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[翻译完毕] Tibetan education thrives – in exile

发表于 2009-3-6 05:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Tibetan education thrives – in exile

By Amy Yee | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor from the March 6, 2009 edition

Modern ways: At Tibetan Children's Village in Dharamsala, India, curriculum has been modernized to include technological studies. Mark Sappenfield/The Christian Science Monitor/File

As Tibetans mark 50 years since China's occupation of Tibet, the exile community sees a major accomplishment in creating a network of schools that preserves their language and culture.

Dharamsala, India - In a sunny classroom in this Tibetan exile community, preschoolers stack blocks and color. One boy crouches on the floor over flashcards bearing pictures and English words. Alongside him, the sight of a little girl arranging cards with spiky Tibetan script hints that this school is anything but typical.

Some 2,000 Tibetan children live, study, and play here at the Tibetan Children's Village in Dharamsala, the Indian hill town that is the Dalai Lama's home in exile. The school, which goes through 12th grade, also has about 150 Indian, European, Japanese, and South Korean students whose parents have settled in the area.

This month, the 50th anniversary of China's occupation of Tibet, is a key one for the community. In anticipation of unrest, China has launched a "Strike Hard" campaign in Tibet and has stepped up security and arrests – though pro-Tibet protests are still erupting.

Ever since the Dalai Lama fled the invasion and set up an exile community here, his goal of autonomy for Tibet has remained elusive. But with China waging what he calls "cultural genocide" in Tibet, creating a solid education system has been central to his goal of preserving Tibetan culture.

The fact that "Tibetan exile society has established schools that function so successfully in India and provide a modern education is a considerable achievement in itself," says Elliot Sperling, an expert at Indiana University.

What began in 1960 as a ramshackle nursery for Tibetan orphans has grown into almost 80 schools across India, Nepal, and Bhutan. There are 17 TCV branches with at least 12,000 students. The system as a whole enrolls about 28,000 students and includes day schools, nurseries, vocational institutes, and training centers.

"We give an education that allows our children to grow up as Tibetans," said Thupten Dorjee, secretary-general of TCV. "The Chinese are destroying Tibetan identity. If Tibet is to survive as a race and a nation, our hope is our children."

That objective has become all the more urgent in the wake of pro-Tibet demonstrations across Tibet last March that erupted into China's worst violence in almost a decade.

TCV receives about 850 students each year who escape from Tibet. But because of an aggressive Chinese crackdown since the protests, only 20 have enrolled at TCV in the past year, says Mr. Dorjee. He also confirmed that China is pressuring parents in Tibet to bring children back from schools in India or face consequences.

The Dalai Lama regularly expounds on the importance of education. Last December in Dharamsala he told a group of 150 new arrivals from Tibet that with a "higher standard of education … we can fight for our rights."

"The reason Tibetans face so much difficulty is because we lacked education," he said. "The most important thing is to study and learn. With that we can compete in a modern world."

In spite of notable strides, Tibetan exile schools have their share of challenges. A 2005 education policy attempts to modernize curriculums and raise school standards. "The general standard is not satisfactory," said Karma Gelek Yuthok, education secretary in the exile government, citing mechanical teaching methods.

The curriculum has been redesigned to "make young minds active" and Mr. Yuthok says salaries have been raised. There is also more emphasis on teacher training.

Yet the schools must balance a modern education with preserving old ways. In 2005, they were required to teach in Tibetan through the fifth grade. English is taught as a foreign language from fourth grade but informal exposure begins much earlier.

Most of the exile schools are in India and follow local curriculum, while stressing Tibetan religion, history, geography, and language.

Twenty-one percent of TCV's graduates find work in vocational and technical education, 18 percent go into traditional crafts, and 18 percent go into "humanities," according to a TCV report. Lackluster participation in professional fields has prompted the Dalai Lama to encourage students to specialize. To that end, a new TCV college was inaugurated last month in Bangalore, India, for Tibetans shut out of India's highly competitive university admissions process.

About 70 percent of TCV's students are new arrivals from Tibet. Comprehensive schooling in Tibetan language and culture is uncommon in Tibet, where Chinese instruction dominates. In Tibet's isolated rural areas, schools are shoddy or virtually nonexistent.

Professor Sperling notes that Tibetans ultimately succeeded in establishing a strong education system in exile, "so much so that Tibetans are still trying to send their children from Tibet to India for education."

TCV encourages students to return after completing their studies. Youngsters who came to India legally with Chinese passports can return with relative ease. But those who crossed the border without papers risk arrest or interrogation if they go home.

Many former students look back fondly on their school days. Sonam Dorjee credits 13 years at TCV schools with nurturing his confidence and fostering his political activism.

Today, he is a member of the Tibetan Youth Congress and works for a Tibetan nonprofit that assists local Indians in Dharamsala.

"I had so many chances to learn so many things," says Dorjee. "I had some of my most memorable times there. Even today I want to go back."
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印度达兰萨拉-在西藏流亡社区的一间明亮的课堂里,一群学龄前儿童在堆积木和涂色游戏。一个男孩蹲在地板上,拿着带有图片的卡片在寻找相对应的英文单词。 在他身旁,看见一个小女孩在用长而尖的藏文手迹整理卡片,暗示了这所学校的典型性。



自从达赖喇嘛的逃亡并流亡政府设立,他的目标,西藏自治还是可望而不可及。.但是,与中方进行的他所谓的“文化灭绝” ,创造坚实的教育系统是他保存西藏文化目标的核心。

事实上, “西藏流亡社会已设立的学校,在印度表现的如此成功,提供现代化的教育本身就是一项重大成就, ”美国印第安纳大学 /专家学者/艾略特.斯珀林如是说:
于在1960年的一个摇摇欲坠的藏族孤儿幼儿园,现在已在印度、尼泊尔和不丹发展到有近80所学校规模。17个TCV分支中至少有12000学生。 整个系统招收大约28000学生,包括全日制学校,托儿所,职业学校和培训中心。

“我们所提供教育,使我们的孩子像西藏人那样长大 ”TCV总书记土登多吉说:  “中共正在摧毁西藏的身份。如果西藏要像一个种族和民族那样生存,我们的希望在我们的孩子。 ”



达赖喇嘛经常阐述教育的重要性。去年12月在印度达兰萨拉,他对一组150名从西藏过来的人士说,“高标准的教育...我们可以争取我们的权利。 ”

“之所以西藏人面临如此多的困难是因为我们缺乏教育, ”他说。“最重要的是研究和学习。那样我们可以成就一个现代的世界。 ”

尽管有显著的进步,西藏流亡学校有自己的挑战。 2005年的教育政策尝试课程现代化和提高学校标准。

  “一般标准(引用机械的教育方式)是不能令人满意的,流亡政府教育部长Karma Gelek Yuthok说,课程进行了重新设计, “让青年思维活跃”Yuthok先生说,工资也已经上调。 此外,还更加重视教师培训。

然而,学校必须平衡现代教育与维护旧的方式。 2005年,他们被要求在第五个教学年的时候用藏文授课。四年级英语课作为一门外语,但是对英语非正式接触还要早得多。

百分之21 TCV的毕业生找到职业的和技术教育类工作,百分之18到传统工艺,和百分之十八进入“人文” ,根据TCV报告。由于进入专业领域使达赖喇嘛更加鼓励学生学习专业。为此,一个新的TCV学院上月在印度班加罗尔举行落成典礼,对藏人关闭了印度的极具竞争力的大学录取过程。

"斯珀林教授指出,西藏最终在流亡地区成功地建立了强大的教育体系“ ,以至于西藏人仍然试图将他们的孩子送到印度的教育。 ”


“我有这么多的机会,学到很多东西,多吉说。  “在学校有我的一些令人难忘的时光。即使现在我也想回去。 ”
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