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[翻译完毕] 【livia 已认领】短篇翻译China: Dissident Said to Be Held for Trial

发表于 2009-1-4 14:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 skywo1314 于 2009-1-4 17:15 编辑

短篇翻译China: Dissident Said to Be Held for Trial
请英语编译认领,辛苦了 :lol:

A prominent intellectual and dissident who was detained last month is being held in pretrial detention, human-rights activists said Friday. Liu Xiaobo, left, one of the driving forces behind a charter calling for democratic reforms, was taken away by the police on Dec. 8, and his location has been unknown. Chinese Human Rights Defenders, a network of rights activists, said in a statement that Mr. Liu was being held in pretrial detention. A fellow activist, Jiang Qisheng, said he was being held near Beijing. More than 160 prominent writers, scholars and human-rights advocates outside China wrote an open letter to President Hu Jintao last month demanding Mr. Liu’s release.
发表于 2009-1-4 16:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-1-4 21:45 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2009-1-4 21:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-4 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
把题目给漏了 。。。

短篇翻译China: Dissident Said to Be Held for Trial
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发表于 2009-1-5 04:00 | 显示全部楼层
China: Dissident Said to Be Held for Trial

A prominent intellectual and dissident who was detained last month is being held in pretrial detention, human-rights activists said Friday. Liu Xiaobo, left, one of the driving forces behind a charter calling for democratic reforms, was taken away by the police on Dec. 8, and his location has been unknown. Chinese Human Rights Defenders, a network of rights activists, said in a statement that Mr. Liu was being held in pretrial detention. A fellow activist, Jiang Qisheng, said he was being held near Beijing. More than 160 prominent writers, scholars and human-rights advocates outside China wrote an open letter to President Hu Jintao last month demanding Mr. Liu’s release.  skywo1314 发表于 2009-1-4 14:38


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