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[翻译完毕] Tibetan women held for protesting in western China

发表于 2009-3-7 23:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-3-8 02:01 编辑

Tibetan women held for protesting in western China

5 hours ago

Monks arrive for the Monlam Chenmo, also known as the Great Prayer Festival, at the Drepung Monastery in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, China, Wednesday, March 4, 2009. The Monlam Chenmo, falling on the 4th-11th day of the first Tibetan Lunar month, is the greatest religious festival in Tibet and was established in 1409. Tibet's governor insisted Thursday that his region is stable and will remain so ahead of a sensitive anniversary marking the Dalai Lama's flight into exile that last year sparked anti-government protests and riots. (AP Photo)

BEIJING (AP) — Authorities detained a nun and another woman protesting in a Tibetan area of western China to demand religious freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, an overseas advocacy group said Saturday.

Beijing has ramped up security in Tibetan regions of China ahead of the 50th anniversary Tuesday of the failed uprising that forced the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, into exile. Next weekend will mark the first anniversary of a series of anti-government protests in and around Tibet's capital of Lhasa that officials say left 22 people dead.

The women, who protested separately, handed out leaflets in Ganzi town in Sichuan province calling for religious freedom, the release of prisoners and respect for human rights for all Tibetans, the International Campaign for Tibet said in an e-mailed statement.

It said the women were detained Thursday and that their whereabouts were unknown. The Washington-based group did not say if the women had been charged.

It was not immediately possible to confirm the detentions.

A man who answered the phone at the Ganzi county government office said he was not clear about the issue. He refused to give his name because he was not authorized to speak to media.

The Ganzi prefecture public security bureau, which is in charge of police in the area, knew nothing about the detention of Tibetan women, according to a man at the bureau who gave only his surname, Li. He said Tibetan people had been attending government-organized Tibetan new year celebrations, which began Feb. 25.

The International Campaign for Tibet said discontent has been building in Ganzi in recent weeks and that many Tibetans had chosen to ignore the new year celebrations and instead were mourning those killed in last year's protests.

The advocacy group identified the women as Jampa Lhamo, a 36-year-old nun, and Pema Yangzom, who is in her 20s. It said the names were provided by three sources but did not identify those sources.

Tibet's governor, Qiangba Puncog, insisted to reporters Friday that authorities did not expect any large-scale unrest like last year, when protests fanned out from Lhasa to Tibetan areas across western China. He said a few people allied with the Dalai Lama might try to create disturbances around the anniversaries.

China says the Dalai Lama has been trying to split the country since he fled to India 1959. Chinese communist troops marched into Tibet in 1950. The government claims the region has always been part of China, but many Tibetans say the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries.

Hong Kong tourists told The Associated Press on Friday that tensions were high in Lhasa, with armed officers positioned across the city, and police blocking roads leading to eastern parts of the region.
发表于 2009-3-7 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-8 00:37 | 显示全部楼层
Tibetan women held for protesting in western China
Monks arrive for the Monlam Chenmo, also known as the Great Prayer Festival, at the Drepung Monastery in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, China, Wednesday, March 4, 2009.
僧侣们在星期三, 200934到达位于西藏首府拉萨的哲蚌寺参加Monlam Chenmo ,也被称为大祈祷节
The Monlam Chenmo, falling on the 4th-11th day of the first Tibetan Lunar month, is the greatest religious festival in Tibet and was established in 1409.
Monlam Chenmo ,始于1409年,在藏正月的初411,在西藏是最大的宗教节日。
Tibet's governor insisted Thursday that his region is stable and will remain so ahead of a sensitive anniversary marking the Dalai Lama's flight into exile that last year sparked anti-government protests and riots. (AP Photo)
BEIJING (AP) — Authorities detained a nun and another woman protesting in a Tibetan area of western China to demand religious freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, an overseas advocacy group said Saturday.
(美联社0 C( O( j- k2 E' V# n8 北京讯) -海外宣传组星期六说,当局拘留了正在抗议一名尼姑和另一名女子在中国西部的藏区,她们要求宗教自由和(允许)达赖喇嘛返回西藏。




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发表于 2009-3-8 01:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-3-8 02:00 编辑

Beijing has ramped up security in Tibetan regions of China ahead of the 50th anniversary Tuesday of the failed uprising that forced the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, into exile. Next weekend will mark the first anniversary of a series of anti-government protests in and around Tibet's capital of Lhasa that officials say left 22 people dead.( @( o% v# f,
The women, who protested separately, handed out leaflets in Ganzi town in Sichuan province calling for religious freedom, the release of prisoners and respect for human rights for all Tibetans, the International Campaign for Tibet said in an e-mailed statement.4 m-
It said the women were detained Thursday and that their whereabouts were unknown. The Washington-based group did not say if the women had been charged.+
It was not immediately possible to confirm the detentions
A man who answered the phone at the Ganzi county government office said he was not clear about the issue. He refused to give his name because he was not authorized to speak to media.
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发表于 2009-3-8 01:45 | 显示全部楼层
The Ganzi prefecture public security bureau, which is in charge of police in the area, knew nothing about the detention of Tibetan women, according to a man at the bureau who gave only his surname, Li. He said Tibetan people had been attending government-organized Tibetan new year celebrations, which began Feb. 25.) F  {( [: t9 k6 Y5 t
/ ~% y+ B/ U: x* H8根据负责在该地区警务的甘孜公安局里一位李姓男子的说法,c他们对被拘留的藏族妇女一无所知。他说,西藏人民当时正参加政府举办的始于225藏历新年庆祝活动。
The International Campaign for Tibet said discontent has been building in Ganzi in recent weeks and that many Tibetans had chosen to ignore the new year celebrations and instead were mourning those killed in last year's protests.* A- M7 Z7 f& i, O( }! X" f8 O
% p/ H  z: T7 U6 G6 m国际声援西藏运动组织说,最近几周,在甘孜,不满情绪正在积蓄,许多西藏人选择无视新年庆祝活动,而是悼念在去年的抗议活动中被杀者。

The advocacy group identified the women as Jampa Lhamo, a 36-year-old nun, and Pema Yangzom, who is in her 20s. It said the names were provided by three sources but did not identify those sources.
宣传组已经确人了妇女中的一个36岁的尼姑,Jampa Lhamo 20多岁的Pema Yangzom ,它说有三个来源提供了名字,但没有公布这些来源。
Tibet's governor, Qiangba Puncog, insisted to reporters Friday that authorities did not expect any large-scale unrest like last year, when protests fanned out from Lhasa to Tibetan areas across western China. He said a few people allied with the Dalai Lama might try to create disturbances around the anniversaries.
China says the Dalai Lama has been trying to split the country since he fled to India 1959. Chinese communist troops marched into Tibet in 1950. The government claims the region has always been part of China, but many Tibetans say the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries.
Hong Kong tourists told The Associated Press on Friday that tensions were high in Lhasa, with armed officers positioned across the city, and police blocking roads leading to eastern parts of the region.
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发表于 2009-3-8 01:55 | 显示全部楼层
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