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[澳大利亞人報] 澳洲受中國影响拒绝接收东突分子

发表于 2009-3-7 01:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China linked to Kevin Rudd's rebuff of George Bush'sGuantanamo Bay plan
【中文标题】中国与澳洲政府拒绝接收美国布什安置东突分子计划有关联 陆克文(澳洲总理)受中国影响拒绝布什的关塔那摩计划
【原文作者】Geoff Elliott, Washington correspondent | January 10, 2009
【编译】by-life  译文属Anti-CNN所有。










在这其中,像被拘留的Hozaifa Parhat (东突分子之一)承认曾在塔利班接受武器训练,但他这么做完全是为了一个独立的维吾尔国家,突厥斯坦。




座落在华盛顿的维吾尔组织头目Alim Seytoff,希望政府安置的维吾尔将得到近了一步的变化。“被澳大利亚拒绝接收是不幸的,但如果他们说,他们正在寻找它在个案的基础和重新安置其中一些人,那将是巨大的。但是,我们理解中国政府是非常积极的游说。”


一个为9个在关塔那摩的维吾尔作法律代表,总部位于波士顿的Neil McGaraghan任职于律师事务所Bingham McCutchen说,有关中国方面的问题欧洲议员们私下交谈的强硬外交手段。他说:“这将严重危害到经贸关系,我从欧洲国家听到的,”“因为来自中国的压力,他们不得不放弃接收东突分子。”


说明: 括号内蓝色字体为翻译者加注;原文对东突分子只说成是维吾尔族人,为了让大家更清楚,标注成东突分子。


China linked to Kevin Rudd's rebuff of George Bush'sGuantanamo Bay plan

作者:Geoff Elliott, Washington correspondent | January 10, 2009


THE Rudd Government denied arequest from the Bush administration to resettle 17 Chinese locked up inGuantanamo Bay military prison after a number of warnings from Beijing not totake the former terror suspects.

Beijing heavily lobbied the federal Government againstresettling the group of Muslims from northwestern China, known as Uyghurs, whomthe US has cleared but refuses to send home for fear of their torture andpossible execution.

The Canberra meeting - described as a mid-level diplomaticapproach - took place about three weeks ago. It came as the Foreign Ministry inBeijing stressed publicly its opposition to any resettlement of the Uyghurs.

"We have said on many occasions that the 17 terroristsuspects detained at the US military base of Guantanamo are members of theEastern Turkestan Islamic Movement, which is listed as a terrorist group by theUN Security Council," a spokesman said.

"The Chinese Government requires these terroristsuspects be repatriated to China. We firmly oppose any countries receivingthese people."

The Rudd Government told the Bush administration last weekthat it would not agree to a second formal request - made by the US in December- to resettle the group in Australia, saying they did not meet Australia'sstringent national security and immigration criteria.

But The Weekend Australian can reveal the decision cameafter Beijing made at least two approaches to the Rudd Government about theUyghurs.

Aside from the Canberra meeting, The Weekend Australian haslearned of one other meeting between Australian and Chinese diplomats, inBeijing in November, in which Beijing made the same case.

A spokeswoman for Kevin Rudd yesterday denied the rejectionwas linked to any lobbying from Beijing.

"Any suggestion that the Government's decision wastaken in response to pressure from any other country is wrong," thespokeswoman said.

"The Rudd Government received two requests from theUnited States Government to consider resettling a group of detainees fromGuantanamo Bay ... those requests were considered against national security andimmigration criteria and were rejected."

The Uyghurs are among about 60 detainees that the Bushadministration no longer regards as a threat, but these detainees have beencaught in the cracks of international diplomacy, with nowhere to go. The onlycountry to accept any Uyghurs was Albania, one of Europe's poorest countries,taking five from Guantanamo in 2006 over the protests of the Chinese.

The Uyghurs have been cleared as a national security threatto the US and allies such as Australia for years.
Uyghurs belong to an autonomous region but, like Tibetans,have been subject to brutal repression.

While some, such as detainee Hozaifa Parhat, admittedweapons training with the Taliban, he said his only cause was to fight forindependence for a homeland Uyghurs call Turkestan.

Sources said that while Beijing's representations fed intothe Rudd Government's decision to deny the Bush administration, it was one ofmany factors the Government took into account and did not preclude it fromlooking at the Uyghurs' case again in the future.

Washington pushed hard with Canberra, Bush administrationofficials arguing that the Uyghurs would be a good fit in Australia becauseAustralia boasts the largest Uyghur population of 3000 in the Western world.

While the request was denied, the Rudd Government has keptthe door open and, like a number of European countries including Britain, itappears to be storing its diplomatic capital for use when Barack Obama takesoffice. It is expected that the new president and new secretary of stateHillary Clinton will take up the cause to resettle the Uyghurs quickly.

The head of the Uyghur community in the US,Washington-based Alim Seytoff, is hopeful with the change in administration theresettlement of the Uyghurs will be a step closer.

"It is really unfortunate that Australia has refused therequest, but if they say they are looking at it on a case-by-case basis andresettle some of them, that would be great. But we understand the ChineseGovernment is extremely aggressive in its lobbying."
While Beijing has used forceful language, there has been nodirect threat to Australia with regard to trade ties. "It doesn't workthat way, although there is always that implication," said one source.

A legal representative for nine of the Uyghurs inGuantanamo, Boston-based Neil McGaraghan from the law firm Bingham McCutchen,said European parliamentarians have spoken privately of heavy-handed diplomaticapproaches from the Chinese regarding the matter.

"There are threats to commercial relations - it's whatwe hear from our contacts in European countries," he said.

"There have been a number of prospects (to take theUyghurs), but inevitably they fall off because of pressure from theChinese."

The Bush administration's sudden urgency on the Uyghursfollows a district court decision in October when judge Ricardo Urbina orderedthe Uyghurs to appear in his court in Washington DC, a move that edged themcloser to US asylum.

The Bush administration immediately appealed. A decisioncould be handed down at any time from the appeals court, and rather than gambleon the court decision, the Bush administration is in an 11th hour diplomaticpush to try to find the detainees a new home.
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