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【09.04.06 纽约每日新闻】 中国穷人救助美国富人

发表于 2009-4-13 10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-4-25 01:51 编辑

Real price of the bailout

Peter Siris Monday, April 6th 2009, 8:10 AM

Do you get angry when you realize you have to pay higher taxes to bailout multimillionaires from AIG and other financial institutions who plunged our country into a financial crisis? Do you get enraged that real estate speculators broke all the rules and now you, after working hard all your life, have to help clean up their mess?

Now think about how a Chinese peasant feels. Why a Chinese peasant? Because that is who is actually coming up with the money to bail out America.

In the U.S., the average income is $48,000 a year, and the people who caused the economic problems earn far more. Yet we have a mountain of debts and virtually no savings. This year alone we have to borrow an astounding $1.3 trillion just to finance our deficit.

In China, the average income is $2,100 a year and the average savings rate is 35%. That means people earning $2,100 a year are scrimping so they can lend money to people making $48,000 a year.

Has there ever before been such a case of poor people bailing out rich people? There have been military conquests, as in Roman Empire days, but there is no threat of military force here. China has money. We need money. Never before has one nation owed as much to another as we owe to China.

The argument in favor of bailing out Citigroup, AIG, GM, Fannie and Freddie is that they were too big to fail. That was the same argument the U.S. made to other nations to get them to keep bailing us out. OPEC needed to sell us oil.

China needed to sell us exports. American consumers supported the world and the world had to bailout the American consumer.

But that does not mean others are not mad. Many leaders in China think the U.S. financial system is AIG on steroids. They do not understand why they have to take their hard-earned money and invest it in Treasury bills that pay almost no interest and go down in value when currency fluctuations are included.

The massive stimulus package in China is convincing leaders their economy can survive even if ours is in a sharp recession. As a result, look for the Chinese to assert themselves politically and economically.

The Chinese have moved cautiously, but there are signs they are starting to use their leverage. A key issue will be the dollar’s role as the world currency. Countries like China believe we forfeited this right through our irresponsible spending and lack of regulatory controls. For now, they don’t have a good alternative. But over time, there is likely to either be a world currency or a series of regional currencies.

The means the dollar will begin a long decline. Commodity prices will begin to increase. Investments in emerging markets will outperform those in the U.S.

Interest rates will go up, perhaps substantially, creating risk for long-term bonds and, politically, we will lose much of our leverage.

I believe this will be the unfolding economic story of the next decade, and it will change many of the rules of investing.
Your Money columnist Peter Siris is an investment manager at Guerrilla Capital in Manhattan.












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