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发表于 2009-3-20 15:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-3-20 16:26 编辑

China Blocks Coke Bid for Juice Maker



SHANGHAI — China said on Wednesday that it had rejected a bid by the Coca-Cola Company to acquire one of the country’s biggest beverage makers for about $2.4 billion. The move blocked what would have been the biggest foreign takeover of a Chinese company and suggested Beijing was still uneasy with the idea of foreign ownership.

The ministry of commerce said Coke’s bid to acquire the China Huiyuan Juice Company was rejected on antitrust reasons. The government said the deal would allow Coke to dominate a huge segment of the beverage market.

In a statement released Wednesday, the commerce ministry said it was worried that Coke would “set up some exclusive terms to restrict competition in the juice market,” drive up the consumer prices and squeeze out smaller beverage makers.


Shares in Huiyuan fell sharply and then trading was halted early Wednesday in Hong Kong ahead of the announcement, while shares of other Chinese beverage makers, which could have also been takeover targets, also tumbled on speculation that the deal would be rejected by regulators. On Thursday morning, Huiyuan’s shares extended their fall, plunging more than 40 percent.
周二消息放出之前,香港汇源股价(在香港上市)就开始急跌,并停盘。其它可能被收购的果汁厂家的股票也开始下跌,因为市场推测国家可能反对相应收购。周四 汇源股份继续下跌损失大约40%

Shares of Huiyuan have lost about 30 percent of their value since the deal was announced in September.

In a statement, Muhtar Kent, the president and chief executive of Coca-Cola, said he was disappointed but respected the Chinese government’s decision, adding that the company’s commitment to China remained strong. “We will now focus all of our energies and expertise on growing our existing brands and continuing to innovate with new brands, including in the juice segment,” he said in the statement.
在可口可乐发表的声明中,该公司CEO表示对交易被驳回表明遗憾,但同时尊重中国政府的决定。他还说该 公司对中国市场的发展意愿依然强劲“我们将更加注重现有品牌的发展,同时创新新的品牌,包括果汁领域”

Executives at Huiyuan, which is based in Beijing, could not be reached.

The deal is considered not only an early test of China’s new antimonopoly law but also of Beijing’s willingness to give foreign companies greater latitude to acquire big Chinese companies.

Few foreign companies have taken full control of a major Chinese company. But many legal analysts said they had expected the deal to be approved because China itself is moving aggressively this year to acquire foreign assets during the global economic downturn.
到目前为止,有很少的公司获得中国大公司的全权控制权。但许多法律分析家说他们希望这次并购能够成功,因为中国自己, 也在积极地海外扩张,收购外国资产

Steve Dickinson, a China-based lawyer at Harris & Moure, said China usually restricted foreign takeovers because of a belief that state assets should not be controlled by foreign entities.

“China’s very open to green field investments, allowing foreign companies to start up businesses,” Mr. Dickinson said. “But China strongly discourages outright purchases of existing Chinese companies to enter the China market.”
该 律师同时说中国对绿色领域投资非常开放,允许国外公司开展业务,但中国非常不希望直接地并购中国已经存在的公司

Huiyuan Juice, which had revenue of about $380 million in 2007, is one of China’s biggest producers of fresh apple, orange and pear juice. The company is privately owned and two foreign companies hold minority stakes: Groupe Danone of France and Warburg Pincus, the American private equity firm.
汇源2007年的收入为380百万美元,是中国最大的苹果 桔子 梨果汁生产商。这家厂家是私营的,同时两家外国公司有很少的股份

The bid by Coke was part of the company’s aggressive expansion effort in China, where it already has a large presence. The company sells more than a billion bottles of Coke a year.

Just a week ago, Coke pledged to further expand its presence in China, despite the economic downturn, by investing an additional $2 billion in China over the next three years.

一周前 尽管在世界经济下滑的情况下 可口可乐依然在接下来的三年里在中国投资20亿元
Bettina Wassener contributed reporting from Hong Kong.
Bettina Wassener contributed re-
porting from Hong Kong.
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