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发表于 2009-1-19 17:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Japan-China joint history study delayed: project head
【登载媒体】Yahoo news
capt.jpg      中日联合进行的一项历史研究项目由于意见分歧已被延迟,项目负责人称缘起中国不满报告中提及天安门事件。



     联合研究项目负责人、知名东京大学的教授Shinichi Kitaoka表示报告被延迟是因为“在一些问题上难以达成共识”。










TOKYO (AFP) – A joint history study between Japan and China has been delayed due to differences of opinion, according to its head, amid a report Beijing was upset at a reference to the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The Asian powers launched the project in 2007 to draw an outline of their common history, hoping to ease longstanding strains over Japan's wartime invasion of China.

But the historians missed a goal of submitting a report to the two governments by mid-2008.

The report was delayed "because of difficulties in adjusting opinions over a few issues," said Shinichi Kitaoka, the head of the joint study and a professor at the prestigious University of Tokyo.

"But we aim to finish our task by the end of this fiscal year" in March, he told AFP.

Kitaoka denied a report by the conservative Sankei Shimbun that the two countries had clashed over making a reference to China's clampdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Chinese authorities rarely speak publicly about the weeks of protests in 1989, which ended in a bloody crackdown that left hundreds and possibly thousands dead.

The Sankei, quoting unnamed sources, said Chinese historians wanted to delete a reference to the massacre and also clashed with their counterparts over Tokyo's assertions that Chinese education had an anti-Japanese bias.

Kitaoka rejected the newspaper's account, saying: "This kind of report harms our efforts at a joint study."

He declined to specify the areas of disagreement, explaining: "We are debating how to describe historical events, but this is within the realm of normal discussion."

Japan and China agreed to the joint study as part of a reconciliation drive launched in 2006 after years of tension.

China allowed rare protests in 2005 when demonstrators attacked Japanese interests to denounce Tokyo's approval of a textbook accused of whitewashing Japanese atrocities in China.

The protests took place as Beijing scuttled Japan's longtime bid for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.





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