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发表于 2009-5-13 19:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-6-25 00:04 编辑

【原文标题】 Chinese earthquake park turns pain into profit

http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-05-10-quakepark_N.htm    *

A stone at Dongkekou Quake Relic Park records the date and time of the earthquake that kiled 780 residents of Donghekou village last year in China.         A stone at Dongkekou Quake Relic Park records the date and time of the earthquake that kiled 780 residents of Donghekou village last year in China.

By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY
DONGHEKOU, China — He Xiangtong places a chrysanthemum near his wife's name etched on a memorial atop the landslide that buried her in last year's devastating earthquake.

Then business calls: He returns to selling flowers to the next carload of tourists arriving at Donghekou Quake Relic Park.

It's the first of more than a half-dozen parks being planned to commemorate the massive earthquake last May 12 that left 90,000 people dead or missing — and to turn the pain of a nation into bittersweet profit.

This new craze of disaster tourism to Sichuan province boosted visitors to record levels during the recent May Day holiday, after a 10% slump in revenue last year, according to the provincial tourist bureau.

Travel brochures at Chengdu airport, the main gateway to the region ravaged by the 7.9-magnitude earthquake, promote "Holiday Shock" vacations. The China Youth Travel Service offers day-trips to the quake zone. In Hanwang, there are collapsed factories and bridges. In Beichuan, a whole town was wiped out.
FIND MORE STORIES IN: United States | China | Beijing | Sichuan | Chengdu | Guizhou | Mianyang | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"We started the tours in March, and they were very popular, but the government stopped us in April" from going into old Beichuan as a temporary restriction around the anniversary, manager Guo Jia complains. "But they will definitely reopen."

In Mianyang, a city close to the hardest-hit areas, travel agent Zhang Guangqing ignores the temporary travel ban.

"You won't see corpses, but the ruins are shocking," he says of his one-day tours. "Many of my tourists cry when they hear the survivors' stories. I think it's good for the survivors to talk about their dead relatives. They always seem willing to talk."

Mu Guangnan, 58, is a grandmother who lost 21 relatives from her extended family last May. She tries to make a living by selling grisly pictures, books and DVDs of the disaster scene in her native Beichuan.

About 100 yards away are the ruins of Beichuan Middle School, where several hundred students died when the building collapsed — including her brother's 13-year-old grandson.

"My heart is not at peace, but I need to earn money to survive," Mu says. "When people ask about my family, I don't like to reply. But I like to chat about other things. It helps raise my spirits."

Sunday, thousands of people visited the once-silent outskirts of Beichuan, creating an almost festive atmosphere. More than a hundred vendors sold everything from earthquake souvenirs to food.

Tourist Wang Yan, 36, from Guizhou province bought a DVD for about $3 but was disappointed he could not enter the heart of the old town, limited only to former residents.

"I saw the earthquake on television and wanted to see the site of Beichuan myself, so I could tell my friends back home," he says.

Some former residents oppose the travel boom.

"I don't approve of earthquake tourism. These visitors are walking on top of our relatives," says Gao Zeyou, director of the Beichuan folk museum that was buried in the quake — along with five of Gao's relatives.

Li Mingde, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, worries about over-commercializing the sites. Li advised Beichuan County on a plan to emphasize the cultural heritage of the Qiang ethnic group hit hard by the quake, as well as possible tourist attractions, such as boating on a "quake lake" and an earthquake simulation experience.

"Now there is some blindness in developing earthquake relic tourist programs, as people are in a hurry to make a profit," he says. He Xiangtong, 43, the flower vender who lost 10 relatives in the quake and lives in a shack, welcomes more visitors.

"Every day they ask me if I lost anybody in the quake, but I think they are showing they care," he says. "I will stay here forever."

Contributing: Sunny Yang

  何向同(音译,He Xiangtong)在刻着妻子名字的纪念碑前摆上菊花,去年的汶川地震把他的妻子埋在了底下的泥石下面。然后生意来了:他回去卖花给那些抵达东河口地震遗址公园的游客。


  在最近的五一假期期间,新的灾区旅游热促使游客达到破纪录的水平。作为灾区主要门户的成都机场有旅游小册子推广这种“震撼”假日。中国青年旅行社(China Youth Travel Service)提供灾区一日游项目。

  旅行社的经理郭嘉(音译,Guo Jia)抱怨说,“我们在3月开始这些旅游项目,它们很受欢迎,但政府在4月制止我们进入老北川”,这是临近一周年的临时限制,“但它们肯定会重开。”

  58岁的穆光南(音译,Mu Guangnan)去年5月失去了21位亲戚。这位老奶奶尝试通过出售令人毛骨悚然的灾难图片、书本和DVD谋生。大约100码处就是北川中学的废墟,建筑物倒塌的时候数百名学生死亡,其中包括她兄弟13岁的孙子。“我的心不安宁,但我要赚钱活命。人们问起我的家庭的时候,我不想回答。但我会谈些其他事情。这可以帮助我提起精神。”


  36岁的王炎(音译,Wang Yan)来自贵州,他花了大约3美元购买DVD。但他对自己不能进入老城中心(只允许前居民进入)感到失望。“我在电视上看到地震,想亲自看看北川的情形,好回家跟朋友讲。”


  北川民间博物馆的馆长高则友(音译,Gao Zeyou)表示不赞成地震旅游,“这些游客在我们亲戚身上走过。”那间博物馆和高则友的五位亲戚在地震中被埋。

  中国社科院的李明德(音译,Li Mingde)则担心灾区的过度商业化。“现在,在开发地震遗址旅游项目方面有点盲目了,人们急于获利。”

  而在汶川地震中失去10位亲人的花贩何向同则欢迎更多的游客。“每天他们都问我有没有在汶川地震中失去什么人,但我想他们是表示关心。我会永远留在这里。”(作者:Calum MacLeod;原标题:中国地震公园把伤痛转化为利润)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:19 | 显示全部楼层

_rise_up_ (15 friends, send message) wrote:  1d 20h ago
Did anyone in the U.S. profit from all those Sept 11-related flags, bumper stickers, shirts, hats, songs, snowglobes, mini statues, bouquets, etc?

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
Semibuddhist (0 friends, send message) wrote: 2d 9h ago
I know a man who went to China who was suppose to stay there for three weeks. Left after four days.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
scutchinchicago (0 friends, send message) wrote: 2d 10h ago
That's just crazy.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
creole (0 friends, send message) wrote: 2d ago
We have 911 in N.Y.,Katrina in the south, there will always people who go just to see and what they don't see they make up. I live is south louisiana and people are still making up lies to blame on the victums who were shipped to 38 states in the U.S. through no fault of their own. Where did the money go for the people who really needed it? I think they need an audit like they did Red Cross because it is our money.

我们有纽约的911和南部的阿丽亚娜龙卷风,总是有人看到或没有看到他们粉饰的东西,我住在南louisiana ,人们还在粉饰谎言,责备船运到美国38个州的遇难者,尽管他们自己没有过错,那些钱到有没有到了真正需要的人那里去了,我想我们需要一个像他们对红十字会做的那样的审计,因为那是我们的钱
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
xdrfox (0 friends, send message) wrote: 2d 9h ago
The Peoples Republic are made up of strong people, enduring much with so little especially in the down turn of economic times globally. Mu Guangnan is just one enduring.
中华人民共和国有顽强的人们组成,在全球经济低迷时期,几乎就是小菜一碟 。58岁的穆光南(音译,Mu Guangnan)去年5月失去了21位亲戚仅仅就是其中之一。
As I have seen in the US people streaming in to rubberneck a disaster such as a horrific tornado that has devastated a town, miles of cars full of people having to bring in extra police to control. Shame all these weren't charged and the proceedings goto them in need after such an event. To rebuild lives and towns.

Make an economy when there is none, mother of invention.

People like Wang Yan are giving to them in need to get through these times. People of China are proud people that do not readily ask for handouts from strangers but would rather sell and get honestly giving in return.

But as everywhere a thin line between two worlds, we know you can't please all the people all the time.

I loved all my trips to China, A wondrous People and places with cultures like no other.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
看到xdrfox 多说了几句中国的好话,有人忍不住了

BishopKingPawn (11 friends, send message) wrote: 2d 2h ago
Is xdrfox pretending NOT to be Chinese?

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发表于 2009-5-13 21:06 | 显示全部楼层




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