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发表于 2009-3-3 02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tibetans Greet New Year in Opposition

By EDWARD WONG Published: February 25, 2009

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Shiho Fukada for The New York Times

Tibetan monks leaving morning prayer on Wednesday at Rongwo Monastery in Qinghai Province, China. The Tibetan new year has come, but many Tibetans, angry over the events of the past year, are rejecting official efforts to drum up festivities.


TONGREN, China — Snow fell across this mountain valley as red-robed monks in a prayer hall beat drums and chanted in tantric harmony, a seemingly auspicious start to Losar, the Tibetan New Year.

TONGREN, China—雪花在这片峡谷飘落~,红衣喇嘛在寺庙里整齐地鼓槌吟唱,一切看起来似乎是一个充满希望的藏历新年。

But a monk watching the ritual on Wednesday morning made it clear: This was a ceremony of mourning, not celebration.


“There is no Losar,” he said, standing in this monastery town on the edge of the Tibetan plateau. “They killed so many people last year.”


A few weeks ahead of the 50th anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule, and a year after a crackdown on renewed ethnic unrest in this area, Tibetans are quietly but irrepressibly seething. Monks, nomads and merchants have turned the joyous Losar holiday into a dirge, memorializing Tibetans who died in last year’s conflict and pining for the return of the exiled Dalai Lama.

几个星期前是西藏人民反抗中国统治50周年纪念日,也是种族起义遭镇压的一年后,藏人看来很平静但又有无法镇压的火热情绪。回想起去年在动乱中死去的人们,渴望流亡DALAI LAMA归来,喇嘛、牧民和商贾们将本应快乐的新年看作一首哀诗。

An informal grass-roots boycott is under way. Tibetans are forsaking dancing and dinner parties for vigils with yak-butter candles and the chanting of prayers. The Losar campaign signifies the discontent that many of China’s six million Tibetans still feel toward domination by the ethnic Han Chinese. They are resisting pressure by Chinese officials to celebrate and forget.


“It’s a conscious awakening of an entire people,” said Woeser, a popular Tibetan blogger.


Tibetans here and in other towns, including in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, say government officials have handed out money to Tibetans to entice them to hold exuberant new year parties. On Wednesday, state-run television showed Tibetans in Lhasa dancing, shooting off fireworks and feasting in their homes.


At the same time, the government has drawn a curtain across Tibet. Officials have shut down access to many Tibetan regions to foreigners and sent armed guards to patrol the streets.


Here in eastern Qinghai Province, near the Dalai Lama’s birthplace, the boycott of festivities began as early as January, during the Chinese Lunar New Year. On Wednesday in Tongren, called Rebkong by Tibetans, one of the few bursts of firecrackers took place outside a Chinese paramilitary compound.

早在一月份中国传统新年的时候,在青海省东部,DALAI LAMA的出生地,抵制新年庆典的活动就已经展开。星期三,在TONGREN,也就是藏人所说的REBKONG,只有在某中国部队驻地外围有鞭炮声想起。

“The government thinks we should celebrate this holiday properly,” said Shartsang, the abbot of Rongwo Monastery. “Certainly this year people haven’t celebrated it in the same way they did in past years.”


Shartsang was one of more than a dozen monks interviewed over three days at Rongwo, called Longwu in Chinese. The 700-year-old monastery is a sprawling complex of golden-eaved temples and labyrinthine alleyways that is home to 400 monks. It draws pilgrims from across the Tibetan plateau.


The government has stepped up security across Tibet. Here, more than 300 security officers with riot shields were seen training in the stadium on Wednesday afternoon. On Monday night, a unit of officers marched in formation along a cordoned-off road.


Chinese officials are wary of the boycott’s mushrooming into larger protests, and of Tibetans taking to the streets next month, which marks the 50th anniversary of the uprising that led to the Dalai Lama’s flight from Lhasa. Most Tibetans revere the Dalai Lama, who advocates autonomy, but not secession, for Tibet.

政府提防着抵制活动发展成大规模的反抗,同时也提防着藏人在反抗中国统治运动50周年起义纪念和DALAI LAMA逃离拉萨纪念那天走上街头。大多数藏人都很尊崇DALAI LAMA,因为他提倡西藏自治而非脱离中国。

Last March, China was convulsed by the largest Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule in decades. It began when the suppression of protests by monks in Lhasa led to ethnic rioting by Tibetans. Eighteen civilians and one police officer were killed, according to Xinhua, the state news agency. Riots and protests flared up across western China. Tibetan exile groups say hundreds of Tibetans died in the crackdown.

Rongwo Monastery was a locus of resistance. Even before the riots in Lhasa, monks joined Tibetan townspeople to protest the way the police had handled a dispute between Tibetans and ethnic Hui Muslims. More than 200 monks were detained in that incident. During the March uprising, security forces surrounded the monastery, only to be met by stone-hurling monks.


Over the summer, leading monks were detained in a nearby school and forced to undergo patriotic education, which meant studying Chinese law and being told to denounce the Dalai Lama.

整个夏天,带头的喇嘛被拘留在附近的一所学校并被强制接收爱国主义教育,也就是学习中国法律和教唆去职责DALAI LAMA。

Waves of crackdowns have fueled resentment.


“They broke into my room and took away all my photos of the Dalai Lama,” said one monk, 53, as he held up a pile of five empty glass picture frames. “Then they led monks away with their wrists bound by wires.”

“他们冲入我的房间,拿走了所有DALAI LAMA相片,”一个53岁的喇嘛拿着5个空空的玻璃相框说。“然后他们把手背绳索捆着的喇嘛带着了。”

Like almost all the people interviewed for this article, the monk asked that his name not be used to avoid government reprisal. The monastery is under surveillance — cameras have been installed throughout, monks say, and security officers dressed in monk’s robes wander the alleys.


Nevertheless, the monks have put photographs of the Dalai Lama back up in prayer halls and in their bedrooms. One monk held up an amulet of the Dalai Lama dangling from his neck.
尽管如此,喇嘛们在庙里和卧室里还藏有DALAI LAMA的相片。有一个喇嘛在颈部戴着DALAI LAMA 的付身付。
“The Chinese say this is all one country,” he said. “What do we think? You don’t know what’s in our hearts. They don’t know what’s in our hearts.” The monk tapped his chest.

Some of the greatest hostility comes from 30 or so monks from the Drepung and Sera monasteries in Lhasa who have sought refuge here, even as some monks from Rongwo have tried fleeing across the Himalayas to India. Last spring, after the uprising, security forces in Lhasa cleared out monasteries and jailed monks for months. About 700 were sent to a camp in Golmud, in Qinghai, for patriotic education, then ordered to return to their hometowns, said three young monks who were at the camp.

“We want to go back to our monastery in Lhasa, but the police would check our ID cards and evict us,” one of them said. “We came here because we wanted a good opportunity to study.”

To try to maintain calm in the monastery, government officials meet regularly with a council of eight older monks. In early February, they had a frank discussion with the council, a senior monk said.

“They said they don’t want any trouble from us,” he said. “They said they punished us last year by putting us in jail. This year, the punishment will be this — ” The monk held up a thumb and index finger in the shape of a pistol.

Eager for the pretense of calm, government officials handed out nearly $100 to some families in surrounding villages to hold Losar celebrations. But Tibetans came up with a strategy.

“A lot of village leaders got together and said, ‘If the government comes around, we’ll tell them that a lot of Tibetans and Chinese were killed in the earthquake last year, so we can’t celebrate now,’ ” said a 31-year-old Tibetan man from the area.

He said that not a single firecracker had been heard in his village.

Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-3 02:05 | 显示全部楼层
我晕 又按错了 没整完 ~~受不了啊~~
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发表于 2009-3-3 02:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-3 07:59 | 显示全部楼层
我晕 又按错了 没整完 ~~受不了啊~~
AimiEmily 发表于 2009-3-3 02:05

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