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【09,04,19 路透社 美国密切关注中国海军扩张 】

发表于 2009-5-1 10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-5-2 05:06 编辑

【原文标题】U.S. says watching China's naval expansion closely
【登载媒体】Reuters 路透社
【译  者】 fupingping   
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】     本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。K
【译  文】

In this file photo Xie Zengling, a co-leader of the special force on board of Chinese navy's DDG-171 Haikou destroyer, salutes as he poses for the camera in Sanya, Hainan province December 25, 2008. REUTERS/China Daily


BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States would like to have a better idea about the intentions behind China's naval build-up, a senior U.S. navy officer said on Sunday, but downplayed worries over Chinese plans for an aircraft carrier.

北京(路透社)- 周日,美国一位海军官员说,“美国想更清楚地了解中国加强海军建设背后的意图。”但这位海军官员对中国制造航空母舰的计划并没有表示多少担忧。

"The advancement and the growth of the PLA Navy is consistent with China's economic advancement and its role in a globalized world," U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Gary Roughead told a news conference in Beijing.

美国海军作战部长加里·罗海德上将(Gary Goughead) 在北京的新闻发布会上表示,“中国人民解放军海军实力的提升与中国经济进步和中国在全球化世界中的作用是分不开的。”

"I think it is important however that as we create a naval capability, indeed any military capability, that there should be clear communications with regard to what the intentions of that capability are," he added.


"That's why visits like mine are important," Roughead said, ahead of a trip to the northern port city of Qingdao to attend celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army's navy.


The United States has long complained that China's increased military spending lacks transparency, charges Beijing denies.          翻译见 #2


This year's U.S. Defense Department annual report on Chinese military capabilities said China was making advances in denying outsiders access to offshore areas and was improving its nuclear, space and cyber warfare capabilities.


This week a Chinese admiral told state media that China would accelerate development of warships, stealth submarines and long-range missiles as the country makes a stronger navy a priority in military modernization.


Chinese media have also highlighted the government's hopes to build an aircraft carrier, seen as the badge of a mature ocean-going power, prompting concern in the region about China's military ambitions and how that could alter the balance of power.


There has been no doubt in my mind that the acquisition of an aircraft carrier and carrier aviation was something that was clearly an ambition and an objective of the PLA Navy," Roughead said.;


"The advent of an aircraft carrier on the part of the PLA Navy to me really doesn't change the nature of our operations at all," he added. "The real issue is: how are those aircraft carriers used, and what is the intent of that capability?"


Tensions between the United States and China rose last month over an incident in the South China Sea in which five Chinese ships jostled with the Impeccable, U.S. Navy surveillance vessel.


The United States said its ship was in international waters. But Beijing said the U.S. ship was in the wrong and Chinese naval officers argued that it violated their country's sovereignty.


"It's important that we adhere to international law even though there may be some different interpretations. We must continue to operate in accordance with the rules of the road ... and most importantly that we operate safely," Roughead said..

罗海德说,“即使各国对国际公法的解读会有不同,但我们都必须遵守国际公法,这点很重要。我们必须继续遵守交通法规…… 最重要的是我们要安全行驶。”

Still, the admiral said he wanted greater cooperation with China in areas like search and rescue and humanitarian missions, highlighting joint efforts to combat piracy in the seas off Somalia.


"The opportunity for our navies to work together against the threat of piracy is very important," he added.


Editing by Jeremy Laurence
    由Jeremy Laurence编辑


The United States has long complained that China's increased military spending lacks transparency, charges Beijing denies.






发表于 2009-5-1 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 scholarzhang 于 2009-5-1 14:47 编辑


The United States has long complained that China's increased military spending lacks transparency, charges Beijing denies.






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