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发表于 2009-1-20 20:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China calls for better military ties under new Obama administration                                               
By TINI TRAN, Associated Press Writer                                
2:24 AM PST, January 20, 2009

来源:http://www.latimes.com/news/nati ... ap-as-china-defense,1,7446275.story                           

BEIJING(AP) — China defense ministry urged President-elect Barack Obama onTuesday to work with Beijing to improve its occasionally tense militaryrelationship with the United States, calling on the Pentagon to "removeobstacles."
(北京讯)——中国国防部敦促当选总统奥巴马在周二与北京共同改善其与美国偶尔紧张的军事关系,要求五角大楼“消除障碍。 ”

Sr. Col. Hu Changming, chief spokesman for theMinistry of National Defense, said China — with one of the world'sfastest-growing armed forces — looked forward to smoother relationswith Washington and its military, the world's largest.

"At present, when China-U.S.military-to-military relations are faced with difficulties, we call onthe U.S. Department of Defense to remove obstacles ... and createfavorable conditions for the healthy growth of military relations," Husaid during a news conference held to present a major military policypaper.
“目前,中美军事关系正面临着困难,我们呼吁美国国防部消除障碍...为军事关系的健康成长创造有利条件, ”胡长明在新闻发布会上提出的一项重大的军事政策文件如是说。

China has long opposed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, andblocking formal independence for self-governing Taiwan remains themilitary's chief concern, the policy paper said. China also viewsseparatist movements in Tibet and the far western region of Xinjiang asthe biggest threats to the country's national security.

"On these matters, we will not compromise," Hu said.
“在这些问题上,我们将决不妥协, ”胡长明说。

Defense sales to and relations with Taiwan havebeen an issue for every U.S. president since Beijing and Washingtonestablished diplomatic ties 30 years ago. China considers theself-ruled island a part of its territory and supports reunification.

U.S. arms sales to the island remain a major point of contention. Lastfall, China's defense minister demanded that the U.S. cancel a $6.5billion arms sale to Taiwan, including Patriot III missiles and Apachehelicopters, and then suspended some senior-level visits and otherexchanges in retaliation.

Later in the day, Foreign Ministryspokeswoman Jiang Yu reiterated China's opposition to the arms sales,warning that Washington should "cautiously and properly handle theTaiwan issue, (and) support the peaceful development of cross-straitrelations with concrete actions."
当天晚些时候,外交部发言人姜瑜重申中国反对军售,并警告说,华盛顿应该“慎重妥善地处理台湾问题, (并)支持两岸关系的和平发展行动。 ”

However, years of tensionwith Taiwan have given way to rapprochement following last year'selection of Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou, who favors a lessconfrontational approach to China.

Hu noted there had beenmajor improvements in cross-strait relations, saying "the situationacross the Taiwan Strait has taken a significant and positive turn."
胡长明指出两岸关系有重大改善,说: “海峡两岸已经打开重要和积极的局面。 ”

China also said it considered the global economic crisis a threat todevelopment and was concerned about possible competition among nationsfor energy and food.

The paper did not give any new spending figures for China's 2.3 million-strong armed forces for 2009. For 2008, China had announced a military budget of $59 billion, up nearly 18 percent over the previous year. It was the 18th year of double digit growth of military spending in the past 19 years.

Such lavish funding has allowed China to add cutting-edge fighter jets, missiles, submarines and surface ships, and the report said such efforts would continue, increasing capabilities as China moves to protect its expanding interests in other parts of the world.

But it did not mention an aircraft carrier, the object of frequent speculation by observers of the Chinese military.

A Defense Ministry spokesman last month said China would "seriously consider" building a carrier, while the recent deployment of a three-ship Chinese flotilla to fight piracy off Somalia has further bolstered those prophesying a major expansion of Chinese naval power.

Strategically, a carrier would serve to police the 1.16 million square miles (3 million square kilometers) of sea claimed by Beijing as its maritime territory.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-20 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
【09.01.20 洛杉矶时报网】中呼吁奥巴马新管理下更佳军事关系
【原文标题】China calls for better military ties under new Obama administration
【来    源】http://www.sueddeutsche.de/reise/371/455049/text/
【翻    译】杨琛(我本名······)
【声    明】本文翻译仅限Anti-CNN使用,谢绝转载
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发表于 2009-1-20 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
carrier 就是航空母舰。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-20 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
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