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发表于 2009-4-16 07:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2009-3-12 17:35 编辑




























  • Let people believe what they want to believe.


    • 2 days ago
    • Jiyong Chen

What if the "religion" let people believe that they need to get independent from the government? Will US tolerate this kind of behavior? We might see some uprising in some state soon if economy worsens, what if these people want to start their own socialist government? We will see military in those place in no time to keep "peace".

Religion should bring harmony and order to the society, not chaos and uprising, and certainly not for the future. Who can judge if 2 group practice the same religion which one is better than another other than they can bring peace and harmony in the future.



    • 2 days ago

The U.S. would do exactly what was done in Waco, TX.


    • 1 day ago
    • Raj R

Religion historically has never brought harmony to society apparently.


2 days ago
    • Jacob Wishko

Jiyong Chen,

I agree with your comment but what about when the "religion" is not the thing that is driving the move to be independent from the government but the fact that the government is prohibiting the true practice of that religion?


    • 1 day ago
    • Colin Zhu

Not like in Europe, in China, religion as a political power has always been prohibited, and it has never been. That's why many Chinese people don't like Dalai. He's more like a politician than a religion leader, we consider him doesn't deserve his position, he's a morally corrupted man. Besides, for the freedom of religion in Tibet, I think if you've a friend who have been there before, maybe you can ask for the real situation.
I'd like to remind you one thing, lamas(monks) in Tibet is of the aristocratic rank, they've lost much power since the Communist Party's ruling of the place in the 1950's. Those are who want independence, who calls for "religious freedom" the most. The common Tibetan people, once the slaves, don't think the way you guys think they think.
And, Dalai, he can represent only a fraction of the aristocratic rank. He's not the "Pope". He cannot represent Tibet.



    • Lynne Brakeman

I've only done some preliminary reading in Chinese history. But it seems to me -- at least until the Communist revolution, religion (Confucianism vs. Buddhism) was always entangled with the political state one way or another. If I'm not mistaken, in ancient China, the central government sold "licenses" to people to certify themselves as Buddhist monks.


    • 2 days ago
    • Mark Patel

nothing like india
worlds greatest democracy --
freedom of relgion
actually freedom of everthing
thats why its a superior society then the barbaric
chinese and russians



    • 2 days ago
    • Joseph F Laplinsky

Be careful of what you say. India being a superior society than China and Russia? Do you have an ego...Let's see. India is the only country in the world that still practice the cast system, right? If it were such a superior society, then why not treat everyone in India as same human being?


    • 1 day ago
    • Wei Xiang

You didn't get Mark's sarcasm?


    • 1 day ago
    • Amitesh Sinha

Debate is needed to determine "greatest democracy". It surely sounds presumptuous to call a(ny) country the greatest democracy. Another thing which is highly to be false is that India is free from religion. So i have different view from Mark's.

While I am not a great India fan, I do not see which other country can claim that they treat humans equally.



    • 1 day ago
    • Wenbo Liang

if india continues to allow baby bearing, the country will fall in a huge trouble of humanity


    • 2 days ago
    • Bhawan Deep

Dalai Lama and his people do not represent religion in this issue. They represent "people". It's not religion against government or vice versa. It's government against government. It was about land, now it's about power.


    • 1 day ago
    • Wei Xiang

what are you somking?


    • 2 days ago
    • Bruce Giese

The weirdest thing was when the Chinese government declared that people need government approval before being reincarnated. It pretty much "solves" their constant Lama problem. Whenever someone pops up as the reincarnation of a prior Lama, the Chinese government can say they didn't approve the reincarnation and then haul them off to wherever dissidents go when they disappear.

    • 1 day ago
    • Jacob Wishko

Colin Zhu, If you say that China has always prohibited religion in politics then you must admit to China having no historical rights to Tibet. Tibet has always had a political structure that is based on it's religion, and during ancient times the Chinese dynasties often used that religion to help form alliances by saying that the reincarnated Lamas were Chinese.


    • 1 day ago
    • Wei Xiang
Separation of Religion and Politics are always been what the West were preaching, now it is trying force the reverse of its ideology on XiZang province?


    • 1 day ago
    • Colin Zhu

If you regard it's all about politics, then we have the common ground to support our discussion. If not, just ignore what I say.
I don't think "historical rights" means anything. What really matters here is only power. What makes Tibet a problem is that China has only a certain level of power, unfortunately, not great enough, and not weak enough. If China has the power as the US, Dalai and his people dare not claim for independence, and the western society won't dare use this as a weapon toward China; If China is so weak like India, Tibet would have already been independent, like Pakistan.



    • 1 day ago
    • Raj R

As usual, the apparent sentiment from the chinese contributors so far is about China holding on to its power over Tibet in any manner, even to suppress freedom of religion. "The govt. decides who is reincarnated" is an insult to that relgion. To correct an earlier comment, Pakistan did not get independence from India from India's weakness, it was a demonstration of India's willingness for respect the struggles of the Pakistanis in the struggle for independence and to broker peace. In this world, courtesy is easily mistaken for weakness. The future will demonstrate weakness or strength between China and India.


    • 1 day ago
    • Wei Xiang

So what exactly is your point? Xizang (o i'm sorry to use the real name) independce so that people can have freedom to their religion in that area?


    • 1 day ago
    • Colin Zhu

      You have your "love and justice" theory, and I have my "power" theory. Our starting point is fundamentally different. I don't think there'll be any meaningful discussion between us.


    • JING AN

Dear Wall Street Journal, find out how much money the CIA pays Dalai nowadays, would you ($160,000 per year adjusted by inflation from the late 1960s as reported by the NYTimes, and no income tax needed?)? By the way, it's tax payer money. And we as tax payers have the right to know. Present some fair journalism, would you?、


    • 1 day ago
    • Bradley Gaylord Jr.

News Flash!!! Obama just appointed Jeremiah Wright as gatekeeper assistant to Saint Peter.

最后新闻!奥巴马任命Jeremiah Wright作为Saint Peter.的看门人助理。

    • 1 day ago
    • Amitesh Sinha

Before we discuss the right or wrong, Is there anybody who is interested in discovering the truth of reincarnation?


5 hours ago

If the Chinese government will be choosing who reincarnates now; then better they watch out for Mao's reincarnation. He can try to repeat his "great jump backwards".
Seriously now, China is a great country. It is just that Tibet is not part of it.


China, Tibetans Spar Over Buddhist Reincarnation
Beijing's Rules on Whom to Recognize Are a Source of Conflict With Dalai Lama

KANGPU, China -- China's government and its officially atheist Communist Party are working to boost control over Tibetan religious and political life by taking on a mystical phenomenon at the heart of both: reincarnation.

Beijing's moves are part of an intensifying effort to build a Tibetan Buddhist establishment more in step with its desires as it seeks to prevent unrest among Tibetans -- which is flaring again ahead of the 50th anniversary Tuesday of a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.

At right, the Dalai Lama, addresses the monks. China reserves the right to approve candidates to be declared reincarnated lamas.

The government's new approach to reincarnation was on display in an unusual recent ceremony at a hilltop monastery here in southwestern China. A senior provincial official, standing before the three-tiered prayer hall, proclaimed that a local monk was the reincarnation of a respected Tibetan lama.

Only then could religious installation rites begin inside. The monk, Celeng Pengchi, draped in richly embroidered robes, was enthroned as a "living Buddha" by the region's top clerics before 500 chanting, red-robed monks.
State authorities "decide what kind of person is allowed to be reincarnated," says Jiao Zai'an, an official in the Communist Party-led United Front Work Department, who was on hand to certify Celeng Pengchi's selection. Such approval is essential to "ensure the political soundness" of reincarnates, he says.

Lamas believed to be reincarnations are extremely important in Tibetan society. They are central to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, occupying a bully pulpit and drawing financial support to monasteries and temples. They can also wield considerable political influence.

The Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhists' 73-year-old spiritual leader and political champion -- sits atop a pyramid of sacred and secular leaders believed to be reincarnated. He has said that unless a suitable deal on Tibetan autonomy is struck with China, he will likely be reincarnated outside China. Tibet scholars say China is almost certain to put forward its own candidate as the next Dalai Lama, setting the stage for a schism.

Beijing publicly blames the Dalai Lama for unrest that swept Tibetan areas after rioting in Lhasa last March that, according to the government, killed 18 civilians. Tibetan activist groups say the death toll in ensuing clashes between protesters and security forces was considerably higher. Monks often played a central role in organizing and leading last year's antigovernment demonstrations.

Protest activity has been mounting again ahead of Tuesday's anniversary. Paramilitary police are out in force in Tibetan areas, which have been closed to foreigners, and armored vehicles are patrolling the streets of Lhasa, residents reached by phone say.

A young Tibetan monk, above, in Dharmsala, India, Sunday eats bread before prayers to commemorate Tibetans killed in China.
China's new regulations on reincarnation, imposed two years ago, have become a bone of contention between the Chinese authorities and the Dalai Lama and other exiled Tibetan leaders. The rules represent "gross interference in Tibet's religious traditions," says Samdhong Rinpoche, the prime minister of the Tibetan government in exile, who is himself believed to be a reincarnated lama.

But Beijing's tightening grip over the Tibetan clergy also appears to be giving the government confidence to allow a renaissance of Tibetan Buddhist institutions in places like Kangpu -- as long as the hierarchy toes the line.
The government's approval process requires background checks on possible reincarnations and their families. Only the "patriotic and loyal" will pass, says Mr. Jiao of the United Front Work Department, who is ethnically Tibetan and says he doesn't believe in Buddhism.

The regulations also say there can be no "disruption or control" of the choice of a reincarnate lama by "any foreign organizations or individuals." That language is a direct swipe at Tibet's exiled establishment, which sees itself as the legitimate arbiter of such selections.
Those believed to be reincarnated lamas who return to instruct the faithful are known in Tibetan as tulkus. In Chinese, they are referred to as "living Buddhas," a term used by some Tibetans in China but seen as inappropriate by many others.
Celeng Pengchi, enthroned as a tulku late last year, says that his recognition hasn't changed his life much. He still spends his days in prayer and studying Buddhist scripture.

But his installation has transformed the fortunes of Kangpu's Shouguo monastery, which overlooks the upper reaches of the Mekong River in Yunnan province near the Tibet Autonomous Region. The monastery had been without a tulku since the previous one died more than fifty years ago.

"Buddhism in the temple has revived again," says Celeng Pengchi, 30. A flood of donations has helped renovate the main sanctuary. Shining new statues of the Buddha, red and gilt thrones and elaborately embroidered silk flags now crowd the prayer hall, which had been emptied in the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution.
"A living Buddha is very good for a temple," says Longdu Changzhang, a 20-year-old monk. The tug-of-war is the latest chapter in a saga that dates to imperial times -- of Chinese governments seeking to influence the selection of Tibet's top leaders. The degree of Chinese engagement has waxed and waned, depending on the two sides' relative strength and the tenor of their relations.

fter the Communists took power in China in 1949, recognition of reincarnations was essentially frozen for decades. Many monasteries were disbanded and their buildings destroyed. Beginning in the late 1980s, however, there was a tentative shift to a more open policy toward religion in Tibet.

Since 1991, the government has approved the selection of nearly 1,000 living Buddhas in Tibetan areas, according to the State
Administration for Religious Affairs. The total number of tulkus in Tibetan areas is now about 2,000, scholars say, compared with 3,000 to 4,000 before the Communists came to power.

In 1992, during a brief rapprochement between Beijing and the Dalai Lama, the two sides agreed on an important reincarnation: the 17th Karmapa Lama, the most prominent incarnate lama of the Kagyu school. Soon after the Karmapa's enthronement, however, relations worsened again, foiling hoped-for cooperation in the selection of another important reincarnation -- that of the Panchen Lama, the No. 2 lama in the Dalai Lama's Gelug school.

In 1995, the Dalai Lama recognized a young Tibetan boy as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, who had died in 1989. Soon after, Chinese security forces detained the child and his family. They haven't been seen publicly since. In his place, Beijing backed a different Panchen Lama, a Tibetan boy named Gyaincain Norbu. The government recently seems to have begun a campaign to promote the previously low-profile lama, now 19. Temples and shops in Yunnan have been ordered to create shrines honoring him, residents say.

But the Chinese government's efforts to bolster its legitimacy with these important reincarnations has largely failed. In December 1999, the Karmapa Lama fled China, complaining that the authorities were obstructing his religious education. The Beijing-backed Panchen Lama, while still in China, so far hasn't earned much of a following.
"He's not the real Panchen Lama," says a senior monk at a temple in Qinghai province, on the edge of the Tibetan plateau. "He just works for the government."

发表于 2009-4-21 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
让西方人好好了解下中国西藏的历史 在转世问题上中央政府始终拥有最终的决定权
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发表于 2009-4-21 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-21 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-21 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-21 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-21 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-22 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
我不认为“历史权利”有什么意义。这里看中的只是权力。西藏之所以成为一个问题,是因为中国只有这种力量,不幸的是,力量不够强大,也不是很弱。如果中国和美国一样强大,达赖和他的人是绝不会说独立的,西方也不敢 ...
fishstone 发表于 2009-4-21 19:54

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发表于 2009-4-25 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
......那个翻译很汗颜- -#
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发表于 2009-4-25 14:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-25 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-28 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
这个标题就是找抽,什么叫中国和藏人争夺 不知道西藏就是中国的一部分,根本没有争夺的必要吗
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发表于 2009-4-28 23:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-29 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-29 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-29 22:33 | 显示全部楼层
6# fishstone
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发表于 2009-4-30 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-30 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-30 20:34 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-5-1 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
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