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发表于 2008-3-29 14:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CNN statement on Tibet coverage
(CNN) -- CNN has been singled out for criticism for our coverage of events in Tibet through an anti-CNN.com Web site and elsewhere. We have provided comprehensive coverage of all sides of this story, but two specific allegations relate to pro-Tibetan bias. We would like to take this chance to respond to them:

Allegation 1: CNN intentionally cropped an image in order to remove Tibetan protesters throwing stones at Chinese trucks.

CNN refutes all allegations by bloggers that it distorts its coverage of the events in Tibet to portray either side in a more favorable light. We have consistently and repeatedly shown all sides of this story. The one image in question was used wholly appropriately in the specific editorial context and there could be no confusion regarding what it was showing, not least because it was captioned: "Tibetans throw stones at army vehicles on a street in the capital Lhasa." The picture gallery included in Tibet stories includes the image. (See the gallery)

We have also published images showing violence by Tibetans against the Chinese. A March 18 story shows Tibetan youths attacking a Chinese man. (Read the story)

Additionally, we have published video from the Chinese media apparently showing Tibetans attacking Chinese interests in Lhasa.  (Watch the video) »

Allegation 2: CNN referred to Tibet as a "country."

CNN's policy is to refer to Tibet as "Tibet Autonomous Region of China." In our dozens of stories on the topic to date, we are aware of only two instances where it was incorrectly referenced as a country.

CNN's reputation is based on reporting global news accurately and impartially, while our coverage through the use of words, images or video always reflects a wide range of opinions and points of view on every story

From the widely propagated videoes on youtube, we see that many western medi
a have made biased report or used inaccurate videoes as evidences to trasfig
ure the violences made by Tibetan and attack Chinese goverment's Tibet
policy recently. CNN is not the only media that has been singled out for
criticisms for t
heir biased report of this events. By the efforts of the justice oversea
Chinese and Chinese goverment, more and more details of the truth about the
"peaceful demonstration" have been discovered. Most media have committed
their mistakes and made statements to correct the untruthful report formally
. On the contrary, CNN has this statement insisting its "accurate and
impartial" report and they reflects a wide range of opinions on this story.

Let's look at the refution of CNN to the allegations. First of all, CNN take
s cropping the quoted image for granted and claims that they have shown all
sides of this story. As a credited media, it is inappropriate to make any
revision to the original pictures under any circumstances. No matter what
the caption is, the cropped picture hastotally reversed meanning to its
original one and is completely intended to mislead the readers. Secondly,
CNN, as a large and reputed media as it claims, incorrecltyrefernced Tibet
as a coutry in reports twice. And they do not take it as a serious issue.
This is not the attitude that a reputed media should have. Its chicanery
divulges the fact it was trying to cover: it distorts the truth of Tibetan
voilences and
favors the "peacefiul" Tibetan.

As a unique media that insists the untruthful report, it is no doubt that CN
N has reported the Tibet story subjectively in favor of violence Tibetan and
lost the principle of

being a journalism. The best way to rebuild your reputation is to correct th
e intended mistakes and appologize to the hurted Chinese people.

1. CNN's excuse for cropping picture is laughable.

Web based publication has great deal of freedom in presenting multimedia
materials including pictures.

CNN could have posted the picture in its entirety while moving text to the
rest of the area without any trouble at all.

Web pages are not printed materials. Resizing and reframing paragraphs are

It is amazing that CNN website can manage to squeez in dozens of
advertisement while the most important picture has to be cropped to leave
out the telling details.

2. CNN's factual mistakes are not limited to the picture or calling Tibet as
a country.

CNN has repetitively excluded Tibetan Chinese from the Chinese.

This is similar to calling African American and Caucasian American as
Blacks and American.

CNN also repetitively refused to identify the dead as victims of the riot,
giving the impression that they were the protesters while in fact, they were
murdered by the so-called "peaceful protesters".

3. Even after www.anti-CNN.com had published the lies of CNN and other news
outlet, Lou Dobbs of CNN continued to use the same lies in his TV program.

4. CNN's lies and distortion are not simple editoral mistakes. They are
consistent and still on-going.

The denial issued today is weak and pathetic attempt to weasle away from the
systematic lying compaign CNN has conducted in the past weeks.

希望能为这里的版主站长提供了有用的素材,信息和思路。你们可以酌情修改,添加或删减。另一位网友提出,要紧紧抓住CNN一直报道这个暴乱活动是和平示威,而被中国政府镇压,而迫使CNN承认错误。另外,因为CNN是电视台,网站内容反而在其次。他的电视节目上很多歪曲内容。比如在大家如火如荼批驳CNN造谣后几天,Lou Dobbs还用长达一分多钟的尼泊尔警察殴打示威者的录像说是中国政府在镇压藏独。可惜大家没有准备,没有录像。
发表于 2008-3-29 14:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-29 14:44 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-3-29 14:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-29 14:53 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1楼 的帖子

From the widely viewed youtube video, we have seen how western medi
a have made biased reporting and used false videos or pictures as evidences
to cover up the violence of Tibetan mob and attack Chinese goverment's Tibet
policy. CNN was not singled out for criticisms for its biased reporting of
this events. With the efforts of oversea Chinese, more and more details of
the truth about the so-called "peaceful protest" have been uncovered. Most
western media have admitted their mistakes and made statements to correct
their factual mistakes. Yet, CNN has this statement insisting its reporting
is "accurate and impartial" and they reflects "a wide range of opinions on
this story".

Let's look at the rebuttal from CNN. First of all, CNN takes it for granted
that it can crop images and claims that they have shown all sides of this
story. As a credited media, it is inappropriate to make any revision to the
original pictures under any circumstances. No matter what the caption is,
the cropped picture completely changed the implication of the original
content and was intended to mislead the readers.

Secondly, CNN, as a reputed media as it claims, incorrectly referenced Tibet
as a coutry in reports numerous times. And they brush it aside as simple
mistakes. This is not the attitude that a reputed media should have. It is a
pathetic attempt to cover the fact that it distorts the truth of Tibetan

As a unique media that insists the untruthful report, it is no doubt that CN
N has reported the Tibet story subjectively in favor of violence of Tibetan
mob and lost all journalistic integrity.

In short, CNN is a laughing stock to the world.

It's glad to know that CNN has realized the tremendously negat
ive publicity it had earned itself over the Internet recently,
and it has abandoned its usual "keep silent" way of dealing w
ith credibility charges by putting out a statement clearing it
self on its Tibet coverage, which had been criticized for dist
orting facts and taking side by many bloggers and news agencie
s all over the world. The pressure must have been huge that CN
N the experienced defendant against credibility accusations (n
umber speaks, googling "CNN lies" returns 653,000 results, mor
e than double of the 305,000 results for "Spitzer prostitution
", the hottest news this year) has to respond.

As witnesses of the false reports from CNN, we recognize the e
ffort CNN makes to polish its stained image, however, we find
the statement in whole an evasive piece trying to make excuses
. We feel pity for CNN again being such a dishonest and unapol
ogetic agency.

Taking a quick look at what CNN has to say, one will find CNN'
s excuse for cropping picture laughable. Web based publication
has great deal of freedom in presenting multimedia materials
including pictures. CNN could have posted the picture in its e
ntirety while moving text to the rest of the area without any
trouble at all. Web pages are not printed materials, resizing
and reframing paragraphs are virtually costless and effortless
. In fact, after being attacked for cropping the picture, CNN
modified the page to put a zoomed out version of the entire or
iginal photo, without having to move text format at all. Then
why did CNN need to crop it in the first place? Also, CNN argu
es in the statement that the picture was captioned "Tibetans t
hrow stones", then by what motive would a rational editor crop
out the exact part of people throwing stones? No excuse can p
ossibly be found to justify the discrepancy between what CNN d
id and what CNN claims.

Besides, CNN's factual mistakes are not limited to the picture
or calling Tibet as a country. During it TV airing until as l
ate as March 21st, when multiple sources had confirmed Tibet r
iot violent and deadly, CNN anchors repeated called Tibetan tu
rbulence a "peaceful protest". It was exceptionally misleading
and was a major distortion of fact. Even after www.anti-CNN.c
om had published the mistakes of CNN and other news outlets, L
ou Dobbs of CNN continued to use the same wrong descriptions i
n his TV program. Even an unprofessional team would not be a s
trong excuse to make up for this.

CNN also repetitively refused to identify the dead as victims
of the riot, and in their context spread the impression that t
hey were protestors left dead by government actions, while in
fact, they were murdered by those CNN-called "peaceful protest

CNN's distortions and lies are not sparse editorial or technic
al mistakes. They are consistent and still on-going, in favor
of one side of the story.

In addition, CNN has in its reports repetitively excluded Tibe
tan ethnics from the Chinese. This is unacceptable. It is just
similar to calling African American and Caucasian American as
Blacks and American.

While the German new agency RTL had quickly acknowledged and a
pologized for its mistake after bbs.m4.cn pointed it ou
t, professionals in journalism at CNN still refuse to acknowle
dge mistakes and redeem trust. We have to say, the denial issu
ed today was just a weak and pathetic attempt to weasle away f
rom the systematic lying campaign CNN had conducted in the pas
t weeks.

发表于 2008-3-29 14:58 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-3-29 15:11 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-29 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-29 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 01:36 | 显示全部楼层
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