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发表于 2009-3-21 09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China says US could hold up climate deal

WASHINGTON (AFP) — China pressed Wednesday for the US Congress to pass legislation to fight global warming, warning that inaction could hold up a new treaty slated for Copenhagen in December.
      法新社华盛顿电 —中国敦促美国国会通过法案立法以抵御全球变暖,并警告说美国的不作为将会在十二月的哥本哈根引发针对提案。
China's chief climate negotiator Xie Zhenhua held talks in Washington with the administration of President Barack Obama, who has vowed action to slow the planet's warming in a sharp reversal from his predecessor George W. Bush.

A UN-led conference in the Danish capital in December is meant to approve a new global warming treaty for the period after 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol's obligations to cut carbon emissions expire.

But Xie said China -- by some measures now the world's biggest emitter -- was still waiting to see rich nations' commitments before putting its own ideas on the negotiating table.1
"The difficulty in reaching an accord is how can we reach the mid-term goals," Xie said.
"Canada has not yet issued emission figures to meet its commitments. The United States is in the same boat -- there is just talk but no action," he told the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.7 s7
"The key point is whether Congress will pass a bill or not," Xie said.

Xie said that China was also waiting for rich nations to provide funding and technology to fight climate change.

"Once these prerequisites are realized, then I believe China will move aggressively," Xie said.

China has already launched a sweeping drive to improve energy efficiency. The Kyoto Protocol makes no demands of developing nations -- a sticking point that led Bush to shun the treaty.!
Obama supports a so-called "cap-and-trade" system of the sort practiced by the European Union that restricts emissions and allows trading of credits, thereby creating an economic incentive for companies to go green.$ x, x0 g
But some lawmakers of the rival Republican Party equate it to a national sales tax and say it would hurt an economy already suffering a historic crisis.






发表于 2009-3-23 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
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