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【09.06.19 美联社】联邦调查局文件解密对电影《深喉》的广泛调查

发表于 2009-6-26 23:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-27 01:22 编辑

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【原文标题】FBIFiles Show Wide ''Deep Throat'' Investigation


MIAMI (AP) -- Newly released FBI files show agents across the country and atthe highest level of the agency investigated ''Deep Throat'' -- the 1972 porn movie,not the shadowy Watergate figure -- in a vain attempt to roll back what becamea cultural shift toward more
permissive entertainment.


The documentsreleased to The Associated Press show the expanse of agents' investigation into the film: seizing copies of the movie, having negatives analyzed in labs and interviewing everyone from actors and producers to messengers who delivered reels to theaters.


All of it in a failed attempt to stop the spread of a movie that some saw as the victory of a cultural and sexual revolution and others saw as simply decadent.


Today we can't imagine authorities at any level of government -- local, state or federal-- being involved in obscenity prosecutions of this kind,'' said Mark Weiner, a constitutional law professor and legal historian at Rutgers-Newark School ofLaw. ''The story of 'Deep Throat' is the story of the last gasp of the force slined up against the cultural and sexual revolution and it is the advent of the entry of pornography into the main stream.''


The papers are among 498 pages from the FBI file on Gerard Damiano, who directed the movieand died in October. Released this month following a Freedom of Information Act request by the AP, they are just a glimpse into Damiano's roughly 4,800-page file. More than 1,000 additional pages were with held under FOIA exemptions and because they duplicated other material; the balance of the file has not yet been reviewed and released.


Many parts of the released files are whited out and the FBI's ultimate targets are unclear, but the seriousness with which the agency treated the investigation is unquestionable.


Authorities have long said the movie was made with mafia money -- and the FBI has linked the mob with porn over the years -- but the file includes no mention of mob links.

The file includes memos between the FBI's top men -- L. Patrick Gray, William Ruckelshaus and Clarence Kelley, successive heads of the agency after J.Edgar Hoover -- and field offices so wide spread, it seemed nearly all of the country's biggest cities were involved.


While much of the probe centered in New York, where many involved in the film lived, and Miami, where it was largely shot, agents from Honolulu to Detroitwere involved.

J.Edgar Hoover)后联邦调查局的各任最高头目 – L. 帕特里克。格雷(L. Patrick Gray),威廉姆。茹科尔绍丝(William Ruckelshaus)和克莱伦斯。凯利(Clarence Kelley)与下属官员们之间来往信函。这些下属官员的分布是如此之广,看起来几乎全美所有大城市的调查局特工都涉足了这一事件。然而,审查地点最多集中在该影片许多制作人员生活的纽约,以及该影片拍摄了很多实景的迈阿密。从夏威夷直至底特律的联邦调查局特工都参加了此案的调查。

On various entries in the file, a checklist of top FBI brass appears in the top right corner, with initials next to some names. One of those listed is W.Mark Felt, the FBI second-in-command whose ''Deep Throat'' alias as a Watergate informant came from the movie's title. However, none of the markings indicate he read any ofthe materials on the movie whose name became synonymous with his role inbringing down RichardNixon's presidency.

在这些文件的好几个目录页上,右上角处附有一个联邦调查局高级负责人的名单,包括缩写和一些名字。名单中的一人是当时联邦调查局的第二把手W。马克。菲尔特(W. Mark Felt),他作为“水门事件”中的揭秘人的别名“深喉”即源于该影片名。由于他在导致尼克松总统倒台的这件丑闻中所起的作用,别名“深喉”成了水门事件幕后揭秘人的同义词,不过,他被列入文件中上述清单并不表明他读过有关该电影的这些调查材料。

Felt got the nickname from a Washington Post editor because he anonymously leaked crucial information about Nixon administration corruption to Post reporter Bob Woodward. His identity remained a secret until 2005. He died in December.


Aside from investigative records tracking subpoenas, interviews, screenings and shipments of the film, the Damiano file includes various FBI agents' play-by-play accounts of the movie's plot, and the specific role of Damiano inthe agency's investigation.


The FBI notes Damiano had been ''somewhat cooperative,'' On Aug. 7, 1973, anassistant U.S. attorney general writes to Kelley, saying Damiano is being considered for immunity. The memo doesn't specify the crime, though mentioned throughout the file is the charge of interstate transportation of obscene material.


Among the areas of the case file whited out is an interview with the star of the film, who at the time went by the name Linda Lovelace.


''Deep Throat'' achieved fame unlike any pornographic film in history and become the most widely known adult film to reach a general audience. It was hugely profitable -- made for about $25,000 and amassing hundreds of millions in receipts -- and became a cultural buzzword.

《深喉》最终作为独具盛名的色情电影载入电影史册,它成为最著名的成年人电影而获得了广泛的观众。它得到了极高的商业利润 - 它的制作成本大约为两万五千美元,而它的票房收入达到上亿美元 - 并成为一个时髦的文化词汇。

Officials at every level of government tried to stop screenings and obscenity trials continued for years. But in the end, experts say, it represents the end of an era in which the government sought to stop the changing cultural tides.


Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA, said the oddity of the scope of the investigation into ''Deep Throat'' is a reflection of very different times. ''Certainly today, with our broadly socially less restrictive attitude to most pornography and to sex more broadly it may seem odd that the government was spending so much effort on something like this,'' he said. ''But attitudes back then were much different.''





 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-27 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-29 12:52 | 显示全部楼层
Deep Throat......黄色电影的始祖......
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发表于 2009-6-29 13:17 | 显示全部楼层
看来那里都一样嘛, 对黄色的东西要严查.中国禁止google的黄色东西也是很正常的,干吗会引起这么多人的牢骚啊?
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发表于 2009-6-29 18:20 | 显示全部楼层
看来那里都一样嘛, 对黄色的东西要严查.中国禁止google的黄色东西也是很正常的,干吗会引起这么多人的牢骚啊?
wyd2008 发表于 2009-6-29 13:17

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发表于 2009-6-29 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
看来那里都一样嘛, 对黄色的东西要严查.中国禁止google的黄色东西也是很正常的,干吗会引起这么多人的牢骚啊?
wyd2008 发表于 2009-6-29 13:17

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发表于 2009-7-2 23:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-5 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
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