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【09.06.15 悉尼晨锋报】中国对堪培拉的原因百思不得其解

发表于 2009-6-17 20:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-18 01:55 编辑

【原文标题】Chinese puzzle over Canberra's reasoning
【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。! m% S" X* v1 D, S1 u: [7 x$ [

According to the cardboard talking points trotted out by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, Australia has a non-discriminatory investment policy that welcomes investment from everywhere, including China.

根据总理路克文和财长Wayne Swan不牢靠的论调可以看出,澳大利亚有一套没有歧视性的投资政策,欢迎来自各地的投资,包括中国。

Chinese commentators, business leaders and many Chinese officials plainly think that's rubbish.


One reason the Government is having so much difficulty selling its message of non-discrimination is that the foreign investment review process in Canberra is about as transparent as it is in Beijing, without the bribery.


Normally the opacity doesn't much matter because every deal goes through either unscathed or with token constraints.


Until last year there was only one exception that we know of: Shell's bid for Woodside Petroleum eight years ago.


But since Chinalco's initial raid on Rio Tinto last year there have been at least three Chinese investment applications that have been blocked or subjected to significant limiting conditions: Sinosteel for Murchison, Chinalco to raise its investment in Rio Tinto last year, and Minmetals for OZ Minerals in February.

但是自去年中铝最先突袭力拓(Rio Tinto)以来,至少有三个中国投资申请被锁定或者屈服于明显的附加条件。中钢对Murchison,去年中铝增资力拓,和二月五矿对OZ矿业。

There may be others that have never and will never be disclosed.


The highlight, of course, was Swan's rushed decision to block Minmetals' $2.6 billion bid for OZ Minerals because the large Prominent Hill mine was discovered to threaten a neighbouring missile range (the security-threatening mine was cut out and a new lesser deal accepted by Canberra and by OZ Minerals shareholders on Friday).

当然,亮点是财长Swan匆匆决定阻挡五矿26亿美元并购OZ 矿业,是因为(属于OZ)巨大的Prominent Hill矿场被发现危胁到临近的导弹射击场。(军事威胁的矿产被剔除出去,周五,一个新的小规模的交易被堪培拉和OZ公司的股东接受)(译者注:为了避免中铝教训,五矿似乎还临时加价15%)

Swan said at the time - when the Government was reeling under China-related political scandals - that he was acting on "national security" grounds after receiving advice from the Defence Department.


But he has never revealed whether Defence or the Foreign Investment Review Board had actually expressed any serious national security concerns.


In fact the review board's recommendations to the Treasurer are rarely made public. Its annual report only reveals the aggregate amount of investment it approves but does not mention what it knocks back.


When Chinese commentators look for hard facts the best they can do is turn to Bureau of Statistics figures that show that in 2008 China's direct investment into Australia represented less than 1 per cent of the total stock of foreign investment in Australia ($392.9 billion) and that Chinese companies have received three of the four known rejections.


And they see that the two main elaborations that Swan made last year to the "national interest test" - a special wariness to investors who are state-owned or who are consumers of the resources we produce - together apply in practice almost exclusively to Chinese investments.


Andrew Thompson, head of Minter Ellison's energy and resources practice in Perth, says foreign investment decisions can be purely political decisions made by the Treasurer after considering but not necessarily following a recommendation from the Foreign Investment Review Board.

Andrew Thompson,位于佩斯(西澳首府) Minter Ellison's energy and resources practice的领导,说,外国投资决定,是在财长考虑后做纯粹政治决定,而没有必要在在外资投资审核委员会获得推荐以后“

"It's a quasi-legal and political process, with FIRB advising the Treasurer who then makes a political decision," says Thompson, who has advised dozens of mainly Western companies on FIRB applications.


Further, he says the political process begins at FIRB, even before it gets to the politicians.


"One thing that is not commonly understood is that FIRB listens to, reads and is very much guided by its assessment of the community mood before applying that amorphous test of what is in the national interest," he says.


It's in the shadows of this opacity and Canberra's recent wariness towards Chinese investments that Chinese observers are dismissing Rudd's assurance that Rio Tinto's decision to dump Chinalco and join iron ore forces with BHP Billiton was entirely a commercial matter and had nothing to do with Canberra.


The Economist reported that Rudd wanted the deal to go through.

经济学人《The Economist》报道,路克文想交易继续的。

That may well be a message Rudd's office would like the outside world to have but it is not consistent with any dealings I have had with any of Rudd's ministers, staffers, friends or advisers, and certainly not from the companies involved.


In the normal course of events we would never find out what went on inside FIRB.


On this occasion - as Rio's chairman, Jan du Plessis, hinted after he walked away from the Chinalco deal just over a week ago and Chinalco's President, Xiong Weiping, more clearly indicated at his press conference on Thursday - the original deal would have been killed in Canberra without substantial amendments.

在这种场合,---和力拓主席,Jan du Plessis,在前一周前,暗示了将绕开中铝一样,中铝主席熊伟平,在周四的记者招待会上更清楚指出,最初的交易在没有实质修改的话,在堪培拉已经被扼杀了。

"During our engagement and communication with FIRB we received advice in principle in terms of how the transaction should be modified," said Xiong.


He linked Canberra regulatory concerns to what he revealed was his modified offer to Rio: a lower overall equity stake and halving his planned stake in Rio's Pilbara iron ore mines.

他透露了堪培拉管理者额关切,是要他修正对力拓的出价:更低的全面资产股份和原计划在力拓 Pilbara 铁矿石矿场股份的对半。

And, unusually, Rudd ministers publicly leant against the deal from the start.


Last week the Resources Minister, Martin Ferguson, said the Rio-BHP tie-up represents a better return to our natural resources for the Australian community.

上周,资源部长Martin Ferguson, 说,力拓和比和必拓联盟表示了,我们的自然资源更好的回归到为的是澳大利亚社会。

My own understanding, from both Australian and Chinese sources, is that FIRB expressed its intense displeasure at almost every substantial aspect of the Chinalco deal but never spelt out what it would take for the deal to pass.


FIRB's displeasure and the range of its concerns increased as time progressed - in correlation with the improving commodities, stock and debt markets - reaching critical levels in early May.


Xiong hoped his very large concessions would be enough for Canberra. In fact he had no idea. Would Canberra have allowed him to accept a seat on the Rio Tinto board? He and we will never know.


Rudd may have been right in assuring China and the world that the Chinalco-Rio deal failed for "entirely commercial reasons". But Australia's China-like investment review process means we will never know the counterfactual.


Without the delay and uncertainty injected by the political process, which strengthened BHP's negotiating arm vis-a-vis Chinalco, how would those two parallel commercial negotiations have panned out?





 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-17 20:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-6-17 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-17 23:39 | 显示全部楼层
按我看,我们战略思维不对,铁矿石价格大幅下降的时候,世界上没有人去救力拓,我们是唯一的一家,但我们大力宣传4W亿的国家投资,SB都知道,钢铁是少不了的,人家跟你耗着,果然,铁矿石价格上去,人家股票价格也上 ...
nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-17 20:52



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