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发表于 2009-4-17 18:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-4-17 20:21 编辑

【原文标题】Japan pays jobless incomers to go

Japan is offering 300,000 yen ($3,000;£2,000) for a plane ticket home for some unemployed overseas workers. In addition, there is 200,000 yen for each family member leaving the country.
The scheme only applies to hundreds of thousands of South Americans of Japanese descent, living in the country on special visas for factory work.

日本为一些海外失业人员支付了300000圆($3,000; £2,000)的机票费。此外,还为每个家庭成员离开该国支付了200,000圆。

Japan's downturn has particularly hit workers from countries such as Brazil and Peru, often only on temporary work contracts making things like car parts.


On Tuesday, it was revealed that Japan's unemployment rate had risen to a three-year high as companies continued to cut jobs.
The jobless rate rose to 4.4% in February, from 4.1% in the previous month, the government said.


"The [returnee] programme is to respond to a growing social problem," said Hiroshi Yamashita, an official at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, referring to unemployment.

Hiroshi Yamashita,厚生省官员,在提到失业问题时说:“这个[返回]计划是为了应对日益严重的社会问题。”

'Not totally welcome'

However those who take up the offer may not find it easy to return to Japan to work, as they would not be eligible for their current type of visa.


"It is not necessarily a totally welcome deal," said Iwao Nishiyama, of the Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad, a government-backed organisation that connects people of Japanese ancestry.

“这个计划不可能完全被接受”,Iwao Nishiyama,日系与海外日人协会(一个由政府组织的,旨在联系日裔的组织)成员,说道。

In the early 1990s, Tokyo relaxed its stringent immigration laws to allow special entry permits for foreigners of Japanese ancestry in South America to work in its factories.
These foreigners of Japanese descent, most of whose ancestors left the country to seek a better life in South America in the early 20th century, were offered special visa status.


These returnees, called Nikkei in Japanese, are not always fluent in Japanese and may not be totally accepted in the local communities.


To enable them to get a job during the downturn there have also been plans to offer them Japanese lessons.





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