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发表于 2009-3-7 01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2009-1-15 01:41 编辑

【原文标题】What exactly does China want in space?

    位于罗德岛纽波特的美国海军战争学院的专家Joan Johanson-Freese接受加拿大电视台采访时表示“中国95%的空间技术具备双重用途,兼具民用与军用价值。因此无论中国的太空探测做什么,总会因涉及到军事领域的技术而被视为潜在的邪恶力量”。





     Johnson-Freese称“美国航天局局长Michael Griffin曾努力推进双方在地球观测或太空科技等领域的潜在合作”“但由于中国进行反卫星试验,相关商讨因此停止”。


     美国航空航天博物馆太空历史司主席Roger D. Launius指出人们所感觉到的中国的能力与实际可达到的很不一致“我相信中国政府中有人想要建立空间站,想要登上月球”“但是否这就意味着出台官方政策呢”?











     尽管这看似不过节约资金的一种方法,却可能令那些反对任何潜在太空军事化的人们不安。美国从未明确表示反对太空军事化,蒙特利尔McGill大学航空航天法副教授Ram Jakhu指出布什政府正是如此。













(by Michael Stittle, CTV.ca News)
China's space program has unsettled analysts in the United States, who fear the country is not only breaking through Earth's atmosphere in name of science -- it's also extending the reach of its military.

"Ninety-five per cent of space technology is dual use, meaning it's a value to both civil and military communities. So whatever China does in exploration, some see it as potentially nefarious because of the technology spill-over to the military realm," Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, R.I., told CTV.ca.

"I've had Chinese space officials ask me, 'What can China do in space that the United States would not see as threatening?' And the answer to that, quite frankly, has been nothing."

It wasn't always that way.

Just a few years ago, there had been some dialogue between the U.S. and China about co-operating on various civil space missions through NASA, according to Johnson-Freese, chair of the college's National Security Decision-Making Department.

But last January, China stunned the world by firing a missile into a satellite, smashing it into pieces. Not only did the anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) result in more space junk -- a growing problem with thousands of dead satellites orbiting the Earth -- but it unnerved U.S. officials to the point where any talk of joint ventures ceased.

"The NASA administrator, Michael Griffin, had kind of moved towards potentially working with them in areas like Earth observation or space science," said Johnson-Freese. "But then they did the ASAT test and it was all swept off the table."

Since that test, China has kept busy. In the past year, the country conducted its first spacewalk, and sent a probe to the moon to photograph the mountains and craters of its barren surface. There has also been talk of China building its own space station, although there are doubts it's actual government policy.

Roger D. Launius, chairman of the Division of Space History at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, said the perception of China's capabilities is far different from what it can actually achieve.

"I'm sure that there are people in the Chinese government who would love to build a space station, who would love to go to the moon," said Launius. "But does that mean it's official policy?"

He said much of the speculation about China's plans is just that -- speculation, often inflated by the media. And when compared to what the West has achieved, beginning with NASA's Apollo missions in the 1960s, China lags far behind.
The U.S. carried out its own successful ASAT test back in 1984 -- more than 20 years before China's show of strength -- in response to similar activity from the Soviet Union.

Johnson-Freese said another rumour -- that China has official plans to send an astronaut to the Moon, where six U.S. flags still stand -- is false. But she disagreed with Launius, saying China does plan on constructing a space station, even though it lacks a proper space shuttle to carry the parts into orbit.

"They do have an approved three-part plan, including a space station," she said. "But that's the third part of the plan and in order to do that, they have to have a new heavy-lift launcher that they don't have yet."

Western analysts have a difficult time peering into the inner workings of China's National Space Administration. Much of it remains hidden from prying eyes, so pinpointing China's intentions can be like wrestling with a cloud.

"The government itself is very opaque in terms of (its space program). I couldn't even give you an (organization chart) of the Chinese space policy community, because we just don't understand it," said Johnson-Freese.

Obama's response to China
As China ramps up its space program, NASA is slowing down. Its aging fleet of shuttles, all designed and built in the 1980s expect for Endeavour, will be retired in 2010. Griffin, still the top NASA administrator, has said extending the program would cost US$3 billion -- each year.

To boost the program, president-elect Barack Obama may take a radical step. According to a report from Bloomberg News, he might break down the barrier between civil and military space exploration, essentially allowing the Pentagon to finance operations in NASA.

The move would allow NASA to send equipment into space using military rockets, which are less expensive and widely available.

Although it appears to be solely a way to save money, it may startle those opposed to any potential militarization of space -- something the U.S. has never explicitly opposed. That includes the administration of President George Bush, said Ram Jakhu, an associate professor at the Institute of Air and Space Law at Montreal's McGill University.

"There have not been any statements from the U.S. saying they will not put weapons in space, so to me that means it's an open option," he told CTV.ca. "If you look at the 2006 policy, this is very clear and perhaps the first hint they want to keep all options open, including weaponization.

"It's also a question of dominance. They want to dominate; they want to deny access to their enemies. So it's a very aggressive, very hawkish policy."

Bush authorized the policy on Aug. 31, 2006. It says the U.S. is "committed to the exploration and use of outer space by all nations for peaceful purposes, and for the benefit of all humanity." But it also lists numerous goals for the purposes of national security.

"In this new century, those who effectively utilize space will enjoy added prosperity and security and will hold a substantial advantage over those who do not," says the policy. "Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power."

Wild West?
The tensions between China and the U.S. may be resolved by international regulations, governing what actions can be taken in space. Such rules would also limit the number of satellites sent into space -- an escalating problem with the current Asian space race, as China's neighbours try to hold their own.

But the U.S. has been fiercely protective of its use of space, putting the country in a strange position.

"The United States has been the country saying that we don't want any kind of regulations or treaties that would in any way inhibit what we want to do. So, of course, China's response is: 'OK, well then, we don't want them either.'"

Jakhu said that, in terms of weaponization of space, a treaty may be a more realistic approach to international rules. He compared the current problem to the 1950s, when the U.S. and Russia began testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, leaking radioactive fallout around the planet. The problem forced the two countries to sign the 1963 Partial Test Ban, which has never been broken.

An alternative to regulations or treaties may be something much simpler -- Rules of the Road. It's in the same spirit as the guidelines a ship's captain follows on the High Seas.

"It's like regulating traffic," said Johnson-Freese. "It's basically saying, If you come closer to me than these guidelines say is permissible, than I can infer that there is intent. Even the U.S. military is beginning to back Rules of the Road."

Jakhu said Rules of the Road may very well be adopted. But the underlying problems -- how countries use space, and the sheer number of objects floating above the Earth -- may require something more permanent.

"It would be better to have a binding treaty, but I think common sense will eventually prevail," he said. "If not, everybody will suffer. And I would say countries like the United States, which is the biggest user of space, it would be in their interest to come up with some kind of regulations."

发表于 2009-5-18 02:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-18 02:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-18 11:34 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵~ 我们主要的目的是去观光,至于月球么,我们就是看看美国的还在不在!
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发表于 2009-5-18 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-18 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-18 22:40 | 显示全部楼层
大航海时代我们错过了, 我们决不等错过大航天时代。

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发表于 2009-5-20 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-21 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sam712 于 2009-5-21 14:23 编辑



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发表于 2009-5-21 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-22 00:44 | 显示全部楼层
12# 1d2d3d


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发表于 2009-5-24 06:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-24 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-30 05:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-30 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
proe208 发表于 2009-5-30 05:26

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发表于 2009-5-31 09:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-2 00:50 | 显示全部楼层
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