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发表于 2009-3-20 10:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-3-20 11:17 编辑

【原文标题】Obama to China: Don't Worry, Be Happy  
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【译  者】 fupingping
【译  文】

Has U.S. overconsumption gone too far? We've already seen the effects in the domestic stock markets, and it might be starting to manifest itself in the international money markets too. The New York Times' cover follows an early morning story from Friday with more details about Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's concerns with U.S. consumption and debt levels.
"To be honest, I am definitely a little worried," Wen said in a news conference at the end of the Chinese parliament's annual session. It was the highest level warning yet from the Chinese government, and the Wall Street Journal writes that "the premier's comments were unusually pointed and raised the possibility that Beijing's appetite for U.S. debt could wane. ... In the worst-case scenario, a significant new aversion to U.S. investments could drive down the dollar and drive up interest rates, worsening the U.S. recession." The Washington Post finds Eswar Prasad of the Brookings Institution to interpret the remarks. "These comments are saber-rattling in the sense that they are using that leverage to tell the U.S. to back off on currency policy and trade policy."

美国的超前消费是不是太过火了?我们已经目睹了超前消费对其国内股票市场的影响,而且美国的超前消费也很可能开始在国际金融市场上显现其威力。《纽约时报》的这则采访报道是对之前周五的一份早间新闻的后续追踪报道。该报道记述了更多有关中国总理温家宝关注美国消费和债务水平这方面的细节。在一年一度的中国人大会议即将结束时的一场新闻发布会上,温家宝总理坦言对中国在美资产确实有些担忧”。这是中国政府给予美国最严重的警告,《华尔街日报》称,“温总理的评论异常尖锐,而北京购买美国债券的可能性也有可能因此下降…… 最糟糕的状况是,大家可能会掀起新一轮对在美投资的抵触浪潮,这会带来美元的贬值,借贷利率的上升,最终使美国经济进一步恶化。”《华盛顿邮报》请到了布鲁金斯研究所的埃斯华·普拉萨德对温总理的这些话进行解读。普拉萨德说,温的评论只是叫嚣而已,中国企图利用此次机会来告诫美国要调整其货币政策和贸易政策。

But don't fear, because U.S. administration damage control boats are on patrol. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs gets wide pick-up for his reassurance that "there is no safer investment in the world than in the United States." National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers gave a speech in which the New York Times reports him calling for "more optimism and more confidence." The Wall Street Journal cites his reminder that "if you don't prime the pump and you allow the processes of decay and decline and de-leveraging to continue, it's much more costly to do it later."


G20 finance ministers are meeting this weekend in London to consider collective responses to the financial crisis, and many of the issues pit Europe against the United States. The New York Times reports that the Japanese government would have another stimulus package ready by the time of the main G20 leaders' summit in April, putting it in the "pro-stimulus" camp, with the United States but against some European countries. (The Wall Street Journal reports on experienced international economic hand Ted Truman joining Treasury to help Secretary Timothy Geithner with some of these issues.)


But there are a number of competing G20 agenda items. One is offshore tax havens, and on this point Switzerland is changing its ways—sort of. The country known for providing secret banking services announced on Friday that it would adopt the definition of tax evasion used by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, although the Swiss Bankers' Association reiterated that "the privacy of foreign clients not under suspicion will continue to be protected." Swiss President Hans-Rudolf Merz, who is also the finance minister, said "there will be no automatic exchange of information." Meanwhile, Bloomberg News reports that dealing with toxic bank assets remains a primary concern. Finally, the Wall Street Journal focuses on hedge fund regulation, reporting that "several European countries want the funds to be overseen similarly to banks, while U.S. and U.K. officials favor more disclosure over more regulation."(


Bernard Madoff gave in and gave up on Thursday, but he probably hoped he wouldn't be sent directly to jail. As part of his efforts in court on Friday to be free pending his June sentencing, he had to reveal a bit more of the wealth behind the fraud. Apparently, there's around $825 million in assets, almost all of it tied up in his wealth management firm,
according to the Wall Street Journal, with the rest "in baubles any wealthy man is likely to collect," such as his properties and a Steinway piano. Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Joe Nocera spends some time with Madoff victims and experts and comes to a pretty controversial conclusion: Madoff's best accomplices were his victims, because they failed to heed "the first lesson of personal finance," namely "that you should never put all your money with one person or one fund".


In the Los Angeles Times, Patrick Goldstein steps into the News Corp. boardroom to assess Rupert Murdoch's latest executive shuffle. He showers praise on Fox Searchlight's Peter Rice, named to head the Fox TV network: "Murdoch is a gambler. ... As anyone in the media game will tell you, the network TV model is broken ... radical change is needed. That's what Rice is there to provide." But in the end, the top job will stay in Murdoch family hands, since, in Goldstein's words, "News Corp. is still the equivalent of a Middle Eastern dictatorship."


Two stories have us revising recent memories of things we thought were taken care of. The Wall Street Journal
reports that the Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility, the Fed program to help spur consumer, auto, and student loans launched with some fanfare a few times already, has been re-worked again. It turns out the initial restrictions were a bit too cumbersome for Wall Street, and new vehicles to get lending going are needed. But take heed, for "the vehicles resemble collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, and use some of the financial engineering that was partially responsible for the collapse of the credit markets." And remember all those stories about sound Canadian banks? Well, the Globe and Mail reports that lingering out there is "Canada's dirty subprime secret"—although numbers are hard to gather, there may be tens of thousands more homes that are underwater or in foreclosure than previously thought, some of which remain on banks' balance sheets


The New York Times tries to convince us it's not all bad news, though. In a miniprofile of four entrepreneurs, we learn: "Plenty of other laid-off workers across the country, burned out by a merciless job market, are building business plans instead of sending out résumés." It turns out that "tiny companies are actually big employers," with companies having fewer than 10 workers employing 11 percent of the labor force. But the Times provides no numbers to back this recent trend, the innovators in this story are college graduates, and two of the four businesses in the story are Web enterprises.

Finally, a piece of news about business news. The Washington Post
announces in Section D, Page 01 that it will be folding the business section into the main A section of the newspaper Monday through Saturday. Stock tables will be replaced by a half-page of important world market data, and the paper will dedicate a half-page to local business news.





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