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【09.05.07澳大利亚人】澳洲空军司令MarshalAngus Houston认为中国对国防白皮书不过敏

发表于 2009-5-10 18:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-5-10 21:44 编辑

【中文标题】澳洲空军司令MarshalAngus Houston认为中国对国防白皮书不过敏
【原文标题】China 'not concerned by white paper': Air Chief MarshalAngus Houston

China 'not concerned by white paper': Air Chief MarshalAngus Houston

澳洲空军司令MarshalAngus Houston认为中国对国防白皮书不过敏

May 07, 2009
Article from:  Australian Associated Press

CHINA has yet to express any official concern about Australia's latest defence white paper, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston says.

澳洲空军司令MarshalAngus Houston说,至今中国对澳洲国防白皮书还没有发表过任何官方的关切。

The head of the Australian Defence Force said officials had briefed Chinese counterparts, as well as those from many other nations, ahead of the release of the white paper last week.


He said the Chinese officials appreciated being told what Australia planned to do.

"We have a very mature relationship with the Chinese where if they disagree with us, they tell us,'' he told reporters.

"Similarly, if we disagree with them on things, we will tell them.''




Air Chief Marshal Houston said he attended a diplomatic function on Wednesday night, spending 15 minutes talking to the defence adviser from the Chinese embassy.

空军司令MarshalAngus Houston说,在周三晚他出席一个外交典礼期间,花了15分钟和来自中国使馆的防务顾问做了交谈

"He raised no particular concerns with me,'' he told reporters.

"Indeed he was very positive about some of the themes (about what) we plan to do in the near future.

"I certainly didn't get the feeling that there was a major problem.''

The white paper says China will play an increasingly important role globally, warning that management of its relations with the United States will be crucial.

It says China will be Asia's strongest military power "by a considerable margin'' and that the pace and scope of its growth has the potential to give its neighbours cause for concern if not properly explained.


Some media reports suggested China was upset at Australia's plans to acquire new military equipment.

Defence secretary Nick Warner said reporting of the white paper had referred to hawks, doves and lame ducks, whereas he and Air Chief Marshal Houston saw themselves as wise owls on the subject of China.

国防秘书Nick Warner说白皮书的报告中提到了鹰派,鸽派和投机派,但是他和空军司令MarshalAngus Houston在中国问题上,看他们自己是聪明的猫头鹰。

"We don't see China as a threat. We see China as an opportunity,'' he said.

"What we want to do is to work with China to ensure peace and stability in the region.''

Mr Warner said security talks with China last year were frank, robust and useful.

"That's what we want with China,'' he said.







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