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发表于 2008-12-21 15:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China After 30 Years of ReformFour-Part Series


China After 30 Years Of Reform, IV

Gordon G. Chang, 12.19.08, 04:00 PM EST

Beijing's military might.

Mao Zedong exported revolution. Thirty years ago, his successor, Deng Xiaoping, reversed course. Where is Beijing's foreign policy headed now?

First, we need a little background. Deng, who presided over the initial stages of China's reform era, wanted his country to "bide time" and keep a low profile, at least until it could develop its economy and get stronger. His general policy was to "seek cooperation and avoid confrontation." Jiang Zemin, Deng's handpicked successor, adhered to this constructive approach even though he desired recognition for China's growing status. Jiang saw his nation working cooperatively with the U.S. and its partners in a Congress-of-Vienna-like atmosphere.

However, Hu Jintao, the current supremo, has shifted China in a new direction. Like Jiang, Hu believes the country should assert itself. Unlike his predecessor, he thinks China should take advantage of newfound strength and actively work to restructure the international system so that it will be more to Beijing's liking. This change of thinking has had consequences, occasionally taking China in adversarial directions.

This decade, for example, the Chinese have fired lasers to blind American satellites, actions that can be considered direct attacks on the U.S. In October 2006, a Chinese submarine for the first time surfaced in the middle of an American carrier group. This episode, which occurred in the Philippine Sea southeast of Okinawa, was an obvious warning to the U.S. Navy to stay away from Asian waters.

Then, in January 2007, the People's Liberation Army, in what was an unmistakable display of military power, destroyed one of China's old weather satellites with a ground-launched missile. During Hu's tenure there has been a noticeable increase in cyber

intrusions and attacks on defense and civilian networks in the U.S., Europe and Japan.

Why is Hu Jintao pushing his country down a path of high_profile force projection? There are two main reasons. First, there is the inevitable change in outlook when a nation goes from poor and weak to rich and strong. So it is natural that this rising power is thinking about how to exercise newfound strength. Although not everyone in Beijing believes the bloated claims aired in the West about China's future, most Chinese officials nonetheless feel they will profoundly change geopolitics in the coming years. In any event, more and more of them see this moment as the time for China to reassert itself.

The second reason for China's new assertiveness is political. Hu Jintao, an insecure leader, relies on the more hawkish elements in the Communist Party and in the People's Liberation Army to consolidate his political position in his ongoing struggles with the leaders of other factions inside the ruling group. Moreover, the PLA has appeared to gain political ground because the civilian leadership is increasingly dependent on its armed might to control a society transformed by 30 years of economic reform.

Hu Jintao's courting of senior generals has been especially evident since the middle of 2004. The price for Hu has been even larger: increases in military spending and promotions for favored flag officers, such as Gen. Chen Bingde, now chief of general staff. All of this has created a dynamic in which nationalistic officers and civilians have gained influence on certain issues, such as Taiwan and Japan.

Each year the Chinese pour about $85 billion to $125 billion into their armed forces, maybe more because the buildup is secret. Yet we do know, from what China's military officials write and say, that they are configuring their military to fight the U.S. There will soon be two navies with opposing missions, with the same force structure, with ships occupying the same seas. And the skies in the same corridors will be filled with both Chinese and American planes.

Of course, it is only natural for a large continental nation like China to want to possess a military with global reach. Therefore, one of the greatest challenges for Washington is to steer Chinese ambitions in cooperative directions. So far, America has attempted to do this with a set of so_called "engagement" policies. "Engagement" assumes that an authoritarian China can be integrated into a liberal international system, which it had no hand in creating, as what the U.S. State Department calls a "responsible stakeholder." In one sense, the U.S. and the West have no alternative but to engage Beijing, yet Washington's policies are often tolerant of behavior that it would not accept from any nation other than China.  

For example, American administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have failed to speak out about Beijing's proliferation of nuclear weapons technologies to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and undoubtedly other states, and Washington has adopted an amazingly indulgent approach to China's commercial and diplomatic support of the world's nuclear rogues. By continuing to assist China while ignoring deeply irresponsible behavior, the U.S. has unwittingly created perverse incentives for conduct that impedes, not advances, American goals and global stability.

Washington's generous but misguided policies could cause problems in the future. Beijing, knowing that it has gotten away with unacceptable conduct in the past, will naturally think it will be able to do so in the future. Chinese leaders, during a time of intense domestic turmoil-three decades of reform has made China unstable, after all_may be tempted to raise the flag of nationalism even higher as a means of keeping themselves in power, and that could mean acting belligerently toward neighbors such as Taiwan or Japan.The relationship between Washington and Beijing can be described as "interdependent," but that does not mean they are equal. Americans assume they need the Chinese more than they need us--a common theme of op-eds and sound bites these days--but the truth is the other way around. Even if China can sustain its spectacular rise--and there is considerable debate on this point--it is rising inside an American_led international system, and Washington needs to do a better job of persuading Beijing to accept its obligations as a member of that system.


Gordon G. Chang美国东部时间下午4:00















Gordon G. Chang

Gordon G. Chang




发表于 2008-12-21 15:51 | 显示全部楼层

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:lol: 他们对中国有这样的错觉最好~利于中国的发展~
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