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发表于 2009-2-9 21:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 bylife 于 2009-2-9 21:35 编辑

【原文标题】China gives emergency relief to drought-hit provinces
【登载媒体】澳洲时代报  theage.com.au
【来源地址】http://www.theage.com.au/world/c ... -20090208-80y3.html
【翻译】 bylife




上周六, 国家媒体报道财经部长已经为干旱调集将近130亿美元(190亿澳元)资金,其中大部分资金将会直接资助给农民,剩余一部分将帮助农副产品生产者。中国农业科学高级研究院研究员徐应龙说,政府的决定反映出这次解决这次危机是空前的紧迫, 这在过去30年里没有出现过的。


旱灾已经影响到到河北省,河南和山东几省; 气象中心说总共有12个身份已经背影。



根据财经(一个有名的独立商业杂志)报道,冬小麦产量在受到干旱的影响下将减产20%。 但是出版物也提到在连续5个丰收年里大量的收成将保证充足的库存,不会出现粮食短缺。


WITH the global economic crisis producing unrest in rural areas,Chinese authorities have taken emergency action in wheat-growing regions that are suffering from their worst drought in 50 years.

The three eastern provinces that account for more than half the country's wheat production have had winter rainfall levels as much as 80 per cent lower than normal, the National Meteorological Centre reported.

In a sign of how seriously the Government is taking the drought, media reported that the State Council, the highest level of executive authority, discussed the crisis last week.

The official New China News Agency reported that President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao had ordered emergency efforts to deal with the drought.

On Saturday, the state-run media reported that the Finance Ministry had allocated nearly $US13 billion ($A19 billion) for drought relief, most of which would fund direct aid grants to farmers. The rest will go to help bail out grain producers.

Xu Yinlong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said the Government's decision to declare its highest-level emergency was unprecedented,something that did not occur during the country's last major drought 30years ago.

"This drought is occurring in front of the big back drop of global warming and is part of the phenomenon of extreme weather events," Mr Xu said. "The direct cause is months of lack of rainfall, but it definitely is connected with climate change."

The drought has spread beyond Hebei, Henan and Shandong provinces; the meteorological centre said a total of 12 provinces have been affected.

In recent years, many migrant workers have left Henan and other remote provinces to look for jobs in southern coastal cities, but the financial crisis has meant millions have been unable to find work. The Government recently put the number of unemployed migrants at 20 million.

In recent days, Government television showed repeated video footage of provincial authorities diverting rivers and irrigation systems to provide water for the hardest-hit areas.

But Mr Xu said that local officials initially were unprepared and had only recently moved to implement emergency measures.

According to Caijing,a respected independent business magazine, winter wheat production could decrease by as much as 20 per cent because of the drought. But the publication also noted that five consecutive years of healthy harvests meant grain stocks were adequate and shortages unlikely.

On Saturday, some of the affected areas had light rain and snowfall, butthe meteorological centre said it would not significantly ease the drought.






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