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【A图片 09.06.04】每日邮报:切尔西皇家医院退役老英雄们的摩托师

发表于 2009-6-5 10:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-5 10:37 编辑

Chelsea pensioners’ motorised division: Retired army heroes on parade in mobility scooters

By Andrew Levy Last updated at 6:44 PM on 04th June 2009

Wheels at the ready: Chelsea pensioners line up on mobility scooters for the annual Founders' Day Parade

Proud: Dorothy Hughes - one of two women recently admitted to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea - on parade today

[size=1.2em]Lined up six abreast, these Chelsea Pensioners look like they're poised for the sound of a starting gun.

[size=1.2em]In fact, the servicemen had formed up on their mobility scooters at the end of an inspection carried out by Princess Alexandra of Kent at their annual Founder's Day Parade.

[size=1.2em]Around 300 of the veteran servicemen in their famous bright red tunics and gold-edged tricorn hats assembled yesterday in the Figure Court at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, in London.

[size=1.2em]Also there for the first time this year were two women - Blitz gunner Dorothy Hughes, 85, and ex-Army clerk Winifred Phillips, 82, who became the first female residents, known as 'in-pensioners', in March.

[size=1.2em]The former soldiers wear sprigs of oak leaves in reference to King Charles II, who evaded capture by Parliamentary forces after the Battle of Worcester in 1651 by hiding in an oak tree.

[size=1.2em]He went on to found the hospital in 1682 to care for those unfit for further duty due to old age or injury.
发表于 2009-6-5 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
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