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发表于 2009-3-22 18:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-3-22 18:54 编辑

【原文标题】City of Dreams
【登载媒体】China Digital City 中国数字时代
【来源地址】 http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2009/03/city-of-dreams/
【原文库链接】 http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-150534-1-1.html



奥雅纳公司原计划到2010年,上海举办世博会之时,向该地迁移50,000居民。但该数字现已悄悄下降。奥雅纳公司副董事Roger Wood 说,上实公司已经决定将工程搁置,等待进一步的许可。但他否认该工程会被取消。在最近一次对该地的探访中,记者发现了未在总工程计划中提及的上实公司商务中心和一家已关闭的酒店。当地居民说,工地外的那家酒店可能是一位陈先生的私人别墅,他喜欢在崇明旅行。



City of Dreams

The Economist gives an update on the supposed eco-city Dongtan, being built on an island outside Shanghai. After the downfall of corrupt former Shanghai party chief Chen Liangyu, one of the main backers of the project, construction has largely stalled:

A noticeable loser is Dongtan. Arup’s original plan had 50,000 residents moving in by 2010, when Shanghai hosts the World Expo. That has now been quietly dropped. Arup’s Roger Wood says SIIC has opted to put construction on hold, pending further permits. He denies, however, that the project has been cancelled. On a recent visit to the site, your correspondent found an SIIC business centre and a shuttered hotel, neither of which appear in the master plan. Local residents say the hotel, outside the site proper, was a private villa owned by Mr Chen, who presumably enjoyed his excursions to Chongming.
A new bridge and tunnel spanning the estuary is already completed and will open to traffic later this year. That should boost land prices on Chongming, and may give SIIC a nudge to develop—or sell—the Dongtan site. It also raises the question, however, of what constitutes an eco-city. Arup had envisaged a compact, mostly car-free community. Residents would live and work in green research centres and other such industries, buy local produce and use renewable energy. The new road link, however, puts Shanghai within commuting distance.




发表于 2009-3-22 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
就没有了 ??
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发表于 2009-3-22 19:18 | 显示全部楼层
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