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发表于 2009-3-28 06:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China's rural consumers

Pretend you're a Westerner

Feb 19th 2009 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

Buy something you can’t afford

THOSE living in the countryside have been hit hardest by China’s economic slowdown. Yet the media show pictures of gleeful farmers buying televisions and fridges. Since February 1st all China’s more than 200m rural households have been eligible for a government-financed discount on such purchases. From next month they will be entitled to subsidised cars as well. Unfortunately, glee is very confined.

The government has expressed great hopes for rural spenders as a new engine of economic growth. Hence the subsidy scheme: get peasants to spend, goes the official thinking, and the country’s ailing export industries will find a vast new market. The idea was to reduce the household-appliance industry’s bloated capacity and reliance on exports for half its sales. It was also a way to help manufacturers as the yuan appreciated. In 2007 an experiment was launched in three provinces. Rural households could enjoy a 13% discount on a number of items from each category of goods on a list of designated models.

The experiment was due to end last year. But as China’s exports plunged, officials decided to extend it, first to another nine provinces in December and then, this month, nationwide (with added product categories, including motorcycles and computers in some places). It is to run for four years. Its impact so far is hard to assess from patchy official figures. In the first three provinces, the volume of rural sales of household appliances of all kinds in the 11 months ending October 2008 was 40% higher than in the same period a year earlier. But the Economic Observer, a Beijing newspaper, said the sales value of designated products was only 40% of the government’s target. Yan Shengqin of Beihe village, in Shandong province, says the distance to the sole officially approved retail outlet and the limited product range deter him and his neighbours.

The scheme has many sceptics. Officials now estimate that some 20m migrant workers from the countryside have recently lost their jobs. Their remittances to relatives in the countryside had been a big driver of rural spending. So Hu Biliang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says it would be “good news” if rural incomes, which include earnings by migrant workers, were to grow at all this year. Better, he says, to put more government money into infrastructure and health care, where recent spending increases are still far from enough.

Even some official newspapers have published complaints about the fairness of the scheme (why should poor urban residents not enjoy the same discounts?) and its impact on free competition in the market. The products of many more companies, including a handful of foreign ones, have been added to the lists. But some have suggested it might be fairer and less bureaucratic to give coupons to rural residents to spend as they want, as has been tried in Taiwan. At present, to get their discounts, claimants need to take proof of purchase and residency to a government office. The money may then take 15 working days to reach their accounts.

The government still has high hopes. Fu Ziying, a deputy minister of commerce, claimed in the press that the policy could boost rural sales of consumer goods by 2.5%. “Active consumption is patriotic and being patriotic involves loving oneself,” argued an essay in Liaowang, an official journal. But China’s out-of-work peasants may not be ready to pamper themselves.






该试验原本定于去年(2008年)结束。但中国出口出现大幅缩水,中国政府便决定扩大这一试验的范围。首先是去年12月份,在另外九个省份进行,接着,本月,在全国范围内进行(并且增加了一些商品的种类,比如,有些地区增加了摩托车及电脑)。这次试行将持续四年。然而,到目前为止,这一方案带来的效果还不能从官方那些不让人信服的数据中看出来。在最先进行的三个省份中,截至200810月,十一个月里的农村地区所有类别的加油电器的销售量要比去年同期增加了40%。但是,北京的《经济观察报》(The Economic Observer)称这一消费产生的价值只达到了政府预期的40%。来自山东省北贺村(Beihe)的严胜勤(音译)说到,由于政府唯一指定的零售商店太远以及产品又有限制,他和他的邻居们就放弃了购买的想法。




                                                                         翻译:Rok-Viv  AKA.Cho克latE

发表于 2009-3-29 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
西媒对副词不幸的是,连词 然而等等用的是出神入化啊
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发表于 2009-3-29 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-31 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
不是买不起 是中国农民舍不得买!
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发表于 2009-4-2 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
1# Rok-Viv
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