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[08.04.12 英国 BBC] 阿根廷火炬传递之后的安慰

发表于 2008-4-14 22:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【中文翻译】semirock   提供地址

Relief after Argentina torch relay
Gary Duffy, BBC News, Buenos Aires

Pro-Tibet protests were muted during the torch's South American leg

Despite the fear of yet another round of large-scale protests, the Olympic torch relay's only stop in Latin America did not spark the same level of outrage as seen in other major cities.

While the thousands of police lining the route signalled that the authorities were prepared for the worst, pro-Tibet activists chose to air their grievances without attempting to douse the flame.

The official ceremony showcased a celebratory symphony, ballet dancers, a military band and tango performances, but behind the scenes a strong security presence included a cast of menacing-looking officials and well-built guards ready to pounce on any daring protesters.

On an official level, there is a great deal of pride here that Buenos Aires was chosen as the only Spanish-speaking city and the only city in Latin America to host a leg of the torch relay, and even the protesters adopted a reasonable tone.

Although they had said beforehand that they would be able to extinguish the torch if they wanted to, Argentina's critics of China's Tibet policy declared their protest would be peaceful and that there would be no attempt to put out the flame.

Sigh of relief
Talking to a range of people, young and old, on the streets of Buenos Aires, it was clear that few people have been actively engaged with the story of the large-scale torch relay protests that dominated the news in London, Paris and San Francisco.

Domestically, Argentines have a lot on their mind at the moment, with recent protests by farmers just one problem they have had to confront.

So while there was some sympathy expressed for the pro-Tibet protests, there was little understanding of what was going on and why. The story has not grabbed the headlines in Argentina as strongly as it has elsewhere.

The smooth 13-kilometre torch relay through the streets of Buenos Aires will almost certainly bring a sigh of relief in Beijing after the recent raft of negative headlines.

Protestors vowed to make their point without extinguishing the flame

Members of Argentina's Chinese community were out in force to show support for the Beijing Olympics, alongside human rights groups determined to voice their objections.
The closest the relay came to a flare-up was some pushing and shoving near the city's landmark Obelisk when "Free Tibet" banners were unfurled.

Despite the odd scuffle, the torch continued unimpeded and in a city where protests have often turned into ugly conflicts, the low-key nature of the protest was notable for its peaceful nature.

In among a sea of Red flags held by Chinese supporters, the protesters did at times look somewhat isolated.

But they felt they had made their point and carried forward the issues raised in other cities such as London.

And while the torch relay managed to avoid major disruption in South America, the pressure is likely to have eased only temporarily.

Gary Duffy, BBC 布宜諾斯艾利斯







在与布宜諾斯艾利斯街道上大部分的人包括年轻人和老人谈论中,很明显没有人积极参与到在伦敦、巴黎和旧金山显著新闻中大范围火炬传递抗议的故事 。






在靠近城市标志性建筑物方尖石塔抗议者展开“Free Tibet”标语, 火炬传递出现了拥挤。

尽管有零星的混战,火炬传递没有阻碍的继续,而这座城市抗议经常转变成难看的冲突 ,为了和平低调的抗议更注目。




【评】这篇文章倾向性很严重,还是实地采访的记者,结果写出这么不符合实施的文章。难道没看见那个投掷水球的ZD么?沉默?不熄灭火炬?爱好和平?第二张图片拿着阿根廷国旗和中国国旗人群当中举着“MAKE LOVE NOT WAR 做 爱不要战争”的MM干嘛的?

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-27 09:08 编辑 ]


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