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发表于 2009-3-31 20:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 中文普通话 于 2009-3-31 20:40 编辑


Helen Liu has strong links with Chinese army

Rowan Callick and Brad Norington | March 31, 2009

THE wealthy Chinese businesswoman who befriended DefenceMinister Joel Fitzgibbon and showered him with gifts is a leading member of anorganisation with strong ties to the Chinese military.

Helen Liu, who was born in the northeastern Chinese province of Shandongand is now an Australian citizen, is a member of the editorial committee ofShandong Ming Jia. The organisation, which translates as Shandong CelebritiesFamily, promotes the work of leading people from Shandong. It has extensive membership withinthe China'smilitary, the Peoples Liberation Army, especially its logistics division.


Ms Liu has attracted enormous attention after allegations reported lastweek that Mr Fitzgibbon had been the subject of a covert spy operation byofficials from his own defence department because of his relationship with her.According to the claims, departmental officials regarded Ms Liu as a possiblesecurity risk. Ms Liu, who has had many property development interests in China and Australia, is among members of theShandong Celebrities Family network whose activities are regularly covered byits own colour magazine.


Of the past 10 cover photos, three have featured senior army officers - twomen and one woman. Calligraphy, which is a strong feature of the organisation'swebsite, was written by a former commissar of the PLA's logistics division.
Shandong isfamous as a source of senior soldiers in China. Ms Liu has also become aprominent representative for the People's Republic in the vast overseas Chineseworld - a role that gives her high status back in China.

Mr Fitzgibbon, who describes Ms Liu as a personal friend, met her during atrip to Chinawith his father, former Labor MP Eric Fitzgibbon, in the early 1990s.


Over the years, Mr Fitzgibbon has introduced Ms Liu to Labor MPs atdinners. She paid for two trips Mr Fitzgibbon made to China in 2002and 2005, which he failed to declare on his parliamentary statement ofpecuniary interests until last week. He rents a townhouse in Canberra owned by her family and last yearshe gave him a suit, which he subsequently returned.


Ms Liu's many roles in public life, which also include past meetings withKevin Rudd and John Howard, indicate she is a loyal, trusted and active leaderwith extensive contact within the Chinese party establishment. She isvice-chairwoman of the World Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations, whichstates on its website she is the daughter of "an ordinary cadre" orCommunist Party member. This organisation is administratively based in HongKong, but is linked to the Overseas Affairs office of the United Front Ministryof the State Council, China'scabinet. Among its goals are to work towards China'sreunification - meaning the assimilation of Taiwan - and to promote Chineseculture. A spokesman said a few years ago it also sought to "expose andcriticise" the Falun Gong movement.

女士在公开场合有不同的角色,这个场合也包括很陆克文以及约翰·霍华德会面,这些活动显示出她是一名忠诚的、可靠的和积极的领导人物,广泛地与中国的党派建立联系。她是世界华侨华人社团联合总会的副主席,在该组织的网站上(译者注:http://www.hxuc.com/)说,她是一名“普通干部”的女儿或是(中国)共产党党员。该组织位于香港,不过它与中国内阁——国务院的统战部海外事务办公室有联系。(译者注:统战部应该是党的系统里的,而不是国务院体系下的)它的工作目标是重新统一中国——意味着与台湾融合,和促进中国文化。一名发言人几年前说,它也力图“揭露和批判”法 功。

News of Ms Liu's meetings with provincial and municipal leaders isfrequently published in the domestic Chinese media. When she visited thenorthwestern region of Xinjiang, she was photographed being received by aformer vice-chairman of the National People's Congress.
She has been praised for donating patriotic education material to schoolsin areas of China with heavypopulations of non-Han Chinese people, such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. She also meets the top Chinese leaders who visit Australia,where she was photographed in 2002 toasting Li Peng, the former premier widelyconsidered responsible for the brutality of the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989.


A key goal of the association of which she is vice-chairwoman is torepresent Chinese interests internationally. In pursuing this goal, given thegrowing intensity of Australia'srelationship with China,it was inevitable that she would meet the Prime Minister and Mr Howard. Ms Liu,whose Chinese name is Haiyan, graduated with a masters degree from one of China's top universities, Qinghua, in Beijing, before migrating to Australia 25 years ago. She is alsoa member of the Australian Council for the Promotion of the PeacefulReunification of China, which campaigns for the return of Taiwan to thePeople's Republic. At its anniversary celebrations in Beijing,in 2006, the world federation of which she is vice-chairwoman stressed:"There is only one Chinain the world." The Chinese media have praised her active role in donatingmoney towards less developed regions of China. Last year, she contributed$6million for victims of the Sichuanearthquake. Chinese media have reported Ms Liu owns a $140 million property in Hainan Island,and $20 million worth of property, including 55 villas and four officebuildings, in Jiujiang city in Jiangxiprovince.


In Australia,Ms Liu has pursued shopping centre and hotel investments through companies thatinclude Australia China Investments and Diamond Hills Holdings. In 1997, shefought a Federal Court battle against a fellow company director, Jian Xu, aformer boyfriend, who claimed he was entitled to a share of proceeds afterproperty sales. Ms Liu owns a large residence at exclusive Double Bay,in Sydney's easternsuburbs. She bought the six-bedroom, four bathroom property for $4.7million in2003. According to neighbours, she has been away from her Sydney home for the past three months.

在澳大利亚,刘女士通过公司包括澳中投资公司(Australia ChinaInvestments)和钻石山控股(Diamond HillsHoldings)购买了商业中心和酒店投资。1997年,她与前男友,一名合伙公司的负责人徐剑(音译)对簿公堂,徐声称他有份获得房地产销售以后的收益。刘女士在悉尼东郊高档的Double Bay地区有一处大房子。她在2003年购买了一套带6间卧室4个卫生间的房产。据邻居说,在过去的3个月里她都不在悉尼的家中。

Additional reporting: Natalie O'Brien


Helen Liu breaks hersilence over Joel Fitzgibbon scandal

Joe Hildebrand | March 31, 200912:00am

THE Chinese businesswoman at the heart of an alleged spyscandal has declared she is a loyal Australian and broken-hearted by hertreatment.

In her first comments since being named last week, Helen Liu told the HeraldSun she was astounded by claims she was a threat to national security andsaid she was a good citizen and businesswoman. In a phone call from her home province of Shandong,the 48-year-old with limited English said through a friend: "I feel verybroken-hearted about Australia."


"I am an Australian citizen and I participate in all activities, notjust political. " "I go to charity functions, I go to parties towhich I am invited. " "I am a very good Australian businesswoman. Itis unfair to me what people have said. I know people have said I am a nationalsecurity threat."


Ms Liu was named by media as the subject of an internal Defence Departmentprobe into her relationship with Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon. As ofMonday, no evidence had been found to support the claim and the AustralianSecurity and Intelligence Organisation has said Ms Liu is of no concern orinterest to them.


Former NSW premier Bob Carr also has cometo his friend's defence, declaring some media shameful in their baseless claimsthat Ms Liu may be a spy. Mr Carr, who said he and his wife Helena were friendsof Ms Liu and her sister Queena, was even more forthright in his attack onelements of the media that had portrayed her as a spy or "mysterywoman". "I think it's pretty shameful for the media to brand thiswoman as suspect on security grounds without the remotest evidence - indeed inthe face of ASIO stating she is of no interest to them," he told theHerald Sun. "I think Helen Liu is entitled to object to being branded a'mystery woman' - she's no more a mystery than any other woman but for heranonymity. The whole thing is a huge beat-up."


Mr Carr described his friend as a nice, pleasant and slightly shy woman withonly "modest" business interests in Australia. He also indicated thatthere were some troubling undertones in people's suspicions of her."There's a lingering impression that she's only of interest because she'sChinese," he said. "If she was Swedish or Ghanaian it would getlittle attention."


Since no evidence has emerged of the Defenceinvestigation or the source of information it has been suggested that the leakor even the probe into Mr Fitzgibbon has come from elsewhere within theGovernment and even from his own allies in the NSW Labor Right. But the HeraldSun has again been able to find no evidence to support this.


Ms Liu also has met both Prime MinisterKevin Rudd and former PM John Howard. Mr Rudd is believed to have attended aprivate dinner in Brisbanein 2004, where he met and talked at length in Mandarin with Ms Liu. An undatedphoto of Mr Howard with Ms Liu appears to have been taken at a public function.Mr Howard is known to have enduring and good relations with the Sydney Chinesebusiness community.






发表于 2009-3-31 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-31 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
o029)  西方人 挺稀饭亚洲人嘛

什么都说 ,哎,没的救了...
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发表于 2009-3-31 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-1 00:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-1 01:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-1 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 05:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 16:04 | 显示全部楼层
澳大利亚,跟美国走近了,不代表你就是美国了, 你要想想谁才是你最大的买家
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发表于 2009-4-2 18:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-2 20:11 | 显示全部楼层
这个地球人很可疑,因为她是澳门人 New
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发表于 2009-4-2 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-3 10:50 | 显示全部楼层
惊天破石 发表于 2009-4-2 18:29

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发表于 2009-4-5 18:16 | 显示全部楼层
9# triangel
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发表于 2009-4-7 18:05 | 显示全部楼层
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