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发表于 2009-4-1 11:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 真西北狼 于 2009-4-1 11:46 编辑

【原文标题】 Obama to discuss North Korea with China's Hu at G20
【中文标题】 奥巴马与胡主席在G20讨论北韩(议题)
【文章来源】 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/28/AR2009032801078.html?sub=AR
【译  者】    真西北狼
【译  文】     

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will discuss concerns about a possible North Korean missile launch with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the G20 summit next week, White House officials said on Saturday.

华盛顿通讯 -奥巴马总统将在下周20国集团首脑会议上与中国国家主席胡锦涛商讨有关北朝鲜将要试射导弹议题,白宫官员周六表示。

"It's an opportunity to solidify what has been a very good start in the bilateral relationship," White House deputy national security adviser told reporters in a conference call, referring to the Hu meeting.

“这次机会对于巩固双边关系将会是一个非常良好的开端, ”白宫副国家安全顾问Denis McDonough 在一次电话会议上告诉记者,所谈论的是胡(锦涛)的会议。

"We'll obviously want to take an opportunity to discuss our shared concerns about preparations in North Korea for a launch that we, as you know, would consider to be counter to U.N. Security Council resolution 1718."

“在这次难得的机会里我们将讨论分享有关北朝鲜准备发射(导弹问题),如你(记者)所知,要考虑到(指北朝鲜)是违背联合国安理会1718号决议。 ”

The resolution, adopted in 2006, imposes arms and financial sanctions on North Korea after it conducted its first nuclear test three months after firing its longest-range Taepodong-2 ballistic missile. It also bans sale of luxury goods to the North.


Pyongyang has said it will launch a communications satellite between April 4-8. But regional powers believe the real purpose is to test a long-range missile, the Taepodong-2, which is already on its launch pad at a North Korean missile base.


White House officials said Hu and Obama also would discuss the economy during the London summit but declined to comment on whether the issue of a global reserve currency would come up.


"Their agenda is a broad agenda that will cover a number of issues -- economic, political, strategic. So I wouldn't want to prejudge what they will end up talking about," said Froman, deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs.

“讨论的议题很广泛,将涉及到经济,政治,战略问题。因此,我不想预测他们关于最终讨论(成果), ”主管国际经济事务的副国家安全顾问Michael Froman说。

"We obviously look forward to a positive, cooperative and constructive relationship as it relates kind of across the board on these issues,"  McDonough said.

“很明显我们期待着一个积极,合作和建设性的关系,并且是全面性的, ”McDonough说。

He referred to Obama's comments at a news conference on Tuesday about the global currency. The president said that the U.S. dollar was "extraordinarily strong" and that there was no need for a single global currency.

他在记者招待会上提到总统奥巴马在周二发表的关于全球流通货币时表示。美元是“非常强势”的 ,并认为没有必要(建立)单一全球流通货币。




发表于 2009-4-1 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
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