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发表于 2008-12-29 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ex-head of China milk-powder firm could face death penalty: lawyer
链接http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/2008 ... afoodsafetylawchild


北京(法新社)-卷入中国污染奶丑闻的主要企业前董事长, 在下周将接受审判。如被宣判有罪,她将面临死刑。一名律师在星期五表示。对三鹿集团的前任董事田文华的审理, 将在三鹿集团的所在地,中国北部的河北省石家庄市开庭。省法院的一名官员告知法新社记者。该官员说,其他涉及三鹿毒奶粉事件的管理人员和供应商的案子在星期五开始审理。由于受到有毒物质三聚氰胺的污染, 三鹿有毒奶粉已经导致至少六名婴儿的死亡。
国家通讯社新华社报道,星期五还将审判六名被指控制造,购买, 销售“蛋白”添加剂三聚氰胺并把三聚氰胺添加到乳制品中的犯罪嫌疑人。张玉军被指控制造775顿含三聚氰胺的“蛋白粉”。另一名嫌疑人张彦章则被指控购买,推销230顿该蛋白粉。还有其他四名嫌疑人被指控在乳制品中添加了这一有毒物质。
新华社很快报道说,石家庄政府发言人王建国通报三鹿净资产至少为负11亿元(1.6亿美元)。Fonterra, 一家在三鹿投资了1.14亿美元,拥有三鹿集团的43%股份新西兰乳制品公司表示,本周由法院指定的接收小组将在六个月内销售三鹿的资产赔偿债主。

BEIJING (AFP) – The former head of the Chinese firm at the centre of the tainted milk scandal, who will stand trial next week, could face the death penalty if convicted, a lawyer said on Friday.
                                    The trial of Tian Wenhua, previously the chairwoman of Sanlu Group, will open Wednesday at a court in Sanlu's home city, Shijiazhuang in north China's Hebei province, an official with a provincial court told AFP.
                        He said other cases involving former Sanlu executives and suppliers hadbegun Friday, as the courts began taking over in the case of milktainted with the toxic chemical melamine that has cost the lives of at least six babies.
                                    "In the most serious scenario where there are death reports, the penalty is imprisonment of at least 10 years, life sentence or even death," said Beijing-based lawyer Li Xiongbing.
                        Li is advising a number of potential plaintiffs asking for damages. Thecourt official declined to disclose more details about the charges andpossible penalties.
                                    Under Chinese lawa person can be sentenced to death if he or she knowingly produces orsells food with toxic non-food substances, causing death or seriousharm to human health.
                         Other peoplegoing on trial Friday included six suspects accused of eithermanufacturing or buying and selling "protein" additives containingmelamine or adding the chemical to dairy products, state news agency Xinhua said.
                                    Zhang Yujun was being tried for manufacturing 775 tonnes of "protein powder"that contained melamine, while another man, identified as ZhangYanzhang, was being tried for buying and reselling 230 tonnes of theproduct, it said.
                                    Four others were being tried for adding the additive to dairy products, it said.
                        When the milk scandal erupted in September, Sanlu was the first dairycompany found to be selling products tainted with melamine, althoughlater several other Chinese firms were implicated.
                                    A judge in Shijiazhuang told AFP on Wednesday that the court had accepted the bankruptcy filing submitted by Sanlu for consideration last week.
                        Xinhua reported overnight that Sanlu faces net debts of at least 1.1billion yuan (160 million dollars), citing Wang Jianguo, spokesman withthe Shijiazhuang city government.
                        Fonterra, a New Zealand dairy firm that held a 43 percent stake inSanlu, said this week Sanlu would be managed by a court-appointedreceiver who would sell off the company's assets and repay creditorsover the next six months.
                                    Fonterra has written off its 114 million dollar investment in Sanlu, the company said.
                                    The Chinese governmenthas reported that in addition to the six children known to have diedfrom the melamine, another 294,000 were sickened from drinking baby formula laced with the chemical.
                        The scandal shocked China and tarnished the reputation of its foodindustry far beyond its borders, as it appeared the melamine was mixedinto the milk on purpose to make it appear richer in protein than itwas.




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