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发表于 2009-4-3 00:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Toyota cuts UK worker hours
【登载媒体】Financial Times
【译    者】johnsonpersonal

Toyota cuts UK worker hours
By John O’Doherty

Published: March 11 2009 10:27 | Last updated: March 11 2009 10:34

Toyota is to reduce pay and working hours at its factories in the UK, affecting 4,370 workers, in another sign of the declining health of the car industry.

The announcement on Wednesday comes on the very day that Lord Mandelson is holding a “summit” of the motor industry and banks in order to add a further stimulus to car makers on top of January’s £2.5bn loan guarantee.

Ministers are understood to be concerned that UK-based companies are being slow to seek funding from Brussels, in spite of complaining at the perceived slow pace of government initiatives.

The announcement from Toyota follows an announcement three weeks ago that BMW would axe 850 jobs at its plant near Oxford, and the continuing difficulties of the Birmingham van-maker LDV.

Following extensive consultation with our employee representatives, and with input from all employees, it has been agreed that the best way to secure long-term employment is to temporarily reduce working hours and base pay by 10 per cent,” the company said in a statement.

This ‘work share’ arrangement will take effect from 1st April, 2009, and will be in place for one year, during this time we will continue to monitor the market and company situation closely.

We believe the measures we have announced give us a greater opportunity to maintain employment through this difficult period.”

The news had been expected, after meetings with employee representatives earlier this week, and will affect Toyota’s two UK plants: one at Burnaston, near Derby where 3,800 are employed, and the other at Deeside in north Wales, where 570 are employed.

All of the jobs affected are salaried full-time Toyota employees. The company no longer has any temporary or agency employees, having shed the 200 or so agency staff it employed over the past nine months.

A Toyota spokesperson said that the reduction in pay and hours would work out at one day less worked per fortnight.

It’s a 38 hour week,” said the spokesperson.

The ten per cent really equates to half a day per week, so in effect, all employees will not attend work or receive pay for two days out of each month. What we will do is we will put half days together so effectively one day per fortnight, which will typically be a Friday, employees won’t attend work or receive base pay.“
10%的基本工资相当于一个星期半天的工作薪水,所以实际上,所有的员工每个有将有两天的无薪假期。 我们要做的是我们会把两个半天加起来,所以实际上每两个星期是一天,那天就是星期五,那天是无薪假期。

The reduction of working time follows a number of measures taken by Toyota in recent months to reduce production. At the end of September, the company’s UK operations suspended their night-shift production of the Auris, and subsequently extended their annual Christmas shutdown by an additional three days.

Further measures taken include a number of ‘non-production weeks’, two of which were held at the end of February and beginning of March. In the first week, employees attended work for training and quality improvement exercises, while in the second week, employees were not required to attend work, but received full base pay.

The work reduction announced on Wednesday will begin by being bundled into another such non-production week, following the Easter bank holiday in early April, when the two days per month of reduced work will be taken on the Tuesday and Wednesday. The Thursday and Friday will also be designated as non-production days.

Shares in Toyota rose 4 per cent to 2,080 Yen in Tokyo.

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