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发表于 2009-1-4 16:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 skywo1314 于 2009-1-4 17:01 编辑

【原文标题】Analysis: China spreads its wings, reluctantly

Analysis: China spreads its wings, reluctantly
Jane Macartney, China Correspondent

China’s much-feared military build-up has been in the public eye this week. For the first time since the 15th century, its naval ships have set sail for African waters, their aim to protect international vessels against pirate attack, and the People’s Liberation Army has finally confirmed its intent to build an aircraft carrier.

Beijing looks as if it could be ready and eager to spread its power and influence beyond its borders. But China’s ambitions do not lie overseas – or at least not yet.

China’s Communist Party leaders will have agreed to take part in such a high-profile international venture only after much soul-searching and with a sense of great reservation. They are deeply cautious by nature, reluctant to strut their stuff on the world stage for two reasons

Firstly, non-interference in the affairs of other countries has long been the guiding principle of Chinese foreign policy. Beijing does not want to give other countries any pretext to interfere in its own domestic problems – from Tibet to Taiwan. Secondly, it remains nervous about overreaching itself when it comes to exercising diplomatic influence. It has long preferred to play a watching role, frequently abstaining in United Nations votes rather than commit itself to a policy that could be construed as meddling.

But as its economic clout grows to equal that of major economies and its business interests stretch to Africa and further afield, China is finding that it may have to take responsibility for protecting those interests. It may also begin to assess that it is time to play a more active role in international crises – whether economic or diplomatic – as befits its position on the United Nations Security Council.

Its leaders find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to projecting China’s image abroad. They want the respect of the world. Indeed, they believe that the achievements of their country in the brief three decades since the chaos of the Cultural Revolution deserve international recognition. They know that their challenge is how to demonstrate their growing might, both economic and military, without triggering worldwide fear and anger that could cause China to close back in upon itself.

China could be the next coming superpower, but not the next world police. China is not the United States, even someday it has capability to do though.
It is the MATTER of CHOICE.

Livia, Hull, UK

Well said Arthur, If this kind of news is used by Western media as a pretext to conjure the next threat to "World" peace out of thin air, I hope wise bloggers will have the foresight to see it for what it is- scaremongering. China is only doing what it should given it's current standing in the World
David, Tianjin, China

"Much-feared military build-up"??
This particular piece of spin has been pushed by the US to create another pretext for increased military spending, and to sell arms to Taiwan. The CIA figures themselves acknowledge that China's military spending is a mere 10% of that of the US.

Arthur, Beijing,

That's good for China but I hope they don't end up becoming the next world police like we did.
Stewart O' Riordan, Brooklyn, NY, United States of America

It's very wisedom.Each of its action is cautious.
machao, qingdao, usa

Well written. Concise, and to the point.
Why can't the American journalists do the same?

Tian, New York, USA

I am all for China to expand its influence and protect its strategic interests as long as they do not follow the US template of 1st strike and all that crap.
Richard Tan, Melb, Oz

About time, too. You can't gain respect or influence locked in your room, as mum used to say.
Jeff, London,


简·马戈尔尼    中国通讯员








——李薇雅,赫而市 英国

亚瑟说的好 ,如果这种消息被西方媒体无中生有地作为中国威胁世界和平的证据,我希望智慧的博主能够看到它真实的内容——扰乱人心。



qingdao, usa

——田(音)  纽约,美国


——理查德 Melb, Oz
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