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发表于 2009-3-8 04:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Cambridge shoe protester is German pathology research student剑桥掷鞋抗议者是德国籍病理研究生
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Cambridge shoe protester is German pathology research student

The Cambridge University protester who threw a shoe at the Chinese prime minister is a German pathology student at the forefront of research into diabetes and arthritis, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Sources have confirmed that the man arrested over the incident is 27-year-old Martin Jahnke, a senior postgraduate member of the pathology department who has been at the university for several years, tutoring undergraduates and presenting lunchtime seminars.
有消息确认这名被捕的男子Martin Jahnke,现年27岁,是一名在校多年的病理研究部门的高级研究生成员,主要负责大学生的辅导课和午饭时的研讨会。

He was detained after throwing his left shoe at Wen Jiabao and shouting that the university was "prostituting itself with this dictator" during a lecture given by the Chinese Premier on Monday in Cambridge.

Footage of the incident has proved a hit on the internet, with YouTube videos receiving almost one million hits, but the "out of character" stunt has left the quiet and diligent student in deep trouble – facing the prospect of a criminal record and possible suspension or rustication from the university.

Mr Jahnke has told friends that he is "upset" by the fallout and he has gone into hiding, temporarily leaving his accommodation at Darwin College this week. He is due to appear at Cambridge magistrates court on Tuesday, charged with a public order offence.

Chinese officials described the protest as a "despicable" act and said that Gordon Brown expressed his personal regret to Mr Wen in a letter.

Cambridge's vice chancellor, Professor Alison Richard, also "sincerely apologised" for the episode. The university attracts more than 600 Chinese students a year and are currently engaged in a recruitment drive from Hong Kong. Officials said that they are taking the matter "very, very seriously".

A formal, internal complaint is expected will be heard by the Cambridge University Advocate, Professor Christopher Forsyth, who is a crown court judge, barrister and chair of Public Law and Private International Law at Cambridge. Sanctions include a fine, suspension or rustication from Cambridge.

As part of a study group of graduates under Professor John Trowsdale, which includes two Chinese students, Mr Jahnke carries out important genetic research into debilitating diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. He has had his work published in the Journal of Biochemistry and has delivered lunchtime seminars to other graduate students.
作为在John Trowsdale教授名下并包括有两名中国研究生的研究小组中,Jahnke主要负责重要的使人衰弱的疾病遗传研究,如糖尿病,多发性硬化症和关节炎。他的研究成果曾刊登在

The 27-year-old is also a leading member of the university caving club and takes part in regular expeditions in Wales, the south west and north of England.

Applicants to attend Mr Wen's speech were vetted and security was tight. Almost 2,000 students and members of staff applied for the 500 tickets available to hear the lecture entitled "See China in the Light of Her Development".

The prime minister had spoken for 40 minutes and was five minutes from finishing his speech when the protester stood and shouted: "How can the University prostitute itself with this dictator here?" and "How can you listen to the lies he's telling?"

He threw the shoe as he was bundled out of the lecture hall and missed the prime minister by ten feet. Had it hit him, Mr Jahnke may have faced a more serious charge of assault.

The audience, comprising students and staff, turned on the student, telling him to "get out" and shouting "shame." Reports suggest that many in the audience were Chinese students. The protester was then led out of the building by proctors and security staff before being arrested and charged with a public order offence by police.

The incident was thought to be inspired by the shoe-throwing protest directed at George Bush in January. Muntader al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist, threw his shoe at the former American president and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted for the offence.
这一事件的灵感来源被认为来自今年一月份对美国前总统布什的掷鞋抗议。一名伊拉克记者Muntader al-Zaidi向美国前总统布什掷鞋抗议,如罪名成立,他将面临长达15年的监禁。

Mr Jahnke was unavailable for comment. A spokesman for the university refused to discuss the identity of the protester.
发表于 2009-3-10 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
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