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03/10, 2009 美方称中国骚扰美军监视舰

发表于 2009-3-10 16:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-3-10 17:03 编辑

登载媒体: 华尔街日报
标题:U.S. Says China Harassed Naval Ship
翻译方式: 原创

标题: 月青年标题华盛顿---五角大楼指责中国不断挑衅---据传一艘美国监视舰在南中国海域被5艘中国船包围。美国官方周一宣称中国船只在国际海域的行为迫使美方不得不向中方提出正式抗议。不过该事件和美方的抗议应该不会动摇中美双方更广阔的联系。本周二中国外交部长杨洁篪将访问华盛顿,按照日程安排,杨将会见美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿和财政部长Timothy Geithner等。
华盛顿智囊团成员,战略和国际研究中心的中国安全事务专家Bonnie Glaser说,十几年来,双方一直在协商共同享用这一水域及空域,


WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon accused China of "increasingly aggressive" actions in the South China Sea after five Chinese vessels allegedly maneuvered close to a U.S. surveillance ship.
The Chinese vessels' alleged actions, which occurred in international waters, prompted U.S. officials in Washington and Beijing to lodge formal protests with their Chinese counterparts, U.S. officials said Monday. But the incident and ensuing diplomatic protests appear unlikely to shake broader relations between the two powers.
Both sides said Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will proceed with a visit to Washington on Tuesday. During the trip, he is expected to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, among others.
The Pentagon on Monday said Chinese planes or ships routinely fly or steam close to U.S. craft in the area, but the latest actions "were considerably more aggressive and unprofessional than we have seen, and greatly increased the risk of collision or miscalculation."
The Chinese government didn't issue a formal response. A Chinese diplomat in Washington said he wasn't aware of the details of the episodes in question but added that China has frequently issued complaints to the U.S. about its surveillance activities in the region. Still, the diplomat said, "It is in the interests of both countries to maintain stable and healthy bilateral relations."
The area where the incident occurred -- about 75 miles south of China's Hainan Island -- is in broadly recognized international waters, but the Chinese have long considered it to be an "exclusive economic area" for its use.
The Pentagon said the incident occurred Sunday when five Chinese vessels shadowed and then surrounded the USNS Impeccable, a surveillance ship. The Pentagon described the Chinese action as "an apparent coordinated effort to harass" the U.S. crew while it was conducting what the Pentagon called routine operations.
After the Impeccable was surrounded, two of the Chinese vessels allegedly closed within 50 feet, the Pentagon said, as their crew members waved Chinese flags and told the Impeccable to steam away.
The Impeccable's crew turned its fire hoses on one boat, causing the Chinese crew members to strip off their wet clothes down to their underwear and close to within 25 feet, the Pentagon said.
As the Impeccable tried to leave the area, it radioed its intentions to the Chinese and asked for a safe path, the Pentagon said. But U.S. officials said two of the Chinese vessels stopped directly in its path, forcing the Impeccable to stop to avoid a collision.
For more than a decade, the two sides have been trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to negotiate common rules for sharing the waters in the area where Sunday's incident took place, as well as for sharing the airspace above, said Bonnie Glaser, a Chinese security-policy expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.
In 2001, a U.S. spy plane carrying 24 crew members collided with a Chinese fighter jet that was shadowing it in this area, sparking one of the most-serious diplomatic episodes between the U.S and China in recent years. The American plane made an emergency landing on Hainan Island, and its crew members were detained; the Chinese fighter pilot died as his plane went down.
Ms. Glaser predicted the dispute would be quickly defused. "I think neither side has an interest in escalating this."
Relations between China and the administration of President Barack Obama have gotten off to a strong start. Mrs. Clinton last month visited China and other Asian nations on her first overseas trip as secretary of state. And a senior Pentagon official recently suggested military relations between the two nations were at their highest point in almost 20 years.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-10 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小竹篓 于 2009-3-10 16:58 编辑

那位老大能告诉我标准模板怎么用啊? 谢谢!
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发表于 2009-3-10 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
那位老大能告诉我标准模板怎么用啊? 谢谢!
小竹篓 发表于 2009-3-10 16:56

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