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发表于 2009-2-20 18:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【原文标题】China concerned after Russia fires on ship


出版︰200922002: 15

莫斯科报导︰星期四, 官方报导说俄罗斯的边防军多次向一艘有中国和印度尼西亚籍船员的货轮开枪该货轮在离俄罗斯远东海岸遭遇撞击麻烦. 此事已引起北京方面的关注。

中国要求俄方在周末对船难进行全面调查. 此事故已造成10名中国海员和6名印度尼西亚人组成的船员中的8人溺死。

俄官员说该船, 塞拉利昂籍新星号隐藏在俄国远东港口纳霍德卡进行走私活动, 之后未经许可擅自离开港口还多次罔顾停航警告。

"军事检察官正在对这起向国外船只开火事件进行调查"来自远东城市海参崴的检察官之一, 亚历山大塞伦特索夫告诉国际文传电讯社

"新星号的船长多次收到停航警告, 包括广播、闪光、旗语和信号弹但该船继续航行"他补充说。

他说, 边防守卫后来就接到联邦安全局(FSB)"向该船开火"的命令。

"在无线电上警告之后, 我方执行了命令。直到那时, 新星号才停止前行并返回纳霍德卡港口"他又补充说。

中国外交部发表声明, 其在俄领事已经向俄驻中国大使馆提出交涉。

声明要求"俄方面... 尽快开始对事件原因的调查。


国际文传电讯社, 船在被迫返回纳霍德卡港口途中, 遭遇了风暴迫使它的船员登上两艘8人座的救生艇上。

新闻社报导, 俄边防军设法救起了一艘救生艇上的全部8, 并将他们送到医院治疗。

据称, 另一艘艇已经沉没,所有8名海员都已溺死。

对失踪人员的搜寻正在继续。-法新社/ de

: 塞拉利昂籍货轮新星号漂浮在俄罗斯远东海岸的太平洋水域里。


China concerned after Russia fires on ship

Posted: 20 February 2009 0215 hrs

MOSCOW: Border guards in Russia repeatedly fired on a Chinese and Indonesian-crewed cargo ship that hit trouble off its Far Eastern coast, officials said on Thursday, sparking concern in Beijing.

China called Russia to conduct a full investigation into the ship's mishap at the weekend, which resulted in the feared drowning of eight of the crew of 10 Chinese seamen and six Indonesians.

Officials said the ship, the Sierra Leone-flagged New Star, had left the Russian Far Eastern port of Nakhodka without authorisation after being sequestered there for smuggling, and repeatedly ignored warnings to stop.

"The investigation into the shooting on the foreign ship is being led by military prosecutors," Alexander Selentsov, an official from prosecutors in the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok, told the Interfax news agency.

"The captain of the New Star was repeatedly asked to stop through radio communication, lights, a flag and warning shots. But the foreign ship did not stop," he added.

He said border guards then received an order from the Federal Security Service (FSB) "to open fire on the ship".

"The order was carried out after warnings on the radio. Only then did the New Star stop and returned to the port of Nakhodka," he added.

The Chinese foreign ministry statement said its consulate in Russia has raised the issue with the Russian embassy in China.

It "called on the Russian side... to quickly begin an investigation into the causes of the incident."

The Kommersant newspaper reported that 500 rounds were fired at the bow and stern of the vessel. The survivors claimed the firing caused the ship's problems rather than bad weather, it reported.

Interfax said that on its forced return to the port of Nakhodka the ship hit a storm, forcing its crew to disembark onto two eight-person rescue boats.

Russian border guards managed to rescue all the occupants of one of the rescue boats who were taken to hospital for treatment, Russian news agencies reported.

The other is believed to have sunk, with all of its eight sailors feared drowned.

A search for the missing is continuing. - AFP/de

Picture:  Sierra Leone-flagged cargo ship New Star floats in the waters of the Pacific ocean of Russia's Far Eastern coast.






 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-20 18:04 | 显示全部楼层
那個, 本人不能截圖, 煩請各位大大幫一下忙. 謝謝了
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