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发表于 2009-5-5 16:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-5-5 21:57 编辑

【原文标题】A prudent approach on China

A prudent approach on China

    There is a group of strategic commentators and academics down under who seem to believe that modern Australian foreign affairs and defence policy should be primarily determined in accordancewith China's wishes. It's an all-the-way-with-Beijing school and its members have been out in force before, during and after the release of the white paper at the weekend by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, andthe Defence Minister, Joel Fitzgibbon.

有一群澳大利亚学院派和战略评论员似乎相信,现代澳大利亚的外交事务和国防政策首先要坚定地和中国的愿望保持一致。在周末陆克文总理和Joel Fitzgibbon.国防部长公布国防(白皮书)前前后后,这是那些紧紧跟随北京学派及其成员的公开观点

    No serious commentator doubts that, over recent years, there has been a military build-up in the wider Asia-Pacific region. The key players are China and India. The white paper, Defending Australia, is focused on the defence of Australia. But it is also concerned with stability and security in the South Pacific and East Timor, along with military contingencies in the rest of the world. In view of this, it could not have ignored China's ongoing military modernisation.


   It didn't. This has caused angst in China and among some commentators inAustralia. The report is both considered in analysis and moderate intone. The Rudd Government reaffirmed Australia's longstanding "OneChina" policy, meaning that Australia regards Taiwan as part of China.


    However,it draws attention to "the pace, scope and structure of China'smilitary modernisation". The report acknowledges that China in recent years has begun to explain its military plans but argues that it needsto do more. It maintains that if China does not do so, "there is likelyto be a question in the minds of regional states about the long-term purpose of its force deployment plans, particularly as the modernisation appears potentially to be beyond the scope of what would be required for a conflict over Taiwan".


    This is an unexceptionable comment. The Chinese leadership has not explained it smilitary plans to any nation. Not to its neighbours Japan and SouthKorea. Not to the United States. And not to Australia. China can learn about Australia's intentions up to 2030 by reading Defending Australia. The leadership in Beijing has not produced its own like document.


   To some extent, the white paper continues the policies put in place by John Howard and his advisers in recent years. Asked at the launch on Saturday to delineate what was different, the Prime Minister drew attention to the navy upgrade (including the construction of 12submarines and the acquisition of eight frigates), the confirmation of the purchase of 100 Joint Strike Fighters, the acquisition of 1100 protected vehicles for the army and the response to the cyber-security challenge.

在某种程度上,白皮书延续了近几年 霍华德(前任)的政策和建议。至于要闻周六公布的白皮书跟以往政策有何不同,现任总理更重视海军的升级(包括建造12艘潜艇和装备3艘护卫舰),批准购买100战斗机,为军队装备1100辆装甲车和应对互联网安全做出反应。

    In his answer, Rudd spoke about the continuing need for Australia to secure its sea and air lanes. This, after all,has been the focus of the defence of Australia since Federation -initially Australian security was determined by the sea, later by the air and sea.

在路克文总理的回答中,澳大利亚有要持续保卫其海空航线的安全。这毕竟  已经重点防卫澳大利亚了,初期澳洲成立联邦以来,首要的安全防护是海洋,其次才是空中和 海洋。

    It makes sense for Australia, as a middlepower, to project force, as far as this is possible, to protect sea and air lanes from attack. They may be the military of another nation, or such non-state actors as al-Qaeda equipped with weapons of mass destruction. The white paper makes it clear the alliance with theUnited States is central to Australia's security. But it also makes the obvious point that Australia should - and will be expected to - attend to its own security needs in the first instance.

这对澳大利亚很有意义,作为中间力量,来规划军力 ,到目前有可能,为保卫其海空航线的安全不受攻击。他们可能是其他国家的军事力量,也可能是像拥有大规模杀伤性武器的无国界那样的"基地组织"。白皮书清楚摆明以美国为中心的联盟来保证澳大利亚的安全。但是也亮出鲜明观点澳大利亚应该---也期望---重视其首要的自己的安全需求。

    In view of this, it is obvious that Australia will be concerned about the military build-up in the Asia Pacific, which has the capacity to adversely affect the security of our sea and air lanes. The word from Beijing is that the Chinese leadership does not approve of this approach. It is said that Michael Pezzullo, the principal author of Defending Australia,received this message when visiting China last week. In any event, a Chinese military strategist, Rear-Admiral Yang Yi, has expressed this criticism publicly,

基于此考虑,澳大利亚理所当然要关切 亚太地区增长的军事力量对其海空航线的安全的不良影响。从北京来的消息,中国领导不同意此方法。这信息有澳洲 国防白皮书作者Michael Pezzullo透露,上周当他访问北京时,得到了这个信息。无论如何,杨毅少将,一个中国军事战略家,公开批评了这个政策。

    as has an anonymous Chinese diplomat.China's position has received some support in Australia. Last Saturday,journalist Michelle Grattan commenced a column by opining that "those with long memories will recognise in this white paper a modern,sophisticated version of that old Australian fear - the yellow peril".This is mere hyperbole.

作为不能透露的中国外交,中国的情形得到了澳洲的一些支持。上周六,记者Michelle Grattan 发表了一篇专栏“ 那些有长久记忆的人会从这白皮书里再现当代的老调的旧澳洲人害怕的--黄祸的翻版” 。真是实在夸张。

    Even before its launch, the strategic commentator Rory Medcalf reported, following a visit to Beijing and Shanghai, that Chinese security analysts are "baffled by the sounds from Australia, which they see as inconsistent with PrimeMinister Kevin Rudd's wish to bridge differences between China and theUS". Medcalf even criticised Rudd for (allegedly) being "at odds with the direction of US-China relations under President Barack Obama". It seems Medcalf believes Australia should slavishly follow US foreignpolicy. Fancy that.

甚至在公布有前,战略评论家Medcalf在访问北京和上海以后报道说,中国安全分析家 “难以理解来澳洲的声音,  对路克文总理想在中国,美国之间构建不一样的桥梁,他们看作是不协调的 ”Medcalf甚至批评路克文所谓的“在奥巴马总统的领导下对中美关系的方向进行讨论”

    The fact is that Defending Australia does not suggest that China is a threat to Australia. Moreover, forobvious reasons, Australia can never threaten China. The Chinese leadership may be upset about Australia's concern about the security of the region. Yet this position is shared, to a greater or lesser extent,by the leadership of such democratic nations as India, Indonesia, Japanand South Korea.

事实也如此,澳洲国防白皮书也不认为中国对澳洲是个威胁。而且,很明显的道理,澳洲也永不可能威胁中国。中国领导也许对澳洲对这个地区的关心不开心。然而,那些民主国家:像印度,日本,南韩的领导人 ,在不同程度上,分享了同样的情形。

    So far, Rudd has adopted a balanced position on China. In a speech in Townsville in September, and again in the white paper, he has expressed genuine concern about China'smilitary build-up. But he has also made it clear that Australia should work with China on both economic and security matters. In political terms, the surprise turns on criticism by the Opposition Leader,Malcolm Turnbull, of the white paper's position on China. From the leader of the Liberal Party, this is unexpected.

到目前为止,路克文总理在中国问题上采取了平衡策略。九月在Townsville 的演说,和这次白皮书的发表,他对中国军力的增强表示了真正的关注。但是他也清楚表明,在经济和安全事务方面要和中国通力协作。在政治上,在白皮书正对中国方面的情形,在野党领导人Malcolm Turnbull 也由批评转为惊喜。 (译者注:此人对中国及不友善,反对中资机构投资澳洲矿产等)    。对这个自由党领导人来说,实在是个打打的意外。

    Gerard Henderson is executive director of The Sydney Institute.




发表于 2009-5-5 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-5 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-6 00:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-6 04:05 | 显示全部楼层
里面说得十分清楚 中国军队两大任务 保卫国家和解放台湾...
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发表于 2009-5-6 10:58 | 显示全部楼层

RE: 【09.05.05SMH】谨慎地接近中国

6# leiyuan
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发表于 2009-5-6 16:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 veld 于 2009-5-6 16:40 编辑
麻辣鸡丝 发表于 2009-5-6 11:03


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veld 发表于 2009-5-6 16:38

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