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[科技] 【每日电讯报】Koogle, a kosher Google, launches

发表于 2009-6-16 02:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Koogle, a kosher Google, launches
A kosher version of Google called Koogle, has been developed in Israel for Hebrew-speaking Orthodox Jews.
By Emma Barnett, Technology and Digital Media Correspondent
Published: 11:55AM BST 15 Jun 2009

The label 'Koogle' is a play on the name of a Jewish noodle pudding dish, known as kugel, and Google, the search market leader.

Devoutly religious Jews are restricted when surfing the web in case they should come across sexually explicit material.

However, Koogle, a new ‘kosher’ Hebrew-language search engine, could be set to change all of that. Yossi Altman developed the tool, which omits religiously objectionable material, and has gained approval from Orthodox rabbis.

The search engine links to Israeli news and shopping sites but the results are filtered to exclude items deemed unsuitable.

"This is a kosher alternative for ultra-Orthodox Jews so that they may surf the Internet,” Yossi Altman told Reuters, Jerusalem.

“The site was developed in part at the encouragement of rabbis who sought a solution to the needs of ultra-Orthodox Jews to browse the Web particularly for vital services,” he added.

Nothing can be posted on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath, as Jews are banned from all types of work and business activity. If Koogle users attempt to search for an item or post a message on the Sabbath, it crashes and won’t let you.

The label ‘Koogle’ is a play on the name of a Jewish noodle pudding dish, known as kugel, and Google, the search market leader.

Koogle was also the brand name for a flavored peanut butter marketed by Kraft Foods in 1971 but later was discontinued.
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