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【09.05.07 澳大利亚广播公司】中国政府在大地震一周年纪念日前公布地震伤亡人数

发表于 2009-5-12 20:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-13 06:18 编辑

【原文标题】China releases quake death figures ahead of anniversary
【登载媒体】ABC 澳大利亚广播公司

China says last year's massive Sichuan earthquake left 5,335 students dead or missing, releasing its first official tally days before the sensitive anniversary of the disaster.


The announcement came on Thursday (local time), as authorities in the south-western province accused foreign reporters of inciting survivors of the May 12
disaster to demonstrate, amid reports journalists have been harassed, detained or beaten.


The 8.0-magnitude earthquake left nearly 87,000 people dead or missing, injured 375,000 and left more than five million homeless, according to previous official estimates.


The head of the Sichuan education department, Tu Wentao, attributed the year-long delay in releasing the tally of dead or missing students to the need to compile figures from various government agencies.


"These numbers were reached through legal methods. We have wide agreement on these numbers," Mr Tu told a press conference in the provincial capital Chengdu, speaking as part of government efforts to mark the anniversary.
The quake also left another 546 students disabled, according to the data, which did not include any deaths in surrounding provinces.


The number of children killed in the quake is highly sensitive because many bereaved parents say school buildings were shoddily constructed, and collapsed too easily when the quake struck, as adjacent structures stood firm.


State media has said previously that 14,000 schools suffered damage in the quake - half of them collapsed entirely - while early estimates of the numbers of students and teachers killed were put at about 9,000.


The schools issue is perhaps the most sensitive aspect of the disaster for the government, whose propaganda machine had otherwise seized on the quake as an example of the nation overcoming adversity under Communist Party leadership.


Angry parents of dead children staged a number of protests following the quake, alleging corruption resulted in school walls that were like "tofu".


Rights groups have heavily criticised Beijing for a subsequent clampdown on the subject, which has included sealing off school ruins, barring media coverage of the subject, and jailing activists investigating the issue.


On Thursday, a Chinese official accused Western reporters of encouraging survivors to speak out against the government.


"A very few journalists are not going to the disaster area to report, but are inciting the crowds, asking people to organise," vice head of Sichuan's provincial propaganda department Hou Xiongfei told reporters in Chengdu.


"We do not welcome these kinds of people and... will handle them in accordance with the law," he added, without giving specific examples.


The Foreign Correspondents Club of China on Wednesday urged reporters to be cautious in quake-hit areas, saying it had received reports of three cases in which foreign journalists were shoved, punched or otherwise harassed.


"Given the violence of the encounters and an apparent increasing frequency of reports, it seems the situation is becoming more volatile and we advise extra caution when visiting these areas," the group said in a statement.


The government has required foreign journalists to register with local authorities if they want to report on the anniversary.


Human Rights Watch released a statement Wednesday calling for China to open up about the quake, compensate victim's relatives, and allow parents to file lawsuits.


"Parents of student quake victims, who are trying to understand how and why their children died, deserve answers and compassion, not threats and abuse," the group's Asia advocacy director Sophie Richardson said in the statement.

“那些迫切的想知道为什么自己的孩子会遇难以及他们是如何遇难的家长们,希望获得的是政府的回答和社会的同情,而不是某些部门机构的威胁和恐吓”,该组织下的亚洲问题宣传负责人Sophie Richardson在该申明中如此表示。

"Persecuting quake victims and their relatives adds cruel insult to already grievous injury."





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