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时代周刊: 流亡藏人: 身处险境的一代

发表于 2009-3-23 11:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  尽管危险重重,但3 个年轻人还是抵达达兰萨拉,见到了精神领袖,进入了一所为18岁以上流亡者开办的特殊学校。不过,故事到这里并没有结束。他们都在3年后辍学。他们找不到工作,靠领取救济维持生活。他们的处境体现了印度流亡藏人50年来的生存状态:流亡领袖由于害怕丧失文化特性而实行自我隔离,整个群体并未融入印度社会。许多年轻流亡者迫不及待地想要返回西藏,或者离开印度前往其他任何国家。








  年轻藏人深感与印度社会格格不入。晋美说:“许多印度人把藏人看作寄生虫。他们看不起我们。我告诉这些人,藏人军队曾在1971年战争中在格尔吉尔与印度人并肩作战。他们驻守在锡亚琴冰川 (抗击巴基斯坦军队)。”晋美说,他的祖父曾是印度政府下属的一支秘密部队的成员,他对此感到骄傲。不过,他说:“我还是觉得我们没有归属感。”

  产生这种疏离感的原因之一是,“ 藏人政府”当初决定为藏人学生设立单独的学校,以保护藏人的语言和文化,结果导致了明显的语言和社会隔阂。在不久前的一次游行队伍中,2000名藏人当中能看到几张白人面孔,但除了运送抗议者的出租车司机之外,现场没有一个印度人。达兰萨拉的居民维奈·夏尔马说:“他们拒人于千里之外。”他说,他与许多藏人“关系不错,但我没去过他们的家。几乎从未有过通婚的现象”。





 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-23 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-3-23 12:19 编辑

英文原文在此: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1884187,00.html

Tibetan Exiles: A Generation in Peril

By Madhur Singh / Dharamsala
Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2009

A Tibetan Buddhist nun walks with a Tibetan flag in Dharamsala, India, where the Dalai Lama lives in exile
Altaf Qadri / AP

Three years ago, on a desperately cold day in the Himalayan winter of 2006, Tashi and his two friends reached Lhasa after a long trek from their nomadic settlement in Tibet's Ambdo province. From there, they telephoned their families to tell them they were going across the border, to Dharamsala in India, to see the Dalai Lama and get an education. The families were worried — in addition to the risk of being caught fleeing Tibet, the boys faced an even more arduous, monthlong trek through innumerable snow-covered passes. Each was barely out of his teens and had paid 3,000 yuan (about $440) to a "guide" to take them to Nepal, where they would be received by the Refugee Reception Centre run by the Tibetan government-in-exile.

Despite the hazards, the three young men were able to reach Dharamsala, meet their revered spiritual leader and enroll in a special school for exiles 18 and older. But that is not where the story ends. After three years, all three of the boys have dropped out of school. They have been unable to find jobs and are living on the dole. Their circumstances reflect a half-century of Tibetan-exile existence in India: self-segregated by exile leaders fearful of its losing its cultural identity, the community has not assimilated into India. Many among the younger exiles can't wait for the first opportunity to return to Chinese-ruled Tibet — or a chance to move to any country other than India. (See pictures of Tibet's traditional culture being besieged by Chinese consumerism.)
Tashi, who asked to be identified by only one name to protect his family back in Tibet, still speaks just Tibetan and some Chinese. He had never been to school in Tibet, and in Dharamsala, he says, "I only managed to study for two years ... I struggled with languages. And now, since I don't know Hindi or English, I can't find a job."
Even Tibetans born and raised in India — second- and third-generation refugees — find the going tough when it comes to finding work. According to the Tibetan Demographic Survey carried out by the Central Tibetan Administration, unemployment rates are as high as 75%. "I know many people without jobs," says Theton Jigme, 31, an employee with the Central Tibetan Administration who found his present job three years after completing an undergraduate degree at a university in Chandigarh. "We have some 1,250 Tibetan students graduating each year, but we can only provide government jobs to 5% of them." (See pictures of exiled Tibetans struggling to preserve their culture.)
The unemployment problem has roots stretching back to the first wave of migrants — about 80,000 of them — who followed the Dalai Lama to India in 1959. Many of them were unschooled, unskilled nomads who found only low-wage jobs in road construction. A few thousand were allotted uninhabited jungle land in southern and northeastern India and given training to become farmers. Later, some received subsidies to help market traditional handicrafts. But the vast majority of migrants settled in Dharamsala along with the Dalai Lama. The local economy was unable to absorb them. A mere lucky few found odd jobs or set up business in roadside stalls.
Back then, the new migrants didn't mind the difficulties too much. They were used to a harsh life and thought they would all go back to Tibet soon. Fifty years on, however, the situation is very different, because the expectations have changed. Thanks to a rigorous commitment to education, the literacy rates of the community, which now numbers about 130,000, have been rising constantly (the rate among 19-to-25-year-olds is 99%). Some go to university but then find themselves competing with the more numerous Indian graduates. Many end up, at best, working in beauty parlors, restaurants and tourism-related industries.
"There is immense competition in the job market, but there are also opportunities which Tibetan youngsters have failed to utilize," says Karma Yeshi, an MP in the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, who also runs the Voice of Tibet radio station. "There is demand for translators from Chinese to Tibetan and back, for example, but few students have the guidance to know this. Is there a single Tibetan who has studied Chinese policy? International law? U.N. mechanisms?" he asks with more than a dash of criticism, adding, "Enthusiasm and intentions are necessary, but good education is also needed."
A deep sense of alienation from Indian society has developed among young Tibetans. "Many Indians see Tibetans as parasites," says Jigme. "They look down on us. I tell such people that Tibetan forces fought alongside Indians in the 1971 war [against Pakistan] in Kargil. They are present on the Siachen glacier [facing off against the Pakistani military.]" Jigme says he feels a sense of pride in the fact that his grandfather worked with a secret military force under the Indian government, but adds, "I still feel like we are people of nowhere."
Part of this alienation is due to the Tibetan government's decision early on to have separate schools for Tibetan students to ensure the preservation of Tibetan language and culture. The result has been a pronounced linguistic and societal segregation. At the march on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing, there was a smattering of white faces among the 2,000-odd Tibetans — but not a single Indian face except for the cabdrivers transporting protesters. "They stay aloof," says Vinay Sharma, a Dharamsala resident who says he has "friendly relations" with many Tibetans. "But I don't go to their home. There is hardly ever any intermarrying." (See pictures of protests against Chinese rule in Tibet.)
Though a majority of Tibetans are eligible for Indian citizenship, only a handful have actually sought it. As a result, they have difficulty buying land and property, a further impediment to making a living in India. "We all get a residence certificate from the Indian government, which we have to renew every year," says Yeshi. "For me, each time I get it renewed, it is a reminder that I must work to return to Tibet." There is no longing to be part of India. Yet many are not averse to seeking greener pastures in the U.S. or Europe. Explains Tenzin Palden, 27, a sometime sales clerk: "Many Tibetans have settled [in America]. They've been sending home money. They're obviously in good jobs there."
For the unemployed and idle young who remain in India, frustration and disaffection can have dangerous consequences. Many have taken to hashish. Indeed, substance abuse has become widespread enough to prompt the government-in-exile to sponsor rehabilitation programs. Officials have banned the sale of alcohol, including chhang, a Tibetan liquor. They have also set up financial-assistance programs for the families of addicts.
The drug problem is just the most worrisome part of what the leaders of the Tibetan-exile community see as a wider crisis: the loss of Tibetan identity. In the past few years, when India's economy was growing rapidly, increasing numbers of young Tibetans left the 35 exile communities across India to work in call centers and corporations in bigger cities. Tibetan elders are concerned that these youths might lose touch with their culture and values, preserved so painstakingly and so successfully with separate schools and separate communities. The irony is that after 50 years, that strength of the Tibetan community has led to a generation that does not feel it belongs anywhere but Tibet, remaining alienated strangers in strange lands.
Assimilation, however, is unacceptable as a solution. "My generation, the 40-somethings, have a huge responsibility," says Yeshi. "We need to make sure that our children, the third and fourth generations born in exile, feel for Tibet, respect the Dalai Lama, preserve their culture. The biggest problem is finding a political solution to the Tibet problem." But Yeshi is aware of the practical problem in the way of that dream. "To live to see that day, we need livelihood."
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-23 11:15 | 显示全部楼层

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本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-3-23 12:22 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-23 11:18 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-3-23 13:14 编辑


标题: Time Magazine reports that unemployment rate among exile Tibetans is 75%, Drug and alcohol addicts common among the unemployed youths


No wonder kids like Gezzer like to post so much obscene stuff in this forum. Most likely he is one of those 75% Tibetan youths with no job and no prospect. Five rupee is enough for him to buy ཆང་

No wonder folks like Wangyal writes posts that nobody understands. Probably he is on drugs which is widely available in D'sala!


And Time Magazine said that hardly Indian is interested in your demonstration. Sad. That is the kind of support you guys brag!

难怪Gezzer这样的孩子喜欢在这个论坛贴色情的东西。他很有可能就是那75%的藏族青年之一。没有工作,没有前景。 5卢比只够他买ཆང་(看不懂的外文)


哈哈哈 .......



You guys claim to be the most SUCCESSFUL refugees in the world. I guess you guys mean you are the most successful on-the-dole refugees in the world!

Oop........my tax dollar........gone down the drain



loveless_myth, anywhere you go in north and south america, australia, s.e asia and africa, you'll find these same issues in areas which were invaded and subsequently under colonial regimes which did not value these natives. the colonial regimes morphed into dictatorships and democracies but the genocides and socio-economic marginalization continued and led to the exact same social ills which you mention...with apparent glee and without a trace of compassion...forget remorse.

loveless_myth ,你去北美和南美,澳大利亚,东南亚和非洲任何地方,你会发现同样的问题。曾被侵略和殖民的地区不善待本地人。殖民制度演变成了独裁和民主,但种族灭绝和社会经济边缘化继续并导致了你提及的社会弊病...幸灾乐祸...忘记怜悯。


75%, thats definitely overrated. Maybe 10%. Having brought up in a Tibetan school and now managing my own life idependently, I am not sure if the report was really about the place where I grew up. The reporter seemed keen on showing a different side of our refugee story.

But there is no denying the fact that based on the situation Tibetans have been in, losing our land/country, escaping into exile with no resources, Tibetans in the last 50 years have come a long way. And it sure feels uncomfortable saying this over here. There can't be any other refugee story that matches what the Tibetans have done and achieved. The establishment of the settlement, schools, monasteries and training centers. While most religious institution inside Tibet has been destroyed into rubbles, Tibetans showed the world their culture and religion by recreating some aspect of their traditional life in India. Maybe Buddhism was bound to return to its place of origin. It looks like India will become the future home of Buddhism one more time. Thanks to China's destructive attitude towards anything Tibetan. Thanks to Chinese imperial and colonial attitude towards the Tibetans. Thanks to China's illegal occupation of Tibet. Thats will be the tragedy of the past century.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if China had continued to be ruled by the Japanese imperial power. But in my general conversations, I hold myself from talking about such things because I know the Chinese people still carry lots of emotional pain from that era especially when recollecting the Nanking issue. So lets no go into that. But lets hope the Chinese Hans know what it feels like when ones own people is bullied and mistreated by another race or people.

75%一定高估了。也许10% 。我在藏族学校长大,现在独立生活 ,我不能肯定该新闻报道的是我长大的那个地方。记者似乎热衷于从另一方面报道我们难民。




At least we are not criminal robbers like Chinese who stole our land, killed our parents, destroyed our monastries and worst of all lies to the world about your your genocide.

Bury your head in eternal shame you Han Chinese.




Are you referring to the white American where they stole RED india land & killed their parents ?
Are you also referrring to the white America where they stole the Hawiian land ?

Bury your hatred & lead a positive life. Your negative thought destory you & your families & your future young generation.



Excerpt from the above-mentioned TIME article:

A deep sense of alienation from Indian society has developed among young Tibetans. "Many Indians see Tibetans as parasites," says Jigme. "They look down on us.

At the march on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing, there was a smattering of white faces among the 2,000-odd Tibetans — but not a single Indian face except for the cabdrivers transporting protesters.

Why do the Indians consider Tibetans as parasites? Why didn't even one single Indian join your demonstration if you have such a great cause?


Chinese are worst than Nazi. Nazi at least acknowledge their crime not Chinese.


Why do the Indians consider Tibetans as parasites? Why didn't even one single Indian join your demonstration if you have such a great cause?

Because they, like millions of Han, are becoming ever-more self absorbed, and cannot see past the ends of their own noses. Tibetans have served in the Indian Armed Services, most notably the Special Frontier Force, and have shed their blood in the cause of the Indian Nation. The decorations for valor under fire awarded to this unit prove my words. Parasites? Nope. India and its people do not want any more wars, and they are pussies when it comes to pissing off their Chinese neighbors. But burying their heads in capitalistic pursuit while China grows ever more bellicose and bullying will not bring the results they are looking for.


Nazi leaders committed a war crime & most of them were sentenced to death by the war crime international court. So dont get mixed up.

The Japanese killed & Rape millions of Chinese from 1937 to 1945. My mother told me that her families & some of he relative were the victim. My grandparent & parent did not instill hatred into my brain what the Japanese have done to them. Instead their priorities of upbring the children is EDUCATION. With the right positive living thinking , all the Chinese people around the world life have imrpoved vastly. So After 60 yrs focusing highest priorities on education, the Chinese leaders have managed to improve the life all the people in China. We , the Chinese from south east asia has one of the highest standard living in the world. How we achieve ? Thinking positive & keep focusing & upgrading our education to improve our knowledge.

So buried your hatred & remove the "GREAT WALL" in your mind. Lead a more positive life & dont instill HATRED into the mind of exile future young generation . Focus the highest priorities on EDUCATION.

The 1st finanical tsunami crisis have caused millions of people to lose job. They are predicting a 2nd finanical tsunami which is more serious than the 2008. Better think of how U & your families survive in the next 1-3 yrs.



Whose tax dollars?

What nation do you live in where you feel your tax dollars are yours? Do you not use sidewalks, drive on streets, like having street lights on at night, love infrastructures of running water and electricity on demand? Where do you think the money comes from for these things? And where do you think the need comes from?

That's right. You take up space and you pay your damned way. If you don't want to pay taxes, because something like less than 5% is used for social projects like helping refugees, then write your local congressperson. You can't be that blind. But I guess that is the modern sickness of delusion. Thinking we can live in an urbanized society and using all the conveniences, while being angered at having to pay for them.


Well, you people have had problems not only with Chinese and Indians but also Nepalese and Bhutanese. In fact all your neighbors even before 1950. And you people suffered tremendously at least since the beginning of Dalai Lama's theocratic rule centuries ago.

So don't blame everything on Chinese and Indians. Theocracy, i.e. fake Buddha is the main culprit.


Ahhh...so you are saying that we Tibetans are responsible for our own suffering? How very buddhist of you. As you may or may not know, people of Tibet Plateau used to be very warlike. They fought many battles and subjugated those around them, even Han. But it was in embracing the dharma that Bhoe evolved toward joining the universal harmonic energy. Tibetans in the modern era have had problems with Nepal since Mao. Kingdom of Bhutan IS Tibetan, same people, same religion. When China leaves Tibet to Tibetans...no problem.


Ya I am on drug that I buy from pimping your sister and momma p***y, I going to be real high when I kill you skinny asss. Ya read time magazine and shake your self, who cares what times says, I don't give a dime of what time magazine is, its worth only for wiping my a**, for you don’t waste your time by posting about tibet, when you don’t know a s*** about tibet, I told you my bitch Dhasa is thousand time better then Beijing, that’s why all Tibetan look toward dhasa then toward Beijing, Tibetan in India better employed then compare to main land china, and dumb a** you know that to, I give you a job for son of whore like you, that’s is you have to shake Mao d*** till it cum, so be happy and get busy now, I am sure Mao stinks pretty bad , cause he f***ed up in that glass hell. f*** all the Chinese, the race slut and whore.
Free Tibet with guns
Love Tibet more then Buddha
Every Tibetan have a right to kill f***ing Chinese.


"rangtsen13 @ Mar 12 2009, 06:20 PM)
Ahhh...so you are saying that we Tibetans are responsible for our own suffering?"

So you think Chinese should be held responsible for Tibetans' suffering under Dalai Lama's Theocracy before 1959?

"rangtsen13 @ Mar 12 2009, 06:20 PM) Tibetans in the modern era have had problems with Nepal since Mao."

Since Mao? Was Mao responsible for the Nepal-Tibet war during the Qing dynasty?

"(rangtsen13 @ Mar 12 2009, 06:20 PM) Kingdom of Bhutan IS Tibetan, same people, same religion. When China leaves Tibet to Tibetans...no problem. "

Western Tibetans are related to Monpa and look more like Burmese. But eastern Tibetans are related to Jiang tribe, an important Chinese tribe and look more like Chinese.


betablooper, "So you think Chinese should be held responsible for Tibetans' suffering under Dalai Lama's Theocracy before 1959?"

if, as you claim, tibet has belonged to china for 800 yrs, then, yes, china is responsble for what happened. but as we all know this claim by china to be totally false, china should only be responsible for what has happened since it invaded.

this whole notion that tibet was some sort of evil pariah state is ridiculous. at the time of china's invasion, virtually the whole planet, aside from the victorious WW2 western allied democracies, was a hodge-podge of kingdoms, feudalities, dictatorships (like china) and quasi-apartheid states. tibet was no better, no worse, no different than 75% of the nations of the earth.


The tibetan in China GDP per capital has improved by 800% since 1959. Only the exile tibetan outside China is suffering. You have not been making used of the Fund provided by the US C.I.A for the past 50 yrs to focus more on the education. Worst of all, keep instill hatred toward the younger exile tibetan generation. Their life is full of hatred that they did focus only on the negative side of life. With this finanical tsunami crisis, the exile tibetan will face great pressure to get the basic education for the younger exile tibetan. Everyday, need to worry the next meal to come. The finanical guru are predicting a 2nd Finanical crisis to come in the next 1-3 yrs. Better prepare for it as it will be much worst than 2008.

Only China leaders are capable of bringing a better life to the tibetan in China. By 2018, the tibetan in China standard of living will vastly improve. Younger tibetan in China will be better educated with a good job to feed the whole families.

So remove the "GREAT WALL" in your mind. Dont instill HATRED into the younger exile tibetan generation. Let them Focus on the psoitive side of life.


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发表于 2009-3-23 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
要回西藏就承认自己是中国人 要不就永远流浪做难民吧
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发表于 2009-3-23 11:39 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-23 13:21 | 显示全部楼层
Are you referring to the white American where they stole RED india land & killed their parents ?
Are you also referrring to the white America where they stole the Hawiian land ?

Bury your hatred & lead a positive life. Your negative thought destory you & your families & your future young generation.


埋葬你的仇恨,积极生活。你的负面想法 毁了你和你的家庭,还有你未来的年轻一代。


Excerpt from the above-mentioned TIME article:
Why do the Indians consider Tibetans as parasites? Why didn't even one single Indian join your demonstration if you have such a great cause?
印度人为什么把藏人看成寄生虫? 为什么一个印度人都没有参加你们的示威抗议如果你们的事业那么伟大?


Chinese are worst than Nazi. Nazi at least acknowledge their crime not Chinese.
中国人比纳粹还坏! 纳粹至少知道自己所犯的罪。
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发表于 2009-3-23 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-23 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-23 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-23 19:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-23 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-23 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-25 08:17 | 显示全部楼层





Nazi leaders committed a war crime & most of them were sentenced to death by the war crime international court. So dont get mixed up.

The Japanese killed & Rape millions of Chinese from 1937 to 1945. My mother told me that her families & some of he relative were the victim. My grandparent & parent did not instill hatred into my brain what the Japanese have done to them. Instead their priorities of upbring the children is EDUCATION. With the right positive living thinking , all the Chinese people around the world life have imrpoved vastly. So After 60 yrs focusing highest priorities on education, the Chinese leaders have managed to improve the life all the people in China. We , the Chinese from south east asia has one of the highest standard living in the world. How we achieve ? Thinking positive & keep focusing & upgrading our education to improve our knowledge.

So buried your hatred & remove the "GREAT WALL" in your mind. Lead a more positive life & dont instill HATRED into the mind of exile future young generation . Focus the highest priorities on EDUCATION.

The 1st finanical tsunami crisis have caused millions of people to lose job. They are predicting a 2nd finanical tsunami which is more serious than the 2008. Better think of how U & your families survive in the next 1-3 yrs.

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发表于 2009-3-25 08:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-25 08:26 | 显示全部楼层
squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-3-25 08:23

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发表于 2009-3-25 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-25 08:43 | 显示全部楼层

流亡政府的一位议员,同时也是西藏之声电台负责人的Karma Yeshi说,就业市场的竞争确实很激烈,但是很多藏族的年轻人也没有好好把握住机会。“比如说,这里很需要能做汉语藏语翻译的人才,但是很少有人具备这种能力。有没有一个藏人专门研究中国政策的?有没有人专门研究国际法?有没有人懂联合国机制的?”他的话多少有些批评的口吻。他补充说:“热情和意愿是必须的,但是我们也需要高水平的教育。”

"There is immense competition in the job market, but there are also opportunities which Tibetan youngsters have failed to utilize," says Karma Yeshi, an MP in the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, who also runs the Voice of Tibet radio station. "There is demand for translators from Chinese to Tibetan and back, for example, but few students have the guidance to know this. Is there a single Tibetan who has studied Chinese policy? International law? U.N. mechanisms?" he asks with more than a dash of criticism, adding, "Enthusiasm and intentions are necessary, but good education is also needed."
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发表于 2009-3-25 08:51 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-3-26 01:18 | 显示全部楼层
illidanyyh 发表于 2009-3-25 08:26

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