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[翻译完毕] 【seattlepi 博客】A Month without China

发表于 2009-5-15 11:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-17 02:18 编辑

A Month without China

Posted by Craig Thompsonat May 14, 2009 7:30 a.m.

Post-May Day, the great - well, at least pretty good - experiment is over.

My home went a month without buying anything from the People's Republic of China.

When I told my friend Vinh what I was up to, he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Everything is made in China," he said.

"I've done it before," I insisted. "I've gone years without buying anything from Iceland."

"I've gone all my life without buying anything from Iceland," he admitted.

I mentioned my goal to a Filipino-American who organizes cleanups at a nearby park.

"Everything is made in China," she said.

"But," I answered, "I'm going to buy from Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan, and the US and Mexico."

I wanted to buy things from Tibet, but you can't find anything from Tibet these days, except Tibetans, thanks to...the People's Republic.

A few years back, I could have included Hong Kong in that list of preferred trading partners: no more.

Hong Kong isn't a democracy. It could have been, just as Taiwan evolved to be.

Instead, it's part of the PRC.

It's not China's fault that it's a "People's Republic" not of the people, for the people, or by the people, nor a republic.

It's not China's fault China deserves better than the PRC.

Why boycott PRC goods?

Tibet. Taiwan. Hong Kong. Vietnam. Laos. Cambodia. Mongolia. India. Nepal. Japan. Korea. Siberia. Mexico. Canada. The United States. The Sudan.

Too, I'm testing the People's Republic. Quick to take offense, the PRC regularly denounces others for "insulting the Chinese people." Given its track record on human rights, environmental degradation, shoddy construction projects, ethnic cleansing, and food supply contamination, the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China may be the greatest insult the Chinese people have ever known.

China is more than a one-party state. China is a civilization, a people, a culture, a history: China is more than the PRC, yet less than the territory the PRC claims.

I told a Chinese friend about my month without China. Was he offended?

"About that?" he said. "No."

So, what did the household give up?

We didn't buy electronics. We put back cheese slicers, vegetable dicers, ice trays, and knickknacks. When I bought a new used Nissan pickup, I shopped till I found a set of Japanese truck tires and American brake pads.

When our refrigerator died, we found a used one - from Korea.

A pal down the street told me, "I went for twelve years without buying anything from China."


The massacre of Chinese people by the PRC.

At Tiananmen Square.

Why stop after twelve years?

My neighbors had a son.

"You can't have children without buying from China, strollers, rockers, toys..."

On May Day, the experiment ended. My wife brought home ice trays - from the People's Republic - only we discovered they wouldn't work in our refrigerator.

She took them back.

Shopping, I still read the tags.

发表于 2009-5-15 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
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