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[08.4.13 Ottawa Citizen] 渥太华的市民开始抱怨针对中国的抗议

发表于 2008-4-14 22:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



【本文标题】OTTAWA CITIZEN Start BITCHING after the Pro-China Protest


No boycott

Thousands rally on Parliament Hill in support of BeijingGames

Maria Cook and Scott Cressman, Ottawa Citizen

Published: Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ottawa . A pro-China demonstration on Parliament Hill Sundayattracted an estimated 5,000 Chinese-Canadians from Ottawa,Montreal and Toronto eager to show support for thetroubled Beijing Olympics.

"Olympics is nothing to do with politics," said Jeremy Zhang, a 37-year-oldOttawa chemist who emigrated from China in 2002."I think our country deserves the Olympics. Sports is a peaceful event tojoin all people together."

A group of Chinese community associations organized the event following aweek of chaotic protests that disrupted the world relay of the Olympic torch.Protesters in Paris, Londonand San Francisco have condemned Chinese humanrights abuses, including recent violent confrontations in Tibet.

About 5-6,000 people (mostly Chinese-Canadians) jammedParliament Hill for pro-China rally this afternoon. They wanted to show supportfor peace and the Olympic spirit. The 2008 Olympic games are in Beijing this summer.There was a small group of Free-Tibet protesters who stayed about a block awayfrom the Hill.

Early in the afternoon, a dozen pro-Tibet protesters crashed the rally.

The shouting, pro-China faction surrounded them, calling them liars paidto disrupt the event, said Nicole Demers, a volunteer with Friends of Tibet.

"They wouldn't let us be 15 people voicing our opinion in a freecountry."

Police told the counter-protesters that they were not safe and moved thesmall group down Wellington Streettowards the Château Laurier. The protesters, some splattered with fake blood orgagged, waved Tibetan flags there under police supervision.

"The tone was hateful and quite intimidating when there's a dozenTibetans up against a thousand Chinese," said Russ Hillier, a Carletonstudent and member of Students for a Free Tibet.

The rally aimed to repeat a party line, not promote truth or justice, hesaid. "Really, what these protesters are saying is very similar to whatthe Chinese government is saying."

The flag-waving demonstrators called for a politics-free Olympics thatenjoyed the support of the Canadian government. They expressed indignation at"distorted" media reports and opposed Tibet independence.

"Tibet is part of China," said Ling Wang, the 30-year-old Toronto medicalresearcher. "We don't want anyone separating from our country."

It was a love-in for China.People waved the red Chinese flag, wore "I love China" ****s and sang alongto songs that stirred nationalist sentiment.

"We want the Canadian government to treat China fairly and to treat theOlympics in a sporting way,"

"Don't boycott it. We know human rights is an issue there. Give China a chance.Let's sit down and talk about it, not mix it with sports. Let the world cometogether to celebrate sport."

One of the rally's speakers was Henry Lu, chairman of the ChineseCommunity Association of Ottawa. The excited crowd punctuated his sentenceswith raucous cheers and flag-waving.

"Open your eyes. If you really want to know China, gothere," Mr. Lu said in an interview. "Don't say things fromoutside."

China would host a strong Olympics despite the disputes, Mr.Lu said. For the sake of long-term relations with China,Canadashould support the Games, he said.

China has made real improvements, but the world holds the nationto a different standard, he added. Western media still judge the country tooharshly.

"They just try to give Chinaa bad name, a bad image, and they are not doing that on a factual basis,"agreed Adam Wang, an Ottawatranslator and spokesman for the event.

"We're here to protest the violence perpetrated by the separatistmovement in Tibet and theirsupporters," said Mr. Wang, who has lived in Canada for 20 years. "There isanother side to the story; that those people who promote the message of peaceactually carry out out the violence."

Mr. Wang, 50, said that Chinese Canadians feel proud that China ishosting the Olympics. "Is Chinaperfect in terms of human rights? No. But it's changing. Boycotts are noteffective and can only hurt the feelings of the Chinese people at large."

Yun Bo Liu, 24, who came to Canada six years ago, said thetorch protests made him angry. "Tibet is destroying the games. Theymake people have the wrong image of the Olympics in China. The Olympics are not justfor China.It's for everyone in the world. "

"If anyone causes problems with the Olympics, it'll be people who areagainst peace," said Ophir Kendler, an Israeli-born Carleton graduatestudent at the rally with his Chinese girlfriend.

"We know Chinais not good in some ways, but it's getting better and better," said YuanLiu, a Chinese-born Carleton graduate student.

[ 本帖最后由 Truth-home 于 2008-4-15 14:51 编辑 ]
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