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【2009,4,6 路透社, 意大利地震遇难人数升至100】

发表于 2009-4-12 18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Italy quake toll rises to 100
【登载媒体】Reuters 路透社
【译  者】 fupingping   
【翻译方式】 人工
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The body of a victim lies on the street in front of his collapsed house in L'Aquila

A powerful earthquake struck central Italy early today, killing more than 100 people, making up to 50,000 homeless and flattening entire medieval towns while residents slept.


As rescue workers combed through the rubble for survivors and rushed to set up tents for the homeless before night fell, officials warned the death toll could still rise substantially and declined to estimate the number of missing.


Most of the dead were in L'Aquila, a 13th century mountain city about 100 km (60 miles) east of Rome, and surrounding towns and villages in the Abruzzo region.


"Some towns in the area have been virtually destroyed in their entirety," said Gianfranco Fini, speaker of the lower house of parliament, as MPs observed a moment of silence.

意大利众议院议长Gianfranco Fini说,“这个地区的一些城镇事实上已经完全被毁了。”随后众议院的议员们为死难者默哀。

Abruzzo's regional government said more than 100 people were confirmed dead, nearly 14 hours after the quake struck with a magnitude of between 5.8 and 6.3.


"I woke up hearing what sounded like a bomb," said L'Aquila resident Angela Palumbo, 87.

拉奎拉87岁的居民Angela Palumbo说,“我被像炸弹一样的声响惊醒。”

"We managed to escape with things falling all around us. Everything was shaking, furniture falling. I don't remember ever seeing anything like this in my life."


Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi cancelled a trip to Moscow and declared a national emergency, freeing up funds for aid and rebuilding. But he also appeared on the defensive about reports that officials shrugged off a warning about the quake weeks ago.


Flying in to the disaster zone, Berlusconi told reporters that now was the time to concentrate on relief efforts and "we can discuss afterwards about the predictability of earthquakes". ;


Civil Protection Department officials said up to 50,000 people may have been made homeless in some 26 cities and towns. More than 1,500 people were injured and thousands of houses, churches and buildings collapsed or were damaged.


Rubble was strewn throughout L'Aquila, a city of 68,000, and nearby towns, blocking roads and hampering rescue teams. Old women wailed and residents armed with only their bare hands helped firefighters and rescue workers tear through the rubble.


In the small town of Onna, 10 people were killed, said a Reuters photographer who saw a mother and her infant daughter carried away in the same coffin.


Older houses and buildings made of stone, particularly in outlying villages that have not seen much restoration, collapsed like straw houses.


Hospitals appealed for help from doctors and nurses throughout Italy. The smell of gas filled parts of the mountain towns and villages, pouring out of ruptured mains.


Berlusconi told reporters in L'Aquila that tent cities and field hospitals would be set up there and hotels on the Adriatic coast would be requisitioned to shelter the homeless.


"We're hoping they give us a tent or something to sleep under tonight," said 70-year-old Isenia Santilli, taking shelter at a sports field outside L'Aquila's city centre where the Red Cross was feeding quake victims.

岁的Isenia Santilli说,“我们希望他们能给我们一个帐篷或其它什么有顶棚的东西来度过今晚。”他当时在拉奎拉市中心外的一个体育场的避难处,红十字会在那给地震受灾者喂食。

Residents of Rome, which is rarely hit by seismic activity, were woken by the quake, which rattled furniture and swayed lights in most of central Italy. It struck shortly after 3:30 a.m. (0130 GMT).


Pope Benedict said he was saying a special prayer for the victims.


"When the quake hit, I rushed out to my father's house and opened the main door and everything had collapsed. My father is surely dead. I called for help but no one was around," said Camillo Berardi in L'Aquila.

拉奎拉的Camillo Berardi说,“当地震发生的时候,我冲到我父亲的房子里并打开大门,所有的东西都倒塌了。我父亲肯定不能幸存。我大声叫喊求助,当周围一个人也没有。”

A resident standing by an apartment block that was reduced to the height of an adult said: "This building was four storeys high."


In another part of the city, residents tried to hush the wailing of grief to try to pinpoint the sound of a crying baby.


Part of a university residence and a hotel collapsed in L'Aquila and at least one person was still trapped.


At least four Romanesque and Renaissance churches and a 16th century castle were damaged, the Culture Ministry said.


Part of the nave of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio, one of the area's best-known churches, collapsed. To the north, the belltower of the lavish Renaissance Basilica of San Bernardino also crumbled.

这一地区最著名的教堂之一Santa Maria di Collemaggio长方形教堂的中殿部分倒塌。文艺复兴时期奢华的Basilica of San Bernardino的钟楼也已坍塌。

Bridges and highways in the mountainous area were closed as a precaution.


Weeks before the disaster, an Italian scientist had predicted a major quake around L'Aquila, based on concentrations of radon gas found around seismically active areas.


Seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani, who lives in L'Aquila, was reported to police for "spreading alarm" and was forced to remove his findings from the Internet. .

居住在拉奎拉市的地震学家Gioacchino Giuliani因“散布谣言”被通报警方,他被迫把自己的发现从互联网上删除。

Civil Protection assured locals at the end of March that tremors being felt were "absolutely normal" for a seismic area.


Earthquakes can be particularly dangerous in parts of Italy because so many buildings are centuries old. About 2,700 people died in an earthquake in the south in 1980.





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