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【A图片 09.06.02】每日邮报:剑桥大学结束有300年传统在公告板上张贴成绩的历史

发表于 2009-6-3 06:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-3 08:15 编辑

Cambridge University ends 300-year-old tradition of posting exam results on noticeboard

By Laura Clark Last updated at 10:29 PM on 02nd June 2009

'Stressful': A Cambridge student bends down to find his results on the Senate House noticeboard while others discuss their grades

For 300 years, Cambridge University students have gathered anxiously around a noticeboard to learn their degree results.

But the tradition is to end after the institution decided that the ritual is just too stressful for today’s undergraduates.

From next summer, students will no longer discover how they fared in their finals from ‘class lists’ posted outside the university’s Senate House.

Instead they will receive grades privately by email and only then will the lists be put up.

The change follows a lengthy campaign by students who argued that discovering their results from a public board can be ‘humiliating’ and a ‘big stress’.

They also complained that results for disciplines such as maths are even read out from the Senate House balcony.

But critics accused the university of ‘squeamishness’ and warned against diluting healthy competition between students.
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