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[翻译完毕] 【卫报】Sex theme park puts some Chinese knickers in a twist

发表于 2009-5-17 11:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-20 03:15 编辑

Sex theme park puts some Chinese knickers in a twist

Tania Branigan, Beijing May 17, 2009

'Love Land', billed as China's first-ever sex theme park, has been demolished before it even opened, following a public outcry over its sexually explicit exhibits. Photo: AFP   

MAYBE it was the giant revolving model of a woman's legs and lower torso, clad only in an unflattering crimson thong or perhaps it was the oversized replica of a set of genitals. Either way, many residents of Chongqing are not happy about the development of China's first sex theme park, which has been described as vulgar and inappropriate. Park manager Lu Xiaoqing says Love Land, due to open in October, will improve sex education and help adults enjoy a harmonious sex life. Inside, visitors will be able to view naked human sculptures, giant replicas of genitals, and an exhibition about the history of sex and sexual practices in other countries.

The park will also offer sex technique workshops and advise on anti-AIDS measures.

"Sex is a taboo subject in China, but people really need to have more access to information about it," Mr Lu told the state newspaper China Daily.

"We are building the park for the good of the public. I have found that most people support my idea, but I have to pay attention and not make the park look vulgar and nasty."

But Liu Daiwei, a female police officer in Chongqing, complained: "These things are too exposed. I will feel uncomfortable looking at them when other people are around."

A commenter on the popular Sina website said Chinese people did not treat sex as boldly as foreigners, adding: "These vulgar sex installations will only make people sick."

But another commenter said Chinese people needed sex education, promising: "I will visit the park when I go to Chongqing."

Li Yinhe, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and an expert on sexual attitudes, said that in ancient times Chinese people had more positive attitudes to sex. They became more ascetic during the Song and Ming dynasties, but that trend peaked at the end of the Cultural Revolution.

Since the 1980s that had reversed, she said, adding: "The fact the park has been built shows that open attitudes to sex are now mainstream."






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