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【09.07.04 澳大利亚广播公司】(澳国防部长)Faulkner回绝Keating(关于防备)中国的批评

发表于 2009-7-4 16:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-7-4 21:06 编辑

【原文标题】Faulkner rejects Keating's China criticism

The Federal Government has rejected criticism of its Defence White Paper by former prime minister Paul Keating.

联邦政府回绝前总理Paul Keating.关于国防白皮书的批评。

When the white paper was released in May, some analysts raised concerns that it placed too much emphasis on China's rising military power.


Mr Keating said in a speech last night that the Government was too defensive toward China, and should see its increasing strength as an opportunity.

昨晚Paul Keating.先生在演讲中说政府对中国过于防备,应该把中国的提升看作是机遇。

Defence Minister John Faulkner says the white paper envisages a good relationship with China.

国防部长 John Faulkner 说白皮书正视和中国的良好关系。

"It's not aimed at a specific threat or nation. I would say to you that the white paper 2009 is a hard-headed and rigorous analysis of the strategic environment," he said.


"Be assured that the Australian Government is committed to and very supportive of a good relationship with China."





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