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英 每日电讯报:萨克奇被指统治法国如"君主"

发表于 2009-2-1 05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Nicolas Sarkozy accused of ruling France like a 'monarch'
【中文标题】尼古拉。萨克奇被指统治法国如 « 君主 »

Nicolas Sarkozy accused of ruling France like a 'monarch' President Nicolas Sarkozy has been accused of ruling France like a 'monarch from another age'.

By Henry Samuel in Paris
Last Updated: 4:55PM GMT 30 Jan 2009

The criticism followed his alleged role in the removal of the top state representative and a police chief from a region after protesters slightly disrupted a visit by Mr Sarkozy.
Mr Sarkozy was reportedly outraged that Jean Charbonniaud, the prefect in the northern La Manche region and Philippe Bourgade, its police chief, had not deployed enough officers to keep 3,000 protesters at bay when he visited the town of Saint Lô earlier this month.
After faint whistles were heard as Mr Sarkozy gave a New Year's address to educational staff, he reportedly left the venue furious, exclaiming: "Fire him!" Michèle Alliot-Marie, the interior minister, said the decision to replace the two men was linked to their "not completely adequate" handling of the situation. Mr Charbonniaud was this week appointed to a post in Paris in a move widely seen as a demotion.
"High-level civil servants must be accountable when there are faults, errors," said a spokesman for Mr Sarkozy's UMP party.
However, the decision sparked a torrent of criticism from across the political spectrum.
"It is scandalous that a representative of the state can be used like a Kleenex," said Jean-Francois Legrand, a local UMP council leader.
"When [Mr Sarkozy] moves around the country, he would like to stay living in a bubble like those monarchs or dictators from another age," said Cécile Duflot, the green party national secretary.
François Bayrou, leader of the centrist Modem party, said: "This is once again an arbitrary punishment, once again the fait du prince."
While the prefect had not commented on the affair, the police chief was defiant. "I have nothing to be ashamed of over what happened," said Mr Bourgade, 59.
"What happened that was so serious? Not much other than the president heard protesters whistle."
A bigger police presence, he added, would have been interpreted by demonstrators as "a provocation".
Ironically, Saint Lô was placed top of a nationwide ranking of police efficiency in 2008 in a poll for the newspaper Le Figaro, with double the national average of crimes solved.
Before becoming president, Mr Sarkozy made his name as a tough-talking interior minister obsessed with quantifying police efficiency.
Last year the police chief on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica was removed from his job for failing to stop protestors who occupied a villa owned by one of the president's actor friends. Christian Clavier, who is, like Mr Sarkozy, vertically challenged, recently starred in a TV drama as Napoleon Bonaparte - the dynamic but ultimately dictatorial leader who commentators have suggesed has many similarities with the current French president.

尼古拉.萨克奇总统被指控象一个«从另一个时代来的君主 »一样统治法国。


据报道,萨克奇先生因Jean Charbonniaud 北部 La Manche 地区省长,和Phillippe Bourgade, 警察局长,当他这个月早些时候访问Saint Lô
市没有部署足够警力把3000 示威者控制在隔离区而大发雷霆。

解雇他 ! ». 内政部长Michèle Alliot-Marie表示更换这两个人的决定是因为他们对情况“不完全适当”的处理。Charbonniaud先生这个星期被任命到一个在巴黎的职位。被广泛认为是降级。

萨克奇先生的UMP党发言人称 :当有错误时高层公务员一定要负责。不过这个决定在政界各层激起批评狂潮。一地方UMP党领袖称»一个国家代表能象擦面纸一样被利用是可耻的 »
当他到处走动时,他希望象那些另一个时代的君主或独裁者那样呆在一个泡泡里 »。绿党的干事说。

中立的Modem党领袖François Bayrou说:这是又一次随意惩罚,又一次“王子所为”。省长没有对此事件评论,但59岁的警察局长Bougade先生挑战地说:“我不为曾经发生的感到任何羞耻。有这么严重吗?只是总统听到示威者的口哨。更多警察在场会被示威者理解成挑衅。”具有讽刺性的是,Saint Lô 在费加罗报的2008全国警察效率民调中占头魁,破案率是全国平均的2倍。

在成为总统以前,萨克奇先生以一个有强硬谈吐的着迷于量化警察效率的内政部长而著称。去年法国地中海科西嘉岛的警长因没能阻止示威者占据总统一个演员朋友的别墅被解职。Christian Clavier, 象萨克奇先生一样的直立残障者,最近在一电视剧中扮演拿破仑,那个强势但最终的独裁者。现任法国总统被评论者认为与之有很多相似之处。




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-4 18:51 | 显示全部楼层
13# Dennis.Tw.Cn

虽然所有的市政府前都贴着“自由 平等 博爱”,法国是一个非常不平等的社会。体现在教育上,法国小孩可不能乱叫父母名字哦,也不能随便在课堂上挑战老师。在企业文化上也是等级分明。社会精英都要出自Grande Ecole 系统,沿着父辈走过的路再走一遍。

有一本书  French or Foe?  比较法兰西文化和Anglo Saxon文化的大众经典读物,如果有兴趣的话。
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发表于 2009-2-4 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-2-1 14:20
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