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09/02/03爱尔兰时报: 欧洲各国政府惶恐:社会关系日益紧张

发表于 2009-2-4 01:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 joeysun 于 2009-2-4 02:31 编辑

【链接】http://www.irishtimes.com/newspa ... /1232923383586.html
【标题】 (欧洲)各国政府惶恐:社会关系日益紧张
               Governments growing nervous at increased social tensions
【时间】星期2, 2月 3日, 2009




上周,至少在30年来的最严重的经济衰退,解决掉了它的第一位欧洲政治受害者:在周一时,欧洲冰岛的4面楚歌的总理盖尔哈尔德/GeirHaarde 在连续几个星期的街头示威后递交了辞呈。该国的银行系统的大崩溃,把冰岛克朗价值碾得粉碎,把推动利率百分之十八,失业率为百分之8,将支付给他的保守联军。

到周四,100万工人愤怒抗议在巴黎街头,他们失去工作 而 银行家正在被(政府)担保。我在平台上等待一个半小时后,已经过度疲劳,冻僵。乘车人桑德里娜剁末/Sandrine Dermont说。但是我愿意接受,当一个运动可以捍卫我们的消费能力和工作。我会再我午休的时候加入街头抗议期间。

沃特福德水晶工人困锁在全洲际的蔑视情绪,当被告知立即停止一切生产时,举行了静坐示威。很多人必须会问 为什么政府给予数十亿元的纳税人的钱拯救盎格鲁爱尔兰银行/Anglo Irish Bank,而拒绝用于(拯救)沃特福德的一项国家支持的贷款。

随着越来越多的家庭在欧洲面临困难不公正感日益增加。在黑暗的日子在20世纪30年代出现的“连词造词”现象将成为时髦,如“bankster” ,这是将银行家(BANKER)和黑社会分子(GANGSTER)混合而成的词,当使用超过10年消费时代的更年轻一代的欧洲人第一次品尝加入到领取社保的队列。



多米尼克斯特劳斯卡恩/ DominiqueStrauss-Kahn说,他警告说,暴力可能爆发,如果全球金融体系不重新改造受益到每个人。

他警告已经被证明是先见。12月在希腊的广泛骚乱爆发, 15岁的男孩被警察开枪打死。学生和年轻人的疯狂了好几天,理由缺乏就业机会和机会,使他们的愤怒。今年1月,骚乱发生在拉脱维亚和立陶宛,已经被经济增长放缓而沉重打击。后来,一个于保加利亚议会大楼前举行反腐败示威游行在索非亚/Sofia陷入暴力。

严重的社会动荡是更可能发生在东欧新的欧盟会员国,那里的的政治制度是不太成熟,因此往往是群众因腐败不满,欧洲政策研究中心主任丹尼尔格罗斯/Daniel Gros说,他也注意到一些欧洲人,如法国,比其他人抗议更快一些。




注:野猫罢工--- 非得到工会支持的罢工,即非法罢工

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Governments growing nervous at increased social tensions

JAMIE SMYTHEUROPEAN DIARY: A continent-wide sense of injustice leaves Europe vulnerable to an explosion of unrest
ONEMILLION workers on the streets of France, wildcat strikes in Britain,rioting in Greece and the Baltic republics and sit-in protests by glassworkers in Waterford: social unrest is spreading throughout Europe andno one knows where it is all going to end.
Last week the worsteconomic recession in at least 30 years claimed its first politicalvictim in Europe when on Monday Iceland’s beleaguered prime ministerGeir Haarde tendered his resignation following weeks of streetprotests. The collapse of the country’s banking system, which hasshredded the value of the krona, driven interest rates to 18 per centand unemployment to 8 per cent, put paid to his Conservative-ledcoalition.
By Thursday one million workers were protesting onthe streets of Paris, angry that they are losing their jobs whilebankers are being bailed out. “I’m tired and frozen after waiting halfan hour on the platform,” commuter Sandrine Dermont said. “But I’mprepared to accept that when it’s a movement to defend our spendingpower and jobs. I’ll join the street protests during my lunch break.”
Workersat Waterford Crystal tapped into the continent-wide mood of defiance,staging a sit-in protest when a receiver announced an immediate halt toall manufacturing. Many must be asking why the Government is givingbillions in taxpayers’ money to save Anglo Irish Bank while turningdown a request for a State-backed loan for Waterford.
As morefamilies in Europe face hardship the sense of injustice is growing.Words coined during the dark days of the 1930s such as “bankster”,which is a mix of banker and gangster, are suddenly back in vogue as ayounger generation of Europeans used to more than a decade ofconsumerism gets its first taste of dole queues.
“There’s a bigscandal . . . governments are now trying to save banks throughinjecting capital and save companies by giving credit guarantees, andthis will translate into higher public deficits,” says Ronald Janssen,economist with the European Trade Union Confederation.
“This isnot sustainable for public finances, so you have to cut socialsecurity, which will lead to an attack on social Europe,” he says,warning that the potential result is an “explosion of social unrest”and the de facto end of social Europe.
And it’s not just thetrade unions that are warning of the danger of social unrest. The IMF,which has already helped bail out Iceland, Latvia and Hungary withemergency loans, warned back in December there was a dire need forgovernments to take action on the economy to stop trouble spilling onto the streets.
“If we are not able to do that, then socialunrest may happen in many countries – including advanced economies,”said IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who warned thatviolence could break out if the global financial system was notremodelled to benefit everyone.
His warnings have turned out tobe prescient. Widespread rioting broke out in Greece in December when a15-year-old boy was shot dead by police. Students and young people wenton the rampage for several days, citing lack jobs and opportunities fortheir anger. In January, riots broke out in Latvia and Lithuania, whichhave been hit hard by the economic slowdown. Later, a Bulgariandemonstration against corruption held in front of the parliament inSofia descended into violence.
“Serious social unrest isprobably more likely to occur in new member states in eastern Europewhere political systems are less mature and there is often populardiscontent due to corruption,” says Daniel Gros, director of the Centrefor European Policy Studies, who also notes that some Europeans, suchas the French, are quicker to protest than others.
The sight oftypically more restrained British workers taking part in wildcatstrikes is another sign that this is no mere economic downturn.Contractors brandishing placards with the message “British jobs 4British workers” in protests against the use of foreign workers at anoil refinery in Lincolnshire showed that an upsurge in anti-immigrantfeeling could take hold.
EU governments are getting increasinglynervous at the rise in social tensions and in Brussels there are fearsthe European elections in June will see a large anti-establishment votethat could see xenophobic and extreme MEPs elected. Employmentcommissioner Vladimir Spidla said last week he is investigating how theEU budget could be used to alleviate the crisis. One way could be toexpand the scope of the EU globalisation fund, which provides funds tohelp retrain workers; another, to allow faster access to EU socialfunding.
But most of the policy levers to deal with the crisisand provide a social security safety net lie in the hands of nationalpoliticians. The €2 trillion question (the IMF’s latest estimate of thebad debts held by banks) is whether policymakers can find a plan thatsteers a course towards economic recovery while restoring a sense offairness to life. If they fail Iceland’s Geir Haarde will certainly notbe the last political victim of this economic recession.
  This article appears in the print edition of the Irish Times




发表于 2009-2-4 01:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-4 01:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-4 01:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-4 02:06 | 显示全部楼层
哎.. 那不是他们对中国的预言啊?这么快就发生了...
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发表于 2009-2-4 02:27 | 显示全部楼层
“把瑞典克朗价值碾得粉碎”, 该是冰岛克朗吧。




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-4 02:31 | 显示全部楼层
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