress;
Whereas the Chinese Government has rebuffed calls by the President of the United States, the United States Congress, and world leaders to respond positively to the Dalai Lama's willingness to be personally involved in discussions with Chinese leaders on the future of Tibet ;
Whereas the Chinese Government has denigrated the Dalai Lama, labeling him as `a splittist' and `a wolf in monk's robes', thereby further alienating Tibetans who consider the Dalai Lama their spiritual leader;
Whereas the Dalai Lama was recognized for his contribution to world peace when he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989;
Whereas the United States Congress, in recognition of the Dalai Lama's outstanding moral and religious leadership and his advocacy of nonviolence, awarded him with the Congressional Gold Medal on October 17, 2007;
Whereas the Chinese Government has failed to honor its commitment to improve the human rights situation in China as a condition for Beijing being selected as the site for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games;
Whereas the Chinese Government has impeded the access of international journalists to Tibetan areas of China and distorted reports of events surrounding the Tibetan protests, thereby violating the commitment it made that `there will be no restrictions on media reporting and movement of journalists up to and including the Olympic Games';
Whereas for many years, the Chinese Government has restricted the ability of foreign journalists and foreign government officials, including United States Government officials, to freely travel in Tibetan areas of China, thereby curtailing access to information on the situation in Tibetan areas;
Whereas the Chinese Government's use of propaganda during the protests to demonize Tibetans and incite ethnic nationalism is exACerbating ethnic tensions and is counterproductive to resolving the situation;
Whereas the United States Department of State included the People's Republic of China among the group of countries described as `the most systematic violators of human rights' in the introduction of the 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and in previous Human Rights Reports, but did not do so in the 2007 Human Rights Report, despite no evidence of significant improvements in the human rights situation in China in the past year; and
Whereas it is the policy of the United States `to support the aspirations of the Tibetan people to safeguard their distinct identity' and `to support economic development, cultural preservation, health care, and education and environmental sustainability for Tibetans inside Tibet' , in accordance with the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note): Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the United States House of Representatives--

(1) calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown on nonviolent Tibetan protestors and its continuing cultural, religious, economic, and linguistic repression inside Tibet ;

(2) calls on the Chinese Government to begin a results-based dialogue, without preconditions, directly with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to address the legitimate grievances of the Tibetan people and provide for a long-term solution that respects the human rights and dignity of every Tibetan;

(3) calls on the Chinese Government to allow independent international monitors and journalists, free and unfettered access to the Tibet Autonomous Region and all other Tibetan areas of China for the purpose of monitoring and documenting events surrounding the Tibetan protests and to verify that individuals injured receive adequate medical care;

(4) calls on the Chinese Government to immediately release all Tibetans who are imprisoned for nonviolently expressing opposition to Chinese Government policies in Tibet ;

(5) calls on the United States Department of State to publicly issue a statement reconsidering its decision not to include the People's Republic of China among the group of countries described as `the world's most systematic human rights violators' in the introduction of the 2007 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; and

(6) calls on the United States Department of State to fully implement the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note), including the stipulation that the Secretary of State `seek to establish an office in Lhasa, Tibet to monitor political, economic and cultural developments in Tibet' , and also to provide consular protection and citizen services in emergencies, and further urges that the agreement to permit China to open further diplomatic missions in the United States should be contingent upon the establishment of a United States Government office in Lhasa.
发表于 2008-4-11 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:37 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 semirock 于 2008-4-11 21:16 发表 把所有的中国替换成美国,把所有的西藏替换成印第安人,发出去

发表于 2008-4-11 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 21:45 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-11 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown in Tibet and enter into a substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to find a negotiated solution that respects the distinctive language, culture, religious identity, and fundamental freedoms of all Tibetans, and for other purposes.
Whereas March 10, 2008, marked the 49th anniversary of a historic uprising against Chinese rule over the Tibetan people, which forced His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to escape into exile in India;
Whereas Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns in and around Lhasa were blocked by Chinese authorities from staging peaceful demonstrations on this anniversary date and were met with excessive force by the Chinese authorities;
Whereas protests by Tibetans spread inside the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas of China;
Whereas the accumulated grievances of almost six decades of cultural, religious, economic, and linguistic repression of the Tibetan people by the Government of the People's Republic of China has resulted in resentments which are at the root of the Tibetan protests;
Whereas resentment of the Chinese Government by the Tibetan people has increased sharply since 2005 as a result of Chinese policies, laws, and regulations that have reduced economic opportunity for Tibetans and severely eroded the ability of Tibetans to preserve their distinctive language, culture, and religious identity;
Whereas the response by the Chinese Government to the Tibetan protests was disproportionate and extreme, reportedly resulting in the deaths of hundreds and the detention of thousands of Tibetans;
Whereas there have been reports that some Tibetans engaged in rioting that may have resulted in the destruction of government and private property, as well as the deaths of civilians;
Whereas His Holiness the Dalai Lama has used his leadership to promote democracy, freedom, and peace for the Tibetan people through a negotiated settlement of the Tibet issue, based on autonomy within the context of China;
Whereas six rounds of dialogue between representatives of the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials have not resulted in meaningful progress;
Whereas the Chinese Government has rebuffed calls by the President of the United States, the United States Congress, and world leaders to respond positively to the Dalai Lama's willingness to be personally involved in discussions with Chinese leaders on the future of Tibet ;

Whereas the Chinese Government has denigrated the Dalai Lama, labeling him as `a splittist' and `a wolf in monk's robes', thereby further alienating Tibetans who consider the Dalai Lama their spiritual leader;
Whereas the Dalai Lama was recognized for his contribution to world peace when he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989;
Whereas the United States Congress, in recognition of the Dalai Lama's outstanding moral and religious leadership and his advocacy of nonviolence, awarded him with the Congressional Gold Medal on October 17, 2007;
Whereas the Chinese Government has failed to honor its commitment to improve the human rights situation in China as a condition for Beijing being selected as the site for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games;
Whereas the Chinese Government has impeded the access of international journalists to Tibetan areas of China and distorted reports of events surrounding the Tibetan protests, thereby violating the commitment it made that `there will be no restrictions on media reporting and movement of journalists up to and including the Olympic Games';
Whereas for many years, the Chinese Government has restricted the ability of foreign journalists and foreign government officials, including United States Government officials, to freely travel in Tibetan areas of China, thereby curtailing access to information on the situation in Tibetan areas;
Whereas the Chinese Government's use of propaganda during the protests to demonize Tibetans and incite ethnic nationalism is exacerbating ethnic tensions and is counterproductive to resolving the situation;
Whereas the United States Department of State included the People's Republic of China among the group of countries described as `the most systematic violators of human rights' in the introduction of the 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and in previous Human Rights Reports, but did not do so in the 2007 Human Rights Report, despite no evidence of significant improvements in the human rights situation in China in the past year; and
Whereas it is the policy of the United States `to support the aspirations of the Tibetan people to safeguard their distinct identity' and `to support economic development, cultural preservation, health care, and education and environmental sustainability for Tibetans inside Tibet' , in accordance with the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note): Now, therefore, be it
美国的政策是“支持xizang人民保卫他们的民族认同感,支持他们的经济发展,文化,健康,教育,环境的发展” 依据2002xizang法案

Resolved, That the United States House of Representatives--

发表于 2008-4-11 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 semirock 于 2008-4-11 21:16 发表 把所有的中国替换成美国,把所有的西藏替换成印第安人,发出去
发表于 2008-4-11 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
(1) calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown on nonviolent Tibetan protestors and its continuing cultural, religious, economic, and linguistic repression inside Tibet ;


(2) calls on the Chinese Government to begin a results-based dialogue, without preconditions, directly with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to address the legitimate grievances of the Tibetan people and provide for a long-term solution that respects the human rights and dignity of every Tibetan;


(3) calls on the Chinese Government to allow independent international monitors and journalists, free and unfettered access to the Tibet Autonomous Region and all other Tibetan areas of China for the purpose of monitoring and documenting events surrounding the Tibetan protests and to verify that individuals injured receive adequate medical care;


(4) calls on the Chinese Government to immediately release all Tibetans who are imprisoned for nonviolently expressing opposition to Chinese Government policies in Tibet ;


(5) calls on the United States Department of State to publicly issue a statement reconsidering its decision not to include the People's Republic of China among the group of countries described as `the world's most systematic human rights violators' in the introduction of the 2007 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; and

5。 要求美国政府公开发行的2007人权报告中,对中国不在最没人权的几。个国家之列予以重新考虑

(6) calls on the United States Department of State to fully implement the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note), including the stipulation that the Secretary of State `seek to establish an office in Lhasa, Tibet to monitor political, economic and cultural developments in Tibet' , and also to provide consular protection and citizen services in emergencies, and further urges that the agreement to permit China to open further diplomatic missions in the United States should be contingent upon the establishment of a United States Government office in Lhasa.

发表于 2008-4-11 22:19 | 显示全部楼层









Whereas six rounds of dialogue between representatives of the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials have not resulted in meaningful progress;










美国的政策是“支持xizang人民保卫他们的民族认同感,支持他们的经济发展,文化,健康,教育,环境的发展” 依据2002xizang法案





5。 要求美国政府公开发行的2007人权报告中,对中国不在最没人权的几。个国家之列予以重新考虑

发表于 2008-4-11 22:33 | 显示全部楼层


HRES 1077 IH

110th CONGRESS(第110国会)

2d Session

H. RES. 1077

Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown in Tibet

and enter into a substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to find a negotiated

solution that respects the distinctive language,(呼吁中华人民共和国的政府在西藏结束它的镇压

和开始一独立存在的和他的神圣的对话为一谈判解决方案找到那个dl喇嘛尊重特别语言) culture,

religious identity, and fundamental freedoms of all Tibetans, and for other purposes.(在所有



April 3, 2008
Ms. PELOSI (for herself, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr.

MCDERMOTT, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. INSLEE, Ms. SOLIS, Ms. NORTON, and Mr. HOLT) submitted the

following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs (2008年4月3日女

ESHOO INSLEE先生女士SOLIS女士诺顿和HOLT先生主张下列的分解;哪一个是被有关外交季刊委员会请参阅




Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown in Tibet

and enter into a substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to find a negotiated

solution that respects the distinctive language,(呼吁中华人民共和国中国的政府在西藏中结束它


culture, religious identity, and fundamental freedoms of all Tibetans, and for other

purposes. (在所有藏族人中的和为了其它目的文化,宗教身份和基本自由.)

March 10, 2008, marked the 49th anniversary of a historic uprising against Chinese rule

over the Tibetan people, which forced His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to escape into

exile in India; (2008年3月10日鉴于开头的法律文件纪念一反对中国对藏族人人民,其强迫他的神圣,第


Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns in and around Lhasa were blocked by Chinese authorities

from staging peaceful demonstrations on this anniversary date and were met with excessive

force by the Chinese authorities; (在和在拉萨周围西藏的佛教徒和尚和修女被从上演中国权威部门


protests by Tibetans spread inside the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas of

China; (鉴于开头的法律文件经过在中国的西藏自治区和其它藏族人区域里面藏族人传播抗议;)

the accumulated grievances of almost six decades of cultural, religious, economic, and

linguistic repression of the Tibetan people by the Government of the People's Republic of

China has resulted in resentments which are at the root of the Tibetan protests; (几乎六几十



resentment of the Chinese Government by the Tibetan people has increased sharply since 2005

as a result of Chinese policies, laws, (经过藏族人人民中国政府的鉴于开头的法律文件愤怒已经从

2005起由于中国政策,法律严厉增加)and regulations that have reduced economic opportunity for

Tibetans and severely eroded the ability of Tibetans to preserve their distinctive language,

culture, and religious identity; (已经和严厉减少的经济上的藏族人的机会的规则使藏族人的腌制他


the response by the Chinese Government to the Tibetan protests was disproportionate and

extreme, reportedly resulting in the deaths of hundreds and the detention of thousands of

Tibetans; (经过中国政府对藏族人抗议的反应是不成比例的和极端,据报道结果是几百的死和数以千计的


there have been reports that some Tibetans engaged in rioting that may have resulted in the

destruction of government and private property, as well as the deaths of civilians; (已经有


His Holiness the Dalai Lama has used his leadership to promote democracy, freedom, and

peace for the Tibetan people through a negotiated settlement of the Tibet issue, based on

autonomy within the context of China; (他的dl喇嘛有的神圣使用他的领导为藏族人人民通过一西


six rounds of dialogue between representatives of the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials have

not resulted in meaningful progress; (dl喇嘛和中国官员的代表间的对话的六回合还没有结果是有


the Chinese Government has rebuffed calls by the President of the United States, the United

States Congress, and world leaders to respond positively to the Dalai Lama's willingness to

be personally involved in discussions with Chinese leaders on the future of Tibet ; (中国政



the Chinese Government has denigrated the Dalai Lama, labeling him as `a splittist' and `a

wolf in monk's robes', thereby further alienating Tibetans who consider the Dalai Lama their

spiritual leader; (中国政府已经污蔑dl喇嘛,当穿着和尚的长袍`一splittist和`一只狼以此推进疏


the Dalai Lama was recognized for his contribution to world peace when he received the

Nobel Peace Prize in 1989; (当他收到在1989年诺贝尔和平奖的时候,dl喇嘛被为他的对世界和平的


the United States Congress, in recognition of the Dalai Lama's outstanding moral and

religious leadership and his advocacy of nonviolence, awarded him with the Congressional

Gold Medal on October 17, 2007; (以表彰dl喇嘛非暴力的未完成的道德和宗教领导和他的拥护美国


the Chinese Government has failed to honor its commitment to improve the human rights

situation in China as a condition for Beijing being selected as the site for the 2008 Summer

Olympic Games; (中国政府已经未能兑现它的改进在是一为北京提出的条件为2008夏天奥林匹克运动会被


the Chinese Government has impeded the access of international journalists to Tibetan areas

of China and distorted reports of events surrounding the Tibetan protests, (中国政府已经妨碍

去包围藏族人抗议中国的藏族人区域和扭曲关于事件的报告国际新闻记者来临)thereby violating the

commitment it made that `there will be no restrictions on media reporting and movement of

journalists up to and including the Olympic Games'; (以此违反它作的向上对奥林匹克运动会的承


for many years, the Chinese Government has restricted the ability of foreign journalists

and foreign government officials, including United States Government officials, to freely

travel in Tibetan areas of China, thereby curtailing access to information on the situation

in Tibetan areas; (很多年,中国政府已经限制包含美国政府官员外国新闻记者和外国政府官员的在中国


the Chinese Government's use of propaganda during the protests to demonize Tibetans and

incite ethnic nationalism is exacerbating ethnic tensions and is counterproductive to

resolving the situation; (中国政府的在抗议期间宣传的妖魔化藏族人和导致种族的民族主义使用正使


the United States Department of State included the People's Republic of China among the

group of countries described as `the most systematic violators of human rights' in the

introduction of the 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and in previous Human

Rights Reports, (美国国务院在群,认为国家是在和在前一人权报告中2006份国家关于人权练习的报告的

引入中人权中最最系统违反者中间包含中华人民共和国)but did not do so in the 2007 Human Rights

Report, despite no evidence of significant improvements in the human rights situation in

China in the past year; (但是在过去的一年年中没有在尽管没有重要的改进在中国人权处境的证据

发表于 2008-4-11 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 22:36 | 显示全部楼层


and  it is the policy of the United States `to support the aspirations of the Tibetan people

to safeguard their distinct identity' and `to support economic development, cultural

preservation, health care, and education and environmental sustainability for Tibetans

inside Tibet' , (它前往藏族人内部西藏是美国States的政策,支持藏族人人民的愿望保护他们的不同身

份和支持经济上的发展,文化保护,保健和教育和环境可支撑性)in accordance with the Tibetan Policy

Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note): Now, therefore, be itResolved, That the United States

House of Representatives--(与一致2002美国C的西藏的政策法案.6901指出:现在,因此,是itResolved那


(1) calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China to end its crackdown on

nonviolent Tibetan protestors and its continuing cultural, religious, economic, and

linguistic repression inside Tibet ;((1)呼吁中华人民共和国中国的政府结束它的对非暴力的藏族人


(2) calls on the Chinese Government to begin a results-based dialogue, without

preconditions, directly with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to address the legitimate

grievances of the Tibetan people and provide for a long-term solution that respects the

human rights and dignity of every Tibetan;((2)呼吁中国政府开始a结果-没有先决条件他的神圣,达



(3) calls on the Chinese Government to allow independent international monitors and

journalists, free and unfettered access to the Tibet Autonomous Region and all other Tibetan

areas of China for the purpose of monitoring ((3)呼吁中国政府允许独立国际新闻监视器和新闻记

者,自由和的不受限制的到西藏自治区的通路和所有的为了监控中国的其它西藏的区域)and documenting

events surrounding the Tibetan protests and to verify that individuals injured receive

adequate medical care;(用文件证明包围藏族人事件抗议和查证那个伤害个体受到适当医疗;)

(4) calls on the Chinese Government to immediately release all Tibetans who are imprisoned

for nonviolently expressing opposition to Chinese Government policies in Tibet ;((4)呼吁中国


(5) calls on the United States Department of State to publicly issue a statement

reconsidering its decision not to include the People's Republic of China ((5)呼吁美国国务院

公开发表,重新考虑它的不要包含中华人民共和国的决定声明)among the group of countries described

as `the world's most systematic human rights violators' in the introduction of the 2007

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; and(在群,认为国家是世界的在2007份国家关于人权练习


(6) calls on the United States Department of State to fully implement the Tibetan Policy Act

of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note), including the stipulation that the Secretary of State `seek

to establish an office in Lhasa, Tibet to monitor political,((6)呼吁美国国务院完全执行2002美

国C的西藏的政策法案.6901笔记,包含规定国务卿寻求建立一在拉萨办公室,监控西藏政治上的) economic

and cultural developments in Tibet' , and also to provide consular protection and citizen

services in emergencies,(经济上的和文化发展在紧急情况中在西藏中和也保养提供领事的保护和公民)

and further urges that the agreement to permit China to open further diplomatic missions in

the United States should be contingent upon the establishment of a United States Government

office in Lhasa.(进一步敦促允许中国打开在美国States进一步外交任务协议将去是附有条件建立一个

发表于 2008-4-11 22:56 | 显示全部楼层

在美的华人要更加团结,旧金山的同胞们,你们说选出来的议长只是一介妇孺,没有调查,没有判断,只是知道自己炫耀,  是拿“屁股当脑袋思考的”
发表于 2008-4-12 00:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-12 02:15 | 显示全部楼层

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