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发表于 2009-5-10 13:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 酸枣树310 于 2009-5-11 18:20 编辑

【原文标题】Xenophon draws line at Chinalco takeover

Xenophon draws line at Chinalco takeover
May 10, 2009 - 1:14PM


Independent Senator Nick Xenophon says he's not at all xenophobic but draws the line at the Chinese taking over Australian miner Rio Tinto.
无党派参议员NICK Xenophon说他根本不排外(Xenophon名字和xenophobic类同),但是他给中国人增资澳洲矿业Rio Tinto.公司划了底线。

In an television advertisement with Senate Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, Senator Xenophon said it did not make sense for an arm of the Chinese government to control and set the prices of Australian resources.

在一个和国家参议员领导人Barnaby Joyce的电视广告中,参议员Xenophon说道,对让中国国有公司掌控澳大利亚自然资源的价格,敞开怀抱毫无意义。

"Despite my name I am certainly not xenophobic," he says in the ad.


"Foreign investment has brought enormous benefits to Australia but sometimes it's important to say no to a deal that's lousy for our country.

"The proposed purchase by Chinalco, a Chinese government owned company of Rio Tinto's strategic mineral assets, is not in our national interest."


Chinese government-owned aluminium maker Chinalco is seeking Australia's approval to buy a $27.69 billion stake in resources giant Rio Tinto.

The move would increase its stake in Australia's second largest resource company from 11 per cent to 18 per cent, giving it two board seats.

Senator Xenophon  said 18 per cent was a significant stake and it would only be a short step to effective control.

中国国有铝业公司中铝寻求澳大利亚批准其在矿业巨头Rio Tinto购买276.9亿美元的股份。



"I am not against foreign investment. What I am against is having a company that is the arm of a foreign government having a key role in our strategic resources," he told Sky News.

他告诉天空新闻“ 我不是反对国外投资,我对让一个外国政府控制的公司在我们战略资源担任主角而敞开怀抱持反对意见。”

"I can influence and control the price of those resources. I think we'd be mugs for that deal to go ahead."


© 2009 AAP




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